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Dogs on sites - Adults only sites


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Perhaps we should have dogs only sites with no people allowed as people cause far more problems than dogs!


I must teach the hound to drive!


We have a dog but often do not enjoy being on a site because of what some dog OWNERS allow their dogs to do after dark - which only becomes apparent in the morning light.


Couple that to the constant yapping of some dogs with no attempt at constraint by the owners plus dogs left unattended in vans and caravans to bark for long periods and I can quite see why site owners as well as peace and quite loving campers might well not be too keen on dogs on site.



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In truth the arguments are academic; and frankly, corrosive.


Because it isn't for any of us to decide whether, and which, sites should be dog-free, sprog-free, old-farts-free or whatever.


It is a decision for the Site Owner. It's his business, not yours or mine.


S/he may or may not like dogs; may or may not like faeces residue and urine deposited on their land; may or may not like any noise/damage/additional public liability insurance issues that it may or may not bring.


In the end, it is simply a commercial policy decision. It's not a moral crusade.


A site owner who does not allow dogs/children/whatever may well alienate some potential customers, yet overjoy others.


So long as that policy is communicated in advance to me and other prospective customers, I see no issue with it whatsoever....because it's not my site.

I can choose where to stay, where to spend my money. So can you.





My suggestion: simply choose the sites that YOU like; and stop wasting your breath and increasing your blood pressure by slagging off anyone who doesn't agree with your particular lifestyle/pet/reproductive practices.




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Guest pelmetman
Symbol Owner - 2011-03-14 1:09 PM

the OP (MikeR) ought to be interested as well -- he started all of this after all! (!)




He's not here anymore :D .................We set the dogs on him :D (lol) (lol)

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knight of the road - 2011-03-14 2:30 PM


I am a dog lover, but that does not prevent me from being bitten, if a dog attacks you with serious intent as soon as it opens its mouth to bite, stick your fist deep down its throat and it will be dead within seconds, no matter what kind of dog.


Our Boarder Terrier was attacked by a Pit Bull some time ago and suffered serious injuries. The man looking after the dog (his daughters) and myself also finished up needing hospital attention. It was unbelievable how hard it was to break the dogs grip. In the end we nearly strangled it.


If it helps anyone else in a similar position the vet told me that one sure way to do so was to stick ones finger or better still a stick or some such implement up the dogs back passage and it will instinctively release its grip and turn round to defend itself. He did add that you do need to get out of the way fast.


Just also a plea on behalf of all farmers if you dog drops a package on land used for grazing or where grass for silage is being grown please pick it up as it can prove fatal to cattle and to a lesser extent sheep.

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Symbol Owner - 2011-03-13 11:03 PM

Mel -- you dog lovers/owners are sooo defensive!


Nope, just trying to give a balance view that's all. :-S


I can assure you that I am not anti-dog, or anti-dog owner, except, perhaps, when they are totally irresponsible, which, according to all of you dog-loving posters, ought to be allowed!


Where did we say that then? Irresponsible dog owners actually have quite a detrimental effect on responsible dog owners, so there's no way I would condone it. *-) Our dogs don't usually approach people as they are taught not to, or other dogs for that matter.


... I really believed ... that if a dog owner went on holiday they would leave the animal with friends or family or put it in kennels -- surely that was the way of it years ago?


Except that the dogs are part of our 'family' (we don't have children) and we would not enjoy our holiday without them, plus our dogs are normally former rescue/unwanted ones and putting them in kennels would be torture to them. 8-)


I'm not trying to 'poke a stick' at anyone Clive -- I genuinely did not believe that any one would travel with a 'mutt' in a motorhome, certainly not that they should buy a 'van so that they could do so. How do you cope with the smell? Probably as we did when I smoked a pipe for 30 years -- you get inured to it!


You make the assumption that motorhomes with dogs in them smell ... some possibly do, but ours don't (except for a little bit when it's been raining until we've dried the dogs off, but even wet 'human' coats smell too!). Our 'bricks and mortar' home does not smell either - we've got our house on the market and people don't know we've even got dogs until they spot them sitting in our motorhome where we put them so they are out of the way.


