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What a lousy weekend


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We've had a FANTASTIC weekend, don't know which planet you're living on Malcolm :D


Had our first weekend of the year away in the MH and yesterday could have been spring. We cycled a disused railway, a canal towpath and then on round a quarry lake turned into a nature reserve. We even had a picnic sat on a bench overlooking the lake in glorious sunshine!

OK, today may have been a bit miserable but overall a really good weekend.



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bob b - 2011-02-13 7:37 PM
knight of the road - 2011-02-13 5:04 PM What a lousy weekend, nothing but rain and cold.

Your moods go up and down like a whore's drawers. You were on top of the world a few days ago !

Not much fun climbing ladders when it is cold and p****** down though is it Bob? Doing essential maintenance.
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Lovely sunshine in the South on Saturday - totally gorgeous blue skies and really smashing day.... Sunday however, got up to rain and it just about stopped to go to bed in the evening. We did venture out with the dog on Sunday with our rain coats and boots - not the most pleasant experience but nice to get some fresh air. Today sun and cloud and really quite Spring like.


Could someone have a word with Mother nature to give us good weather all weekend please.



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Bright and sunny today but a little chilly first thing, checked out my camper to see that everything is in order, gas and electric heating and hot water etc, everything all sound.

Finished off tidying up the wires and cables under my computer desk, lovely job even if I say so myself.

Completed upgrading my CCTV system at the cost of an arm and a leg, perfect vision (black and white) in the dead of night, nothing gets past me without my knowledge, far too many itinerant scrap gathers are mooching about the area, the cheek these people have is incredible.

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Bury is, and has always been a nice little town unfortunately an influx of a certain pursuasion who are well into the drug dealing and associated criminality are blighting the place.

I actually live about 3 miles from the town centre in Whitefield well away from the scumbag element.

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t5tripper - 2011-02-14 1:27 PMLovely sunshine in the South on Saturday - totally gorgeous blue skies and really smashing day.... Sunday however, got up to rain and it just about stopped to go to bed in the evening. We did venture out with the dog on Sunday with our rain coats and boots - not the most pleasant experience but nice to get some fresh air. Today sun and cloud and really quite Spring like. Could someone have a word with Mother nature to give us good weather all weekend please. *-)


That's the way to do it!

There's no such thing as bad weather; just inapproapriate clothing.


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