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Thinking of fitting Daytime Running Lights. (DRL's)

Our Fiat front end (1999) looks as though we have two choices for fitting. First: inside the outermost lower of the two bumper slots or under the bumper, both satisfy the 400 mm from outside edge of front tyre and 250mm hieght requirement.


I'm fairly sure we shall go for the straightforward DRL. The type which is on during the day and off when any other outside light is used.

(Have discounted the dual purpose variety)


Any comments / reccommendations / advice about DRL's would be welcome. Tks in advance.



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Guest Tracker
There may well be a good reason for not simply switching the side lights on - particularly as it costs nowt and are already fitted - or am I missing something?
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Guest 1footinthegrave
CISCO - 2011-03-26 4:19 PM


Thinking of fitting Daytime Running Lights. (DRL's)

Our Fiat front end (1999) looks as though we have two choices for fitting. First: inside the outermost lower of the two bumper slots or under the bumper, both satisfy the 400 mm from outside edge of front tyre and 250mm hieght requirement.


I'm fairly sure we shall go for the straightforward DRL. The type which is on during the day and off when any other outside light is used.

(Have discounted the dual purpose variety)


Any comments / reccommendations / advice about DRL's would be welcome. Tks in advance.


My comment is, PLEASE reconsider....


I personally think DRL's are the curse of our age, so much so I have joined the campaign against them. Why would anyone want to fit them, we have brightly painted buses blinding everyone around here with their bloody headlamps on, when questioned the answer is to make them more visible. I can only say that anyone who cannot see a bus, or in your case a M/home should be kept firmly under lock and key. What next a convoy escort vehicle proceeding you with lights flashing. Join the annoying Volvo, and now Audi drivers if you must, but don't expect the usual wave from me if your coming in the opposite direction, more a high beam flash which is what I do to all these idiots as a courtesy for blinding me on a bright sunny day, especially those Audi drivers.


There is talk that this may be compulsory from our masters in Brussels, obviously lost on them that additional fuel is used when any electrical system is on. There has been studies done to show that not only are these devoid of any road safety benefit, they are actually dangerous to some road users.


For anyone with a similar view please sign up to the campaign, or at least read the pros and cons first.






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Oh, dear.........I'm an Audi driver (pre DRL though). But I am a driver who uses lights, including headlights if I deem necessary, in the daytime.

I am most definitely in the opposite camp as I hate dark cars with no lights on murky days.

So many drivers, possibly subscribers to the aforementioned website, think they dont need lights on as they can see OK. The point is that they often can't be seen.

I (and I suspect others) would berate a cyclist (teenager?) cycling at dusk with no lights on. The light on a bike would certainly not light up the road but it would enable a car driver to pick him out easily and possible save his life.

I am well able to have my dipped headlights adjusted so as not to dazzle other drivers.

I would definitely rather be seen (even to some people's annoyance, it seems) than not be seen.


Chris (does not subscribe to any website urging others to turn on their lights during the day).


ps by not turning on your lights you might end up as 'bothfeetinthegrave'

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Guest 1footinthegrave

What exactly are you saying, I did not say there may be some benefit to lights in very poor visability, this is not the issue, it is about a law that may soon compel us to drive in daylight even on a bright sunny day with lights on. Any vehicle approaching even with dipped headlights ( some so badly adjusted they may as well be on main beam) have the capacity to momentarily distract / blind the driver coming the opposite direction, this especially true coming over the brow of a hill.


There is no doubt motorcyclists do benefit from having their headlights on, but only because of idiots who do not take enough care coming out of junctions particularly, if you cannot see a car, dark or otherwise, then I would guess your eyesight is not up to DVLA standards.


As for your assertion that I may end up 2 feet in the grave for not putting my lights I can only say that is absolute nonsense. If I had to rely on you putting your lights on to be able to see you approaching, then I should have gone to Specsavers, and I doubt I'd have managed the best part of 50 years of driving unscathed. Otherwise go the whole hog and fit pedestrians with DRL's.


Read the facts about DRL's, then you may have an informed opinion. :-S

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Guest Tracker

Personally speaking I can see nothing wrong in making everything from a bus to a bike more visible.


In the split second that the reckless born again biker has before he becomes a dead now biker splattered on the front of your van on a blind bend vehicle lights might just give him enough time to avoid you and hit some other poor soul or a tree - maybe not - but if you don't have lights on you will never know.


But why pay for separate DRLs when every vehicle comes with perfectly workable lights as standard - and they even have their own 'on' switch operable by any driver.

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Guest 1footinthegrave

In this part of the world North Wales police will tell you most Motorcycle accidents are caused by excessive speeds on winding roads that the riders are unaccustomed to, they come down here for a burn up, then find themselves confronted with a stray sheep that has wandered into the road, then find themselves heading into a tree, or you, perhaps the sheep should all be fitted with DRL's as well. Every Summer there is a campaign to ask them to slow down.


