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Peterbourough advice from Warners on camping!


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We got back about 3 hours ago. It was more like Glastonbury than a motorhome show, mud glorious mud. We had to be towed onto the field, but managed (just) to get out under our own steam. This was the first, and will be the last time we go to this show, we were very disappointed with it. There were a lot of nice vans on display, but the other stands were just the same old faces that you see at every other show. I suspect that quite a few standholders didn't show up, or decided it wouldn't be worth going in view of the conditions (who could blame them) but in my opinion, not worth the journey and not worth the entrance/camping fee. The camping facilites were minimal too. I know the majority of vans have their own, but you still have to cater for those that don't. Lots of vans were leaving today (Saturday) so I guess the ones who stayed must have hung on for the entertainment, which we had no interest in seeing. An expensive weekend for us when you include £60 fuel and £39 for one nights camping and a pretty dismal show. The only good word I have to offer is for the marshalls, who stood out in all weathers and managed to remain cheerful. Well done to them.
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Well they were right about Sunday, its chucking it down and blowing a gale, not going to be great for any stall holders left outside :-( . I am just about to set out for work in it so driving around will be pleasant *-)


Good luck to all of you getting off the field today, just hope it dries up a bit later.



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All in all i think that this is probably a " blessing in disguise " for Warners.


They`ll more than likely find they get a very large increase in the numbers of people who " Pre-book ".


At least then the takings will still be OK and if people then don`t turn up, well hey-ho it doesn`t matter as much.


And for those of us who do not know if they will be able to attend until a day or so before ( hospital appointments etc. etc. ) we`ll just have to " put up and shut up ".

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Arriving on Friday morning for two nights I managed to drive on to my pitch.

The show was Ok with lots of vans on display and with the usual accessories section. What did take my eye was the thee-wheeler-trike (as Billy Connelies) but at £22000 and aged seventy, you can only dream at my age.

By mid Friday morning all MH's in my area were being towed on by tractor (do wish they would not use towing chains) The ground was soon torn up and made worse by these monsters.

What a cold wet and miserable day Friday was. There was a noticeable reduction of buggy users in the actual show because they probably couldn't be driven from the disabled areas because of the soft ground.

Midday Saturday I had had enough of the conditions, with the local ducks swimming in the puddles around my MH, I forfeited my entertainment ticket and waited to be towed off.

An expensive experience. £39.00 camping, £13.00 entertainment and £55.00 fuel and not to be repeated. I for one will not be pre-booking Peterborough again.

I wonder if all units will have departed beforeTruckfest in two weeks time.

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Wooie - 2012-04-29 8:22 AM


All in all i think that this is probably a " blessing in disguise " for Warners.


They`ll more than likely find they get a very large increase in the numbers of people who " Pre-book ".



You reckon? All the more reason for NOT prebooking I would have thought?


If conditions are so bad that unbooked campers are not being allowed on site I really can't see any joy in being booked into a show that is so cold wet and muddy for a whole weekend - can anyone?


It remains to be seen whether Warners do indeed learn from the experience and either consider if they might change location from this well known flood risk area to somewhere on higher or harder ground or make contingency plans for hard standing off site parking for those booked and unbooked who would prefer that to being towed in to an on site mud bath or being turned away. That said on a dry weekend Peterborough is a great location!


Being towed ON to your pitch - now that is a great idea - especially using a chain with no give - wonderful.


Anyone thinking of going today (Sunday) be aware that at Downham Market the wind is about force 4 to 5 from the North East and it's flippin cold but should ease later. It has been raining all night, heavily at times, and continues to do so on and off but the forecast is for heavier rain this afternoon.


You have been warned and if you are on site now you might want to check the local forecast - or leave very shortly!


I do feel a lot of sympathy for Warners for being caught between a rock and a hard place and even more synpathy for the hard pressed exhibitors who are like as not finding it tough enough already in the current market conditions without paying a fortune for a duff weekend.


