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Exploding Cooker Glass top


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As we were setting off for France 3 weeks ago I did all the usual checks got in closed the door put seat belt on and started the engine when there was a loud noise like a drinks can being opened astounded as to what it was I was amazed to see the glass lid to the cooker had exploded leaving thousands of little squares of glass everywhere.  Luckily enough no one was near it I have just rang Thetford and Marquis and as the 12 month warrenty on fitted items has expired replacement is £72 , but the good news is my son being a builder has asked his glazing supplier for a price for a piece of smoked toughened glass to replace it £15 ready Tuesday " Result !! ".
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We had a similar incident happen to us at the Newbury show.


Had made some toast in our smev grill. Door was fully open throughout, and left open after grill was turned off, then when we went back in to the motorhome there was glass all over the floor!


I'm guessing it has something to do with expanding and contracting, but we did exactly as it says to in the manual. And of course it's a 2008 van with no warranty...


Quick google around looks like around £50 to replace. >:-(


The same weekend we also had three episodes of spilled red wine! :-(



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Brit_Stops - 2012-05-24 5:56 PMWe had a similar incident happen to us at the Newbury show.  >:-( The same weekend we also had three episodes of spilled red wine! :-( Steve

Now that is a really serious incident almost a full bottle " Whow "

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kelly58 - 2012-05-24 2:58 PM


, but the good news is my son being a builder has asked his glazing supplier for a price for a piece of smoked toughened glass to replace it £15 ready Tuesday " Result !! ".


Is that drilled for fittings and ground edges? if so is a 'cracking' price

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I always put bubble wrap under he glass lid, it shouldn't have exploded unless the hob was hot!! thats worrying if it wasn't, if were moving shortly after breakfast I put a wet dish cloth underneath the bubble wrap just to make sure.


I think glass is a daft choice for something that takes all that vibration you would think they would come up with something better wouldn't you. :-S

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crinklystarfish - 2012-05-24 8:02 PM


Hate them, have completely done away with them. Pointless things unless in the tiniest of 'vans with zero worktop space and even then it's a constant shuffle stuff-lift-shuffle stuff-drop-shuffle stuff scenario. Another example of 'tradition' over function.


Pretty much my view, but we're all difrerent, in our case hob glass top was removed due to fitting diffent hob and grill, and bowl glass top was removed because it was a pia.

But if you realy need a top, then a more durable option would be an ali one.

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crinklystarfish - 2012-05-24 8:02 PM


Hate them, have completely done away with them. Pointless things unless in the tiniest of 'vans with zero worktop space and even then it's a constant shuffle stuff-lift-shuffle stuff-drop-shuffle stuff scenario. Another example of 'tradition' over function.


On the same principle, but re my exploding grill door - why is it even made of glass when the user manual tells you have have to have it open whenever in use??? What are you looking at through it??? A transparent door is completely unnecessary! >:-(



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All gas fired grills should be operated with the door open whether in the motorhome or your domestic one in the house. It is a fact that if you close your grill door on your cooker when the grill is lit, the carbon monoxide parts per million count increases through the ceiling. So yes, why have a glass door??
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Slightly O/T but my wife and I were at a friends house seated at a glass topped dining table. ( 6 seater)


The hostess filled our glasses and put down the emptyish bottle of wine on the table top and the top exploded, noone was cut or hurt but does make you wonder about tempered glass fittings.


Took a good while to clear up (and like a broken windscreen) found shards of glass for months after the event.



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Toughened glass is strange stuff. Take an ordinary sheet of glass and heat to just short of its melting point, Then blast jets of freezing cold air simultaneously at both sides. This puts the outer skins into tension and the middle in compression and makes it several times tougher. Its the indian rope trick principle.


This is fine as there are no impurities or scratches to concentrate stress and cause the asembly to explode as all the locked in tension is released.. Fortunatly it forms tiny particles rather than dangerous razor sharp edges like untreated glass.


Back in the dim and distant car windscreens were toughened rather than the current laminated glass and regularly broke due to flying chippings, accident or just because they felt like it. Cleaning up the resultant mess needed an industrial strength vaccum cleaner.


A few years back one motorcaravan MMM had on long term test had three explode.

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Picked up the replacement piece of Bronze Toughened Glass to-day and it fits a treat , if you did not know it was a replacement piece you would not know  "£15 cash" compared to Thetford replacement £72 job well done ,
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Not quite an exploding glass lid but some 50 years ago my family had a caravan site and used to hire vans to holiday makers (that's how I met my wife). One of our regular holiday makers decide to heat a tin of treacle pudding up in the oven without opening the tin. The resulting explosion quite literally blew the cooker up. Fortunately no one was seriously hurt. From then on she was always known as the 'treacle pudding lady' and she was certainly never allowed to forget the event every time she came back to us.
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Brit_Stops - 2012-05-24 10:33 PM

... re my exploding grill door - why is it even made of glass when the user manual tells you have have to have it open whenever in use??? What are you looking at through it??? A transparent door is completely unnecessary! >:-(




Perhaps it is because the same door is used on the oven versions? Our Smev grill appears to have the same door as the Smev oven.


As for not wanting a glass hob top but needing extra worktop ... a nice solid tray would do the job so long as you didn't put it on the hob after it had been used and was hot.

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Who said lightning never strikes the same place twice ??

Yesterday as entering the aire at City Europe guess what the glass door to the grill exploded like the glass cooker top did 2 months ago , so I called into Marquis on the way home and they are going to try their luck for a replacement under warrany although when I rang Thetford when the top exploded they said as it was 18 months old the warranty for the appliance was only valid for 12 months so its fingures crossed.

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Hi Kelly,


i`ve heard of this happening and " thankfully " it hasn`t happened to me.


Not sure which yours are but mine are held in place by 2 large " grub screws ".


Seeing as the first one happened just after you had started the engine and the

second whilst you were driving it could be the vibration doing it.


If the screws are too tight and the vibration hits the right frequency then POP.


It`s only a thought and might be of some help.










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Wooie - 2012-07-10 2:45 PM

If the screws are too tight and the vibration hits the right frequency then POP.


After reading about 'glass lids exploding' a while back I had a similar thought. I have slackened the fixings on our hob top so that the glass is just held in place. This may or may not be helping the situation, really don’t have any way of knowing – but it can’t hurt.

Cattwg :-D

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What I find strange is, on our van, the cooker lid is toughened glass, but the sink cover is gorilla glass, it says, you can stand a hot pan, straight off the hob on it (not been brave enough to test the theory) shouldn't they both be made the same? or is it me.


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On Boxing Day 2011 our shower screen at home exploded when no one was in the bathroom. No warning, no prior indications, 8mm thick smoked glass and it went off with a sound like a stack of dishes crashing to the ground.


No problem with the insurance, they paid out promptly. When we ordered the replacement, the plumbers merchant told us that they had seen several such examples before.

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