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Water Meters

Colin Leake

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Some time ago I needed to turn the stop-cock off in our house. Needless to say it was ceased up solid. The one in the road was also immovable so we phoned the water board to have a new one fitted. When the fitter came he advised my wife to have a water meter fitted free of charge and assured her we would save money and if not could opt out and go back to fixed payments after the first year.


Now I know we are an ideal couple for this spending 1/3 of the year away on tour, being empty nesters with only the two of us living in the house and having a rain water recovery system that provides us with enough water to wash the motorhome and car and water the plants in our low maintenance garden but even so the savings were remarkable. Having prepaid for our normal six months we were so much in credit that it was two years before we needed to pay any more money. Now we have paid just £104 for water and drainage for the last 12 months usage. Well less than 1/5th of what we would have had to pay for our rather large house.


Given that you can revert after 12 months and that water meters are likely to become compulsory in the not too distant future and they are also talking about charging to install them why not give it a go if you think you will save?

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Some time back the only 'yardstick' to decide if you would be better off was the ratio of ocupants to bedrooms, i.e. if there where more bedrooms than occupants it was proboly cheaper to have meter. This is obviously a very rough guide, and since then the charges seem to have been skewed to make meters an even better bet, so I would guess that you would have to be a very heavy user of water to not benifit.
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Guest Tracker

We've been on a water meter in every home we've had since the mid eighties and have saved an absolute fortune, it being the best kept secret of the water boards!


The reason - despite what they say about everyone having one - if everyone hada meter the revenue would go down and we would all end up paying more - so let's just keep it between ourselves eh?

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We did the sums a couple of years ago and with 5 of us living in a 4 bed house we are 'Heavy users'.

The water boards rough and ready calculator ended up saying our bills would go UP by around 50% so we didn't get one fitted.


However we have just saved over £120 annually off our bill by not discharging any surface water into the drains. It is all drained by either soakaways or onto a very large gravel drive. It was a simple procedure to fill in a form and then wait for an inspection! Have a think where your rain water goes as you could save money even if you have a meter!



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Guest pelmetman

Question?.................how much water will a burst pipe use in a month 8-)


Got home today and found the boiler not working, went into the workshop where the boiler is, and found a burst pipe that has soaked the boiler, which has shorted out *-) .......so lucky really that nothing in the house has burst :D


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We had a water meter installed a good few years ago when they were doing them for free, but the company caused so much aggro because they couldn't get the monthly fee right and kept constantly changing ing. In the end we went back to being un-metered as it turned out that it would actually have cost us MORE on a meter! There are 2 of us but due to the pipe runs in our property, it takes a while for the hot water to get to the kitchen and bathroom, so it didn't make sense.
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Ours is in the pipeline so to speak :-D about Nov time we noticed the Water Board digging over the road at a house that has been empty for a while (it is now sold) but O.H. being nosey went out for a chat the chap asked how many in our bungalow, when told 2 he said we would be quids in if we had one fitted as every property is estimated on 4 people occupying.

We phoned and they sent us forms to fill in they have been out to do a survey and we are just waiting it should be anytime soon, so I hope your right Oh they sent with the information an egg timer for the shower 8-) who wears lasses in the shower?? our shower walls are pearl and the sand is white!!! never mind Im not worried if what you say is right the only thing I waste water on is the garden and Van/car!! Im sure we can imprevise we do have a water but.

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"Question?.................how much water will a burst pipe use in a month"


Last year the water folk were doing some pipe renewals in our road. When they turned the water back on it came through at a heck of a pressure then settled down so we thought no more of it. The following morning we were just about to go out for the day when my wife said "It must have rained hard last night as the front garden is soaked". I took a look and said that's not just soaked it is a swimming pool.


I went to investigate and could hear the water meter "screaming" it was going round so fast. I turned the water off at the meter and called the water folk out. When they arrived they found that the increased pressure had blown the gland off the meter on our side of it and had dumped 62 cubic meters into our garden (about as much as we would use in about 18 months).


Luckily the suppliers took the view that it was their work in the road which caused the water loss and wrote off the bill.

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We have a water meter, there are only two of us in a bungalow, the combi. boiler is in the loft so we also have the long pipe run to the kitchen & bathroom.

