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Last trip was a knock out!


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On last outing a week ago had the route and stops planned, first stop was 2 nights but turned to 4. After getting on pitch and sorting hook-up getting dish lined up etc I decided to make cup of tea and at this point things started to go wrong! Left overhead cupboard door open and banged my head leaving a 3/4 shaped indent on my head, I was stunned and had to have a rest,but later when I recovered I did it again big style! was in the storage area under the cooker and stood up full force only this time I just remember the blow and then wondering why I was in such a position on the floor and why I couldnt see, (blood was streaming from gash) my Daughter was hysterical, it being Sunday the park office was closed and I was to far away to walk, there is no phone signal either, I had to rest for next full day before getting to local medical centre where I got wound dressed and had to remain on park for another day. Never felt as knackered for a long time. I was not the effects of booze either as I dont drink, so now I have a length of red ribbon blue tacked behing same door so it hangs down to show door is open, Daughter says I'm a head banger anyway! Watch those cupboard doors! :$
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Ooooooo ... sounds nasty! 8-)


I must admit I don't like this new idea of putting normal opening type doors on upper cupboard, we have one in our van and I have lost count of the number of times I have bashed my head on it ... I tend to head-butt the edge! *-)

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Mel B - 2011-07-18 8:51 PM


I must admit I don't like this new idea of putting normal opening type doors on upper cupboard, we have one in our van and I have lost count of the number of times I have bashed my head on it ... I tend to head-butt the edge! *-)




Seen as you proclaim to be so proficient with your power tools :D why not change them to top hung doors with appropriate stays or spring loaded hinges to keep them open?



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