Then again - it was widely predicted over two weeks ago.


Newbury and Stratford are both good shows but used to be smaller than Peterborough and York (that was). Stratford is on the river Avon bankside and whilst it is a lovely spot in the sunshine it too can flood badly. I don't know if Newbury floods but it is at least on higher ground - maybe someone else knows?

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I went yesterday as a day tripper. I thank Warners, the dealers, and the stall holders for giving me an enjoyable day out despite the wet weather. It was apparent that many people just made the best job they could. I don't envy anyone who has to clean up after the event, especially the dealers. I don't even have to clean my boots.


So thanks from me.

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Just out of interest, if your van gets damaged by one of the tractors with chains either towing you on or off have you any come-back ?


A few years back my Father-in-Laws van was quite badly damaged at a Steam Fair he went to by a young lad driving a " bloody great John Deer " as he put it with a " foot to the floor attitude ".


He tried to get the attention of the lad in the tractor, sounding his horn, flashing his lights etc. but the lad just kept going until he got back on the solid track.


He never did get anywhere with the organisers and ended up paying over £1500 the have the front of his van repaired.

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Guest JudgeMental

DUSSELDORF: camping on grass for 1000's of vans. No pre booking and no one turned away. We arrived one night late and sat in que of campers and watched staff running around in torrential rain, it was a a proper storm...... then directed into site and parked front in on both sides of rear access road...along with hundreds of vans. Over the weekend some moved onto campground but we did not bother. free few minute bus ride to fair



PETERBOROUGH: Camping on grass. poor drainage and infrastructure makes out of summer shows precarious, and success weather dependent. warners should either change location to a better show ground or have at a (fingers crossed) more reliable time of year. OR put pressure on show ground to improve drainage. All options probably more expensive hence the reluctance, and this continuing yawn inducing saga has been going on for as many years as i can remember.....



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Wooie, was that the Great Dorset? A couple of years ago I ended up stuck in mud in the wrong field. A tractor driver dragged my van across the field and over some plastic cones. My passenger had to jump out and clear the rest of the cones. The underside of the van sustained some minor damage which is not visible.


I got nothing but abuse when I suggested the tractor driver should have responded to my appeals for more care.

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Guest peter

We went on thursday and got bogged down to rear axle as soon as we went on the field. Rear wheel drive won't help in these apalling conditions. Got pulled out backwards by tractor on friday afternoon and parked up on access road to field. Cleared off on sat' morning thoroughly fed up and couldn't be bothered to march round all the stalls etc as it was purgatry. I am a bit cheesed off with LeVoyageur also, as the blanked off hole in the front bumper did not line up with the hole in the chassis member for the towing eye. Not good enough for a van costing the thick end of £100k.

One thing that warners could have, and should have done as a matter of course, considering it's been raining for weeks, is,to have erected a marquee for people to go in the dry to eat the food they have purchased at the stalls. Just not good enough. We will also not be pre booking in future, preffering to pay a bit extra if it's fine, and giving it a miss if it's wet and windy/cold, as it was this year.

All in all a total waste of time and money £42 for camping plus fuel. You live and learn.

I really feel sorry for the traders and people hoping to get off today and I was informed that only one tractor will be available on monday, heaven help the stragglers.

The whole thing was a disaster, darling, as they say on strictly.

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Just back having 'done' the show yesterday.

The show itself was a bit 'samey', seeing stuff sunk in mud was actually the most interesting aspect. What struck me more than anything was the lack of much innovation in the last year or so. I haven't been keeping up with new model launches and thought there might be one or two exciting changes.

Apart from everyone using LEDs now, all was a bit predicable. A couple of PV converters had at least broken the mould. Wildax have done a few subtle little things here and there which at least shows they are thinking.

Build quality across manufacturers seems to have remained pretty uninspiring - I had a proper poke given the other thread re Leaky and rattly things. I realise that 'vans have to return a profit and there is time pressure to get them rolled out, but notwithstanding that there is plainily an omnipresent 'it'll be right' kind of attitude. Some 'vans looked like someone had done a dirty protest with a sikaflex gun.

