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  1. The photo is not clear , but if it is a ZIG control panel , switching a rocker switch on the panel to AUX Battery should connect the leisure battery to operate lights , water pump etc. when parked up . The other setting on the same switch are , car battery,to use the starter battery for 12v leisure power supply when parked up (use if the leisure battery is low, but not for to long ) and the central position on the switch is 12v habitation power supply OFF)
  2. Depending on year etc , there may be a small fuse/relay module for marker lights behind a panel at the bottom of the drivers side B pillar.
  3. I do not know about the Renaults , but the engine/gearbox to body earth cable may be under the bonnet . Or use a jump lead as a temp. earth cable to eliminate it as being a possible cause of the problem
  4. Have you checked for voltage drop on the earth cables , engine/gearbox to body and starter battery to body ?
  5. I agree people (including myself) use solar to keep a working charging system topped up , the normal charging system is not working in this case so the power supply would be working on solar only leading to flat batteries , if it was fitted before the system was repaired,
  6. There would be no point fitting solar until you get the split and mains charging sorted out , solar is useful for helping to keep the batteries fully charged when in storage etc but you would not be able to rely on just solar to power the 12v habitation side of things.
  7. It is not really a problem if the 12v fridge cooling when under way does not work as long as the gas operation and 230v side work ok , BUT , the starter and leisure batteries should both be being charged from the engine alternator , via the NE129 , when under way , as this is needed to keep the leisure battery charged for the operation of the habitation 12v electrics , water pump , heating controls, lights etc when on non- EHU sites or parked up.(unless you only stay on sites with EHU and the 230v charger is working) It would be worth finding a Motorhome/Camper/Caravan electrician and sorting out the D+ signal , or wiring another supply into your NE129 PSU , if only to have the split battery charging working as it should.
  8. There should be a signal to the 3rd cable that comes from the Fiat alternator charging system and that needs to be traced back to find either a poor/broken connection or faulty/blown fuse , I do not have any information regarding the wiring or where the cables may be joined on your type of Motorhome but maybe someone else can help if they know your model , ( I will look for this information but do not know if it is avaliable ) When on EHU what voltage do you get at your leisure battery as it is very low and your charger may not be switched on/working or need its connections checking.
  9. You need to do the test that Onecal has suggested at the JP11 D+ connection , without D+ the fridge and split (leisure and starter batteries) charging will not work and that connection needs to be checked first.
  10. Possible loss of D+ signal , but the cable appears to be rather large for a signal cable , is the leisure battery being charged when the engine is running ?
  11. It could be that the spare terminals are used when an AES fridge is fitted , yours is an MES type. (manual energy selection)
  12. Leave the drain tap open and turn a tap on , if it is a faulty sensor the water will come out of the drain down tap straight away. If the water does not come out it would be worth trying poking a wire up the drain tap to try to clear the outlet.
  13. If the tray is cracked speedcoateuro.com may be able to help with a repair.
  14. When you check the connections on that you will find on the rear of the NE129 ? fuse box that onecal has suggested you will also need to check the JP8 connections linked to the fridge power supply , RE4 looks like it could be the fridge relay. If you find the NE129 board is faulty www.apuljackelectronics.co.uk list it in their cataloque as one they repair.
  15. Have you checked the rear of the habitation fuse box for a relay and also that the connections there are ok ?
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