And sorry Tracker, but I doubt coming round a blind bend as in your example on a bright sunny day, that Motor cyclist would see your DRL's in any event, until you yourself were visible, then you might just blind him with them and be the cause of his accident.


Other countries that have introduced, then rescinded the legislation have seen a fall in casualties, so for the sake of being boring I say again read up the facts before making a judgement.


You are expected to be able to read a number plate at around 60 feet to hold a UK driving license , surely you can see a car or motorhome, or bus as well. :-|

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I really dont see the point of DRL's.

If one watches driver's behaviour then they still cut up buses because they want to get in front of it. A large number of buses have cameras at the front because of the large number of people who do this and cause injury to the bus and its passengers.

Most workers are now wearing hi-viz jackets. Consequently our eyes have become attuned to only seeing hi-viz and those without it, somehow seem invisible.

Is it possible that once society becomes accustomed to workers wearing this stuff that ordinary people will have to do it.

Thus if all cars have DRL's will we not see the person who has not put them on and become less attentive.

I think a far better idea would be to keep the clocks 'forward' all year. :-D

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DRLs just seem to be a bit of 'automotive bling' to me.


They don't bother me too much - just as long as the drivers haven't got their !!?*&! fog lights on as well !





p.s. And before someone complains - yes I do accept the use of fog lights, ---when it's foggy.

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I believe that newly registered vehicles now have them fitted as standard, but I believe that it is not compulsary to use them in the U.K.


My car has them and during last winter I was happy for them to be on during the dismal daylight we experience, but now that its getting brighter I will go to menu and have them turned off.


My car is a small one and I always felt safer with them on in winter, my motorhome is white 6ft odd wide and 9.6"ft high and not fitted with them and neither would I have them fitted, dipped beam will suffice on dark murky days, or heavy rain.

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Tracker - 2011-03-26 8:19 PM


Personally speaking I can see nothing wrong in making everything from a bus to a bike more visible.


In the split second that the reckless born again biker has before he becomes a dead now biker splattered on the front of your van on a blind bend vehicle lights might just give him enough time to avoid you and hit some other poor soul or a tree - maybe not - but if you don't have lights on you will never know.


But why pay for separate DRLs when every vehicle comes with perfectly workable lights as standard - and they even have their own 'on' switch operable by any driver.

These are the sentiments I am agreeing with, the ability to identify a vehicle that is your peripheral vision by the fact that there is a moving speck of light. The same vehicle might get missed until a split second later.

As I said earlier, just see the difference between a cyclist with a light on and one with no lights.

There are so many drivers about who wait until it's pitch black before then turning on sidelights, obviously believing that the car will grind to a halt if headlights are used.

The idea of DRLs is to provide better visibility in marginal conditions when some drivers may not even consider turning on their lights.

Just look at a line of traffic on an autumn afternoon and you'll get some cars with no lights on, some with sidelights and some on dipped headlights. One thing is for sure, the ones with no lights on are far less visible than the others.

I'm not necessarily in favour of DRLs, I just want drivers to let me know where the are and in poor visibility that means using lights.

I agree with Tracker in that driver's should be able to manage this with the amount of lighting already fitted vehicles but there are those out there who will not use lights whatever the conditions. Just look in your mirror on a wet motorway and try and pick out a fast moving grey/blue approachin quickly from behind - not easy, but with lights on a better chance.

My glasses did come from Specsavers, they are very good...


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Yeah,I also agree with Bolero boy's very well balanced post...


It always amazes me how many you(just about!)see,driving without lights,when the visiblity is really very poor. :-S

...although obviously,fitting "DRLs" on MY vehicle,wouldn't make THEIR lights mysteriously switch on... ;-)


(..but anyone who gets that wound up by "DRLs" as to join a pressure group against them AND to refer to them as "the curse of our age" ,maybe needs a little of Bolero boy's balance... (lol) (lol) )

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Like some others on here I get annoyed when I see a vehicle coming up behind me with it's headlights blazing (and i'm NOT talking about 'in bad visibility' when EVERYBODY should have them on by law) I assume that it is someone (a Doctor/paramedic/pregnant woman about to give birth/Policeman) who has a NEED to overtake, so I slow up and at a suitable place pull over to let them overtake.....Only to find a 'Smug' Volvo/ Audi driver in his 'company car' smirking as he dissapears into the distance to 'crowd' the next poor 'sucker' in front. >:-) >:-) The need for a 'Phazer cannon' beckons.(get inventing Clive !!)

DRL's are not needed, will put motocyclists in more danger, as people 'Ignore' lights on in daytime. Not Needed,Not Wanted. Ray

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As I understand it the pressure to fit DRL originated in the Scandanavian countries. It makes good sense for their long and very dark and snowy winters.


Further south with higher lights average levels the need for mandatory DRLs is far from clear cut.


My extensive experince dealing with road traffic collisions and riding a bike showed running with a motorcycle headlight on considerably improved the chances of being seen. Universal use of DRLs might well make m/cs less obvious and they are by far the most vulnerable of road users.