So to all who stayed at home, you didn't miss much.

It went ahead, loads camped, some rough camped, some didn't go, some were upset to the point of tutting, nobody died.
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crinklystarfish - 2012-04-29 3:36 PM

nobody died.


Can you be sure - they might never be found in what must by now be exceedingly soggy and boggy!


I can think of one or two that wouldn't be missed!

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Well so much for our first Peterborough show!!!


We left by 11:00 this morning as it was proverbially p!!ssing down with no sign of a let up and all the traders where packing up and going home.


We woke at 8:00 this morning and where already surrounded by water on our pitch with the ATOC.

We moved onto a roadway (under our own steam) and stayed there while we had breakfast watching most others being towed out by the tractor. We then said to h*ll with it and left for home. We got passed by umpteen dealer stock MH's on the A14 so they must all have left early as well.


I'll post some photos later to show you!



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Regarding Dusseldorf. This is a site and buildings designed for one purpose - indoor shows. From memory the whole parking/camping site is specially constructed with grass growing through perforated concrete blocks. This is no doubt laid onto a suitable well drained base.


Peterborough was origionally an agricultural showground and is therefore still just a field with little or no drainage arrangements.

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Brock - 2012-04-29 3:08 PM


Wooie, was that the Great Dorset? A couple of years ago I ended up stuck in mud in the wrong field. A tractor driver dragged my van across the field and over some plastic cones. My passenger had to jump out and clear the rest of the cones. The underside of the van sustained some minor damage which is not visible.


I got nothing but abuse when I suggested the tractor driver should have responded to my appeals for more care.


Hi Brock,


no it was the one at Chelford, Cheshire and the damage was done mainly by the young idiot driving the tractor like a numpty and then doing a hard right as he got back on the track. The problem was the van was still in thick mud which then dragged it sideways and caught some railing that ran along the track.

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Tracker - 2012-04-29 3:39 PM
crinklystarfish - 2012-04-29 3:36 PM nobody died.
Can you be sure...

Actually, no.

But if they did, I'd guess it would be more than likely through losing the will to battle through the mediocrity.

Oh, forgot to mention, cheers to the several selfish A-framers who insisted on taking up at least 4 normal sized gravel day-visitor parking bays by parking across them instead of demonstrating just how easy and convenient it is to unhitch their turds, or whatever it is some call them.

You know who you are...
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malc d - 2012-04-29 4:20 PM


How do people spend their time if they stay at these shows for two or three days ?


Three or four hours is usually enough for me.







BTW. Sun shinning in Peterborough now :-D

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Keithl - 2012-04-29 3:47 PM


Well so much for our first Peterborough show!!!


We left by 11:00 this morning as it was proverbially p!!ssing down with no sign of a let up and all the traders where packing up and going home.


We woke at 8:00 this morning and where already surrounded by water on our pitch with the ATOC.

We moved onto a roadway (under our own steam) and stayed there while we had breakfast watching most others being towed out by the tractor. We then said to h*ll with it and left for home. We got passed by umpteen dealer stock MH's on the A14 so they must all have left early as well.


I'll post some photos later to show you!

The photos should be interesting Keith. Look forward to seeing what I missed.


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We chucked in the towel this morning ( it was totally soaked :D ) and pulled out. I borrowed a strap from my neighbouring stall and used my Focus estate to drag the trailer onto the roadway then towed it to a safe parking spot. I had serious doubts about getting my motorhome off as it had been parked since Wednesday afternoon and our stand area was pretty much under water this morning. I needn't have worried, I first pulled forward up my levelling ramps to release the chocks then reversed off them. Then low first gear and aimed for the tarmac and made it with no trouble at all, rear wheel drive with twin wheels works quite well if you don't go mad with the loud pedal.



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