... but if you really knew what that vile disease rabies was like -- nearly always fatal , with death being accompanied with terrible pain for the sufferer of the disease, I don't think that you would be speaking so lightly/flippantly about it.


Agreed, it is a horrible disease, but it is not generally spread by dogs I believe, but by wild animals. Our dogs are vaccinated anyway so they can go on holiday abroad with us.


We bought a motorhome so we CAN holiday with our dogs, we wouldn't even consider any other way of holidaying ...


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I might be unusual in that I like both dogs and kids and have no problems with them being on site.

And I would say that both kids and dogs enjoy the freedom of camping and caravanning and its enjoyable watching them play about, dogs and kids can create noise but there is a simple solution to that, have a set of industrial ear defenders in your van.... noise problems solved?

The dog that I am most wary of is that savage little brute of a Scots terrier up the street, I have warned its owner that if it goes to bite me it will be its last bite.

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Mel B - 2011-03-14 7:50 PM


... good job I don't have any pet rats to take away anymore, goodness knows what some would make of us having them! :-D


There's probably a joke or two about rats on sites - but as we tend not to use sites if we can avoid them it might be best left unsaid!

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Tracker - 2011-03-14 8:39 PM


Mel B - 2011-03-14 7:50 PM


... good job I don't have any pet rats to take away anymore, goodness knows what some would make of us having them! :-D


There's probably a joke or two about rats on sites - but as we tend not to use sites if we can avoid them it might be best left unsaid!


If you dont use camp sites, where exactly do you stay?

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Malc - we rarely holiday in the Uk and if we do we use CCC THS or weekend meets a lot, plus a few well chosen pubs, allied to our network of 'favourite' places up and down the country which we all share - so the list grows - with a couple of trusted and like minded friends.


Holidaying abroad is much easier and we toured Scandinavia for seven weeks in 2008 without using a single campsite without any problems whatsoever!


And not a rat in sight!

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Heaven knows where this thread is heading. The next thing is no doubt going to be someone taking exception to us taking our Bear with us even though he is normally kept in the garage at the back of our Motorhome!


As for Adult only sites I must say that the majority of the children we see on sites are polite, well behaved, healthy, happy, socially well adjusted and to us at least a delight to watch. A stark contrast to some of the fat socially maladjusted slobs we see in some areas of our cities. Camping in all its various forms does wonders for the physical, mental and social development of the next generation which has to be advantageous to all of us.


May I remind all those who want adult only sites that they were once children. Chill out, learnt to enjoy life you'll find it much more rewarding.

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Colin Leake - 2011-03-15 6:50 PM


Heaven knows where this thread is heading. The next thing is no doubt going to be someone taking exception to us taking out Bear with us even though he is normally kept in the garage at the back of our Motorhome!


I think that at some points there has to be a limit on what pets are permitted, but a 'bear' is stretching things a bit far don't you think :D

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Big Momma - 2011-03-15 6:54 PM


Colin Leake - 2011-03-15 6:50 PM


Heaven knows where this thread is heading. The next thing is no doubt going to be someone taking exception to us taking out Bear with us even though he is normally kept in the garage at the back of our Motorhome!


I think that at some points there has to be a limit on what pets are permitted, but a 'bear' is stretching things a bit far don't you think :D


But he loves his camping holidays!

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Guest pelmetman
Big Momma - 2011-03-15 6:54


I think that at some points there has to be a limit on what pets are permitted, but a 'bear' is stretching things a bit far don't you think :D


He's only taking the "bear necessities of life" :D




Sorry :$ My brain cell dont need a lot to find a feeble joke :D

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How do you know when the bear in your motorhome garage is hungry?



All your reserves of porridge will have been eaten by him/her.



Just have to hope the porridge was not too hot and not too cold as we wouldn't want a grumpy old bear stomping about the garage now would we!


Bad enough having a grumpy old summat driving the van!

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