As ever one size does not fit all.


Even in average light levels some DRLs (Audi for instance) seem slightly dazzling but flashing headlights at them seems counter productive. If nothing else its distracting and at worst an aggravating factor in road rage.


Would I use them if already fitted. Yes, but I am in a better position to decide when then some deskbound legislator in darkest Brussels.



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George Collings - 2011-03-27 2:09 PM

My extensive experince dealing with road traffic collisions and riding a bike showed running with a motorcycle headlight on considerably improved the chances of being seen. Universal use of DRLs might well make m/cs less obvious and they are by far the most vulnerable of road users.

George, I am happy to accept that you have extensive experience as you describe but I fail to see how making ALL motorists easier to see will suddenly make any one group less visible. As long as motorcyclists use their lights as now we will still see them. It is certainly not acceptable at forsake certain groups of people/motorists where safety is concerned. Where there is a universal benefit available why would you advocate some groups (car drivers) not using a form of illumination to make them visible to others. If using headlights in the daytime has proved a boon to motorcyclists then why not let all reap the benefit.

With respect to an earlier analogy, reading a number plate at the proscribed distance may be part of the driving test but has little to do with the taking in of information quickly, processing that information and acting upon it quickly and safely. Anything that provides faster, better input to this process gets my vote.



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"Here we go Again" As Members of this forum your aim should be to Aid ,Assist, Guide, Help, Suggest alternatives, NOT CRITCISE anyone for asking a straight forward Question of Assistance, What you Dislike is of NO Concern to anyone, If CISCO wanted to fit any Aid he thinks would help keep him safe its our Job to advise him if , Firstly if its safe to do so , and if we can the best way to do it, Or Advise if its not Safe to do so and why,   Come on Now lets stick to what this forum is BEST at , Helping Fellow Motorhome owners,  I think if I were driving a LHD Vehicle in this Country I too would want to make other Motorists of my Presents,  Sorry Cisco no other advise other that what Tracker as said run with your side lights on.
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Guest 1footinthegrave

The original poster said "any" comments welcome, so maybe his money may be better spent in other ways would be my comment and draw his attention to the negative side of DRLs, and I say again this is not about using lights in very poor visibility, where legislation already applies.


But still some posters choose to ignore World wide studies, or have not bothered to read them that not only show DRL's are of little benefit, but the opposite has been shown to be the case in study after study. why don't some of you guys read up about it first.


Or carry on blinding people, you know it makes sense. And also it is not some weird thing to do to join a campaign group to prevent unnecessary and potentially dangerous legislation. We know for the most part we are ruled by idiots in Brussels always looking to fill their time with some diktat or other.


Given that a child may just wander on my side of the road, and an Audi is coming the opposite direction with it's glaring DRL's what is likely to get mine or your attention first....just think about it.



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I'm not taking sides here but think back to the 80's (?) when all new cars had to have 'Dim Dip' headlights.

This meant that whenever the side lights where turned on then the headlights automatically came on at around half power. This was usually achieved by adding a resistor in series with the bulb.

This was another short lived attempt at road safety and very quickly went the way of other schemes.


Are DRL's just such another attempt?



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Just a thought,........


.......... when I'm driving at night I don't tend to dazzle anyone with my headlights...so...why should it happen in daylight?


Oh, another thought,..........


........... if I want to fit DDLs to make my vehicle more conspicuous why should I be concerned that it is annoying to others?


........Strange old world!





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Guest 1footinthegrave
Travelling Tyke - 2011-03-28 12:31 PM




Just a thought,........


.......... when I'm driving at night I don't tend to dazzle anyone with my headlights...so...why should it happen in daylight?


Oh, another thought,..........


........... if I want to fit DDLs to make my vehicle more conspicuous why should I be concerned that it is annoying to others?






You don't mate, like some will light a garden bonfire just after a neighbor has put out a line of washing, some find that annoying.


And I have to say if you have never been dazzled driving at night you must be driving somewhere like the outer Hebrides.

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Difficult to be sure as OP seems to have done a runner (you lot scared im off) but maybe he just wanted a sunday project. Cant see the problem in fitting DRL's if thats what he wants to do, cant see any particular benefit or down side to it either, each to there own. I have considered it myself for a project but then I consider lots of things but dont acctually do em, decorating, gardening etc etc ask mrs ips :-D
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Travelling Tyke - 2011-03-28 12:31 PM

Oh, another thought,..........


........... if I want to fit DDLs to make my vehicle more conspicuous why should I be concerned that it is annoying to others?


........Strange old world!


Very good! (lol) (lol)


CISCO,if you haven't done so already,it would probably be worth just asking on a Fiat specific forum..they may be able to help you as to existing wireing etc...

(..as you've had very little assistance from this thread..just the usual,sadly all to common,patronising and pedantic bickering... :-( )

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