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Everything posted by webby1

  1. If there's a chance you may be over 90 days then I would take marriage certificate and any other proof. My Irish wife would not change her name (and why should she).So as well as certificate I also bring various bills and insurance certificates showing we live together.Also copies of the EU directive 2204 38 EC which is the most relevant document.I can't attach a PDF but google should find it. I'd be interested if any other members have used this EU spouse directive to overstay their 90 days
  2. And thanks to your digging I happily travelled through Rouen with the original French version close to hand
  3. I think we all need to remember that just because me or my mate drove through Rouen without any problems actually means nothing to future drivers. The fact you didn't get stopped doesn't mean that I won't. But I believe as @teccer1234 quoted above from this thread,Derek Uzzell actually wrote to the authorities and got confirmation that motorhomes are exempt until 2024. Perhaps that's why you didn't get stopped 😉
  4. Has anyone ever said..........Google you are completely wrong. Come to think of it, has anyone ever said Derek Uzzell you are completely wrong 😱😀 Anyway, managed to find reasonable replacements (well at least according to the sticky label on the side ??) for 1800NOK.Which at today's great exchange rate is about £130........so not too bad at all...................so far ???
  5. Just a word of warning to those who are also "thinking about replacing their leisure batteries" I said above that the batteries were no longer holding a charge and I was trying to decide on replacements when we gt back to UK.It's obvious now, but if you decide your batteries are shot........then you can no longer keep pumping juice into them from EHU. I noticed the smell and then the heat under the seat..........and there they were fizzing and gassing away like a bomb waiting to pop.................very dangerous indeed. So don't delay if you decide they need replacing...............I wonder how much batteries cost in Norway ?????
  6. Yes remembering Allan Evans.He was a mine of information and guided me in my choice of the Varta LFD in the first place
  7. We are usually on EHU so only recently noticed that our 2 Varta LFD 90 no longer hold a charge (down to 10.5 gulp👎) I found the receipt and we bought them in 2015........not "recently" as I seemed to remember.So happy that it's time for replacements. Tayna batteries now have the LFD 95 but I see there is also an LED 95 and even LFS 95. I wonder if anyone has any observations about the differences.Or even a better suggestion for replacements. By the way the 2015 receipt showed £130................err that was for both batteries 😂
  8. So here we are on the Norway trip.Spent 4 days in Oslo meeting Mr Munch, Mr Amundsen and Mr Heyerdall and now In Sweden heading North. I'm not so good at writing a blog but quite happy to answer any questions on here.By the way it's a great time to visit as there are 13.7 NOK to the pound and I believe last year it was as low as 8.That means our campsite in Oslo cost us £39 instead of £65 (gulp)
  9. Thanks for the thoughts and I'm almost sure we will leave the bikes at home. But as you're so helpful @mtravel can I ask you about travel in Oslo. We will indeed be staying at Ekeberg Camping and will walk in on the first day (about 40 mins I am told) we have decided that we will not get enough use of the Oslo Pass so the issue is transport, as I don't fancy walking back to the campsite. Now we are as competent with our smartphones as we are with long bicycle rides(ie not)and it appears that the 24 hr pass and bus tickets are digital and in fact for the Ruter app you have to have a live connection. Do you know if there is an option for a paper "ticket" for 24 hrs or maybe just to and from the campsite(34 bus I believe) Thanks for your advice.
  10. Thanks both for replies. Now I have to say @Steve928 that you both look like proper cyclists. Especially if you went out most evenings. But still leaning towards @mtravel yes we'll probably miss them in Bergen and a few other towns/places.............but perhaps not worth taking them all that way.
  11. We set off in a couple of weeks for Norway and I am thinking about leaving our bicycles at home. We have always taken them in the past to cycle to local attractions or to the shops,but nothing major. My thoughts are 1. Overnight places are not always near to anything and there's lots of steep ground. 2.It rains a lot and I would rather walk than cycle in the rain. 3.We will not be staying more than a couple of days in any one place 4.We can use the weight gain for more food. I am sure there will be a few places we'll miss them,but it's not really worth carrying them for thousands of miles. I would appreciate any comments from visitors who have/have not taken their bicycles.
  12. So thanks for the fabulous photos @Sreve Band all the information. I hope it's not quite so cold in a few weeks,although the snow looks great. I'll try the app from First Direct, although my Revolut payment seems to have gone through. And thanks @mtravelfor the tips about refueling. Just got to get the Coronation out the way and we're off.My mum watched the last one with me celebrating inside her.
  13. But I won't save 50% if I don't use the ferry 😀
  14. I thought I had already replied to say thanks for the photos which really whet my appetite for Norway.Also thanks for the info about money transfers.We eventually used my wife's First Direct, which worked but charged us £5 and a poor exchange rate. I'll try and top it up with Revolut, because we will have the same problem paying the Flytpass invoices.I see that on the ferry from Bodo to Moskenes(Lofoten) we save almost 800NOK so it's well worth the hassle of paying for the pass.
  15. Did a bit of research and came across something which Revolut call Iban discrimination https://blog.revolut.com/fighting-against-iban-discrimination/ Sounds a bit grand but apparently some banks will not accept foreign Iban numbers
  16. Any ideas about the Revolut card not working as I was just about to get one. Perhaps, like me, you're not keen on writing diaries but I'd love to know which route you took to Norway, as we leave in a few weeks. I thought I should record some trip details to help others as I had been helped.I got as far as " it was nice today and the sun was shining" before deciding it was not for me. But thanks for the information so far and anything else to come.
  17. I have registered with Flytpass and am waiting for the chip.Also regstered with the ferry and been invoiced for 3000kr before they even send the chip. But please some advice about how to pay these invoices.I don't have a Revolut card and most bank seem to charge a flat rate and then a percentage to transfer funds. Is Revolut easy and cheap to use @Sreve B
  18. Thanks all for some really useful information.Still struggling a bit to understand the Autopass system. So there are a number of companies who operate the Autopass system. I had a response from Flytpass that if we register with them we will still get 20% discount even though we are 3800.So we will set up an account with them. Then we register with them for the ferry discount (which is separate) We intend to drive through Denmark and just cross the Oresund Bridge one way. Is it worth getting the Bropass for just one way Really appreciate some feedback,especially if there are better solutions. Because of time constraints we'll probably take the Ferry back from Kristiansand to Eemhaven.I know its expensive but its my 70th. We like to give our trips names and this one to Norway will be called "The Whatever Trip" I'll just smile.............hand the card over and say.................yeah whatever
  19. There's all kinds of views about where, when and how you can wild camp but I honestly can't be bothered.I like my facilities and not being concerned about the noise and shouts of "Freedom" in the night. So we always stayed on campsites and felt happy to put a bit of money into the local/multinational? owners of the sites. We went anti clockwise and enjoyed that the scenery................it just got better and better as we went around. It's not so dramatic on the East Coast so might feel like a bit of a fizzle out for the trip. Then again, we're in France at the moment if that answers your question😉
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