So we don't waste any we have several 5 litre water bottles and run the hot tap into these saving the cold water until it runs hot, about 7/8 litres a time. We then use the saved water for making drinks, cooking, watering plants or any other household uses like flushing the toilet or washing the car. We also have a water butt collecting water from the shed roof for watering the garden in the summer.

Our water bill is paid by DD and costs us £10 per month, a huge saving on standard water rates. When we moved to our present home in July 2007 fitting a water meter was one of the first jobs we did.



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Colin Leake - 2011-01-23 4:14 PM


Given that you can revert after 12 months and that water meters are likely to become compulsory in the not too distant future and they are also talking about charging to install them why not give it a go if you think you will save?

They were talking about making meters compulsory and fitting charges over twenty five years ago!!


I had my first meter in 1985. Ten years later I moved to my present house where i've been for seventeen years (with another free meter).


They do work but only for couples or singles. Families are better off without as they will end up paying more. One major point in their favour is any leak you have you will make damned sure it's fixed quickly because you are paying for every drop you use and lose.


Just a pity that water authorities don't practice what they preach. There was a burst underground main near where I live which flowed constantly for almost eight months before it was finally sorted. It had been reported but nobody in authority seemed too concerned.



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Barbarian - 2011-01-23 11:57 PM


So we don't waste any we have several 5 litre water bottles and run the hot tap into these saving the cold water until it runs hot, about 7/8 litres a time. We then use the saved water for making drinks, cooking, watering plants or any other household uses like flushing the toilet or washing the car.


So, how many Ltrs of hot water are left in the long pipe run when you switch off?, wasting Gas or Oil.

We had the same problem, so I fitted a 10 Ltr switched electric water heater under the kitchen sink. Saves water and Gas. It only takes about 10 minutes to heat up, so doesn'y cost the earth to run.

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Guest pelmetman
Bulletguy - 2011-01-24 2:59 PM

One major point in their favour is any leak you have you will make damned sure it's fixed quickly because you are paying for every drop you use



Thanks BG, you have ruined my day :'(

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nowtelse2do - 2011-01-26 7:39 PM

Colin, with respect and no sarcasm intended and noting some of the replies to the Thread, a 'dry' smile crossed my face when I look at your surname :-D


A relation of mine many years ago had a plumbing business with a partner named Plumber. Leake and Plumber! He was a very interesting chap and mountain climber of some repute as well as a plumber. He always used to buy expensive luxury cars. On delivery he would wax them with Simonise then, apart from cleaning the windows and head lights, he would not touch them again until he sold them. He always maintained that cars were meant to be driven and enjoyed not cleaned!
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What a great name for a plumbing business :-D

As for cleaning the cars, I'll go along with that. I hate the Job, but my granddaughter is learning fast, so here's to the near future.


Just to edit this. I remembered seeing a builders van up in the Middlesbrough area a few years ago and it said his name on the side of the van. Titus Aducksase

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  • 2 weeks later...
I am on a meter and it costs me £7.00 per month. With our local water board you can also make a saving if you can prove that your rain water from the roof goes into a soak-away and not into the main sewer. Look on the back of your bill for details
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Guest Tracker

There used to be a builder in Cornwall run by Mr Leggett - his van was signwritten - 'Bodgit and Leggit'!


He was, by all accounts, a first class builer with a great sense of humour!


Then there was the antiques dealer at Yelverton who traded as 'Robin Bastad' - I don't know if he was or not!

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JohnP - 2011-02-09 7:07 PM


Yes I do bath, have a dishwasher, clothes washer. Self and the cat live in a bungalow.

My neighbour has similar circumstances but no dishwasher or cat. She complains because she pays £1.00 per month more than me.

Which supplier are you with?


I live on my own, have bath and shower but only use the shower, washer, but no dishwasher. I do one clothes wash a week though probably will get by on a fortnight now since retiring.


My monthly rate based on the last twelve months works out at £20....per month.



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We had our meter fitted two weeks ago so I dont know yet what its costing us a month :-S but a couple over the road with a young son of 7 has told me that there bill was £16 a month but has gone up to £20 is still quids in, as my bill is £300 plus a year and we spend most of the summer away! so Im not going to be fruggle with it even if I only save £50 its better in my pocket than the Water Boards.
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