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Autotrail CE


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I am trying to find the CE of Autotrail , I have looked online but with no luck.

We met him at the Excel show when we ordered the MH very nice man , I want to appeal to his human side in the hope we get the camper ontime for the 6 weeks holidays otherwise it will be tears in this household not being able to take the children away .

Can anyone point me in the right direction please .

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Thanks for all your help , everyone.... So the praise begins ..Someone said brilliant bloke and so far I have to agree with that . I called his company and a very nice lady enquired as to why I wanted him .

I explained and she said that he was in a meeting BUT that she would see if he would call me back.


Did'nt have to wait long and right enough he called himself . :D MOST IMPRESSED ..credit where credits due . Had a nice conversation and he is a nice bloke . What else is nice to know is you can actually get hold of the big boss in this company ,how many can you say that for ? *-)

So 10 out of 10 impressed isnt the word ,over the moon that he isnt that far up his own derrier that he can spend time out of his very busy schedule to talk with his customers ..


11out of 10 :D

Me thinks I am going to like having an AUTOTRAIL ;-)

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Guest Tracker

Well done Michele - the crunch will come when the van arrives - or does not arrive - on time - but top marks so far for your initiative and for a first rate response from a BRITISH (owned by Trigano of France unfortunately - but still UK based!)


For those who care these are the Trigano group's brands -



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Tracker - 2012-04-25 5:30 PM


Well done Michele - the crunch will come when the van arrives - or does not arrive - on time - but top marks so far for your initiative and for a first rate response from a BRITISH (owned by Trigano of France unfortunately - but still UK based!)


For those who care these are the Trigano group's brands -




Interesting that, as I was under the impression that Trigano had Italian parentage. You are quite correct though, as the Group's history is summarised here:



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Keith if I could work this website I would haha ..but for now until the kids can be bothered its little old me in youth ...not now of course. Yes he did everything and he even said he would make sure it was first on the production line , how nice is that .


Richard your so modest ;-)

And I happen to love France :D :D :D

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Derek Uzzell - 2012-04-25 6:14 PM

Interesting that, as I was under the impression that Trigano had Italian parentage. You are quite correct though, as the Group's history is summarised here:




So did I Derek - good job I checked first or I would have looked even sillier than I are already am - again!

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michele - 2012-04-25 6:30 PM

Richard you're so modest

And I happen to love France


Not at all Michele - it's easy for anyone to make suggestions that someone else has to carry out - but the someone else still has to carry them out - and you did where some might have baulked at the thought - so well done you!!

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Keith , sorry yes it was him that I met at Excel ..


Richard yeah I did think twice about calling to be honest , Its gone around in my brain for days .

We were facing a little dilema . The children all break up on the 19th of July obviously we want to go away but not knowing if it was going to be a total let down job we did'nt know if we could go for the full six weeks or would have to stay at home and just go for the last two weeks in a tent .

As you can imagine a tent with disabled kids feeding tubes , four ton of milk and wheelchairs is no mean feat . I was close to tears and everytime I called Elite the M/H sales people they did say as far as they were aware it would be on time . Still couldnt get rid of the niggle and worried even more after all they can only tell me what they are told . Had visions of staying here for weeks bored stiff with rotten english weather .Couldnt really book anything for example we would like to do the whole of the Canal Du Midi and then onto the Tarn Gorge followed by Beziere . In a M/H its easy in a tent ? no thanks cant do all that . Guess we are not spring chickens anymore . Anyway now so pleased have so much to look forward to and hats off to Autotrail . ;-) ;-)

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I had a problem and whilst away I called in unannounced to the factory in Grimsby, I met Mark Atkinson the workshop after sales manager and told him what was wrong, although all his staff were tied up with work he went into another department and asked someone to look into the problem. They took my motorhome into the workshop and did the remedial work. Within 3 hours I was back on the road. That is what I call very good service and I am full of appreciation for Autotrail and their dedicated staff. What other manufacturer would go out of their way at such short notice or at all.
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I quite agree Actually I think thats why I never ever went back to Brownhills and thats why they didn't get my business again . One can become so big for ones boots that the little people don't matter ,its when you don't listen to the little ones that you come unstuck .

So hats off again to Autotrail I'm most impressed with dealing with them . ;-)

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michele - 2012-04-25 6:30 PM


Keith if I could work this website I would haha ..





It's easy really, go to the top of the page and in the box headed 'Welcome, Michele' click on 'Control Panel'.

Then the third box down is 'Location' and you will see your current message "Sold !!!!!! To that man".

Simply overtype with your new message and press Submit at the bottom of the page.



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