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Cheshire Showground


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This is the one rally that we do go to.  We like to meet up with people that we don't see throughout the year and we enjoy the shows (except for Saturday this year as last year's Saturday night was so poor so we've decided not to pay for it this year).  We take a wander round the commercial ground perhaps on the Friday morning to have a look at the new vehicles and get a bit of motorhome envy but rarely buy anthing, that's not what we go for.
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Guest Tracker

Warners get very upset at any criticism these days and I even had a rollocking and a thread removed for daring to mention another company's show on THEIR own forum recently (not that it competed directly with any of their own shows) and I was threatened with banning if I dared to criticise Warners again.


We know that the forum is monitored and It has gone very quiet from the organisers so perhaps in view of that we may not get an honest appraisal of the ground state at Knutsford from anyone at Warners ?


But I do hope to be proven wrong - so come on Warners - be honest and open with us all - surely we at least deserve that before trundling a long way up to the cold and wet North?


Perhaps our best hope is pukka info from someone who is actually on site there?

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Suda - 2012-07-11 5:58 PM


Thankyou Roger S. First hand information from a person who has actually been standing in the camping fields. We are going, mud or not. MMM say that thye tractor pulling is free.


Good on you, Suda! And thanks again to Roger S for the "on the spot" reports!


See you there!


Steve :-D

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Guest Tracker

Hardly the most informative of reports - come on Warners - show us that you care by giving some detailed information on ground conditions and prospects for being able to see the show without wearing wellies and for being able to get in and out without being tractored.


We appreciate that even Warners can't control the weather but info based on current conditions and current forecast would be something?


Remember the lack of info for Peterborough and the resulting chaos !!

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Tracker - 2012-07-12 10:16 AM


Hardly the most informative of reports - come on Warners - show us that you care by giving some detailed information on ground conditions and prospects for being able to see the show without wearing wellies and for being able to get in and out without being tractored.







...and all the Olympic venues should let us know a couple of days in advance what ground conditions are like, and wether or not we should go, and if we do go, what we should wear.


Otherwise we are going to have to make those decisions ourselves.




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Guest Tracker

Except that as far as I know the Olympic car parks do not involve grassed areas on a flood plain, close to a river and the distinct possibility of being towed out by a tractor?


I am well capable of making my own decisions thank you and, having a motorhome will as ever bring a selection of suitable clothing, but it would help if those who are on location took the trouble to give a meaningful report on the ground conditions as they actually are today.


Just saying - 'the show is going ahead' is not information - or perhaps I expect too much from a money making organisation where profits appear to come well ahead of customer relations?


Warners make a lot of effort and spend a lot of money and they do get a lot of things more or less right so it gives me no pleasure to continually badger them for accurate info - but should I really have to?


What does everyone else think? Am I being unreasonable?



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Tracker - totally agree with you words!


Be good to get some more info from the site!


Couple of my firends are not going incase they get stuck!.......I'll be there rain or shine, but would be useful for those people who are on the fence wondering if it's worth going or not!


Hopefully more detailed feedback will arrive as the day advances.


Hopefully it'll be ok for me as I've not booked anything in advance!



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Guest Tracker

We NEVER pre book and pay for a show - the weather and some times river side locations in the UK are not amenable in our view?


Better to pay a few quid more than lose the pre paid lot we reckon - besides if we have a better idea or get a better offer for the weekend we don't have to go!

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Tracker - 2012-07-12 10:54 AM


...What does everyone else think? Am I being unreasonable?



I suppose that would depend on whether you *really* intended to go in the first place(..in which case,people have posted what the conditions are like..)..or whether it's just that you just like to have a the odd pop at Warners and "their" shows...... ;-)


...just how do these, "wild camping","non-conformist" motorhoming free-spirits, manage to amble around the continent for months on end..?....do they need continuous reassurances and updates from somone at their next port of call,as to the conditions of their prefered,"out of the way" pitch ..? (lol) (lol)



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Guest Tracker

We are going - all that remains to decide is whether as a day visitor or stay the weekend.


I only 'pop' at anyone when I feel that their service or attitude is found wanting!


For the record Warners shows are at least as good as anyone else's and better than most - but that does not mean that they cannot be improved and what better way than feedback from regular show goers??

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If I had to choose between launcing myself onto a potentialy sodden,muddy field for the weekend, with either a fwd MH or a 4x4 jeep...I think I'd be choosin' the jeep!... ;-)


(..that's along as the the jeep's got half-decent tyres and the caravan isn't a wacking great twin axle job.. (lol) )

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Guest Tracker

Perhaps we would be better bringing our cabin cruiser up the river to tie up alongside all the floating motorhomes - not that we can help tow any of them off site as it is not a tugboat!


Do they do weekend moorings!

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We heard yesterday from a trader who is there that the ground is soft and wet, don't know what the weather is doing there today as we decided to give this show a sidestep but its raining here and has been most of the night. We had thought we might take a ride up over the weekend as its only an hour or so up the road for us but looking at the weather I think we'll just give it a body swerve altogether.



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Guest Tracker

According to the poor marshals who are doing a great job in the continuous rain anyone who comes to this low lying location with its known flooding issues must be barmy.


I second that emotion!


We got on OK but I doubt we will get off without a tractor as the rain is forecast to carry on all night and into Saturday and the ground gets more and more like a brown bog by the hour.


Unless you have a pressing need to be here be aware that it is very very very wet and the show ground is a sea of mud.


The day visitor parking area is just as bad as the rest of the site.


Another unsuitable location for a show in wet weather and Warners deliberate policy of being economical with the truth is another shameful example of their attitude.


I've been warned about criticising Warners and threatened with banning and if that is Daniel the editors attitude so be it but I think people have a right to know the truth.


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We went to our first ever motor-home show today at the Cheshire Show ground and found that all the traders were very positive with customers but rather disappointed with the organisation of the ground state and slow action to enable visitors to walk through the show. it was disappointing as a day visitor to be directed onto a field that was wet through and had long grass to step into, as we were thoroughly soaked even before we got onto the stands. We of course expected to get wet with the forecast today but other show grounds we have visited had some hard surface to walk on and places to shelter in buildings etc. We hope as newcomers to enjoy this pastime but very disappointed by an organisation who publish a fantastic magazine and give the impression of having excellent knowledge of it's customer/ user requirements to provide this type of event. We will be very wary in future.

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We went to our first ever motor-home show today at the Cheshire Show ground and found that all the traders were very positive with customers but rather disappointed with the organisation of the ground state and slow action to enable visitors to walk through the show. it was disappointing as a day visitor to be directed onto a field that was wet through and had long grass to step into, as we were thoroughly soaked even before we got onto the stands. We of course expected to get wet with the forecast today but other show grounds we have visited had some hard surface to walk on and places to shelter in buildings etc. We hope as newcomers to enjoy this pastime but very disappointed by an organisation who publish a fantastic magazine and give the impression of having excellent knowledge of it's customer/ user requirements to provide this type of event. We will be very wary in future.

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We went to our first ever motor-home show today at the Cheshire Show ground and found that all the traders were very positive with customers but rather disappointed with the organisation of the ground state and slow action to enable visitors to walk through the show. it was disappointing as a day visitor to be directed onto a field that was wet through and had long grass to step into, as we were thoroughly soaked even before we got onto the stands. We of course expected to get wet with the forecast today but other show grounds we have visited had some hard surface to walk on and places to shelter in buildings etc. We hope as newcomers to enjoy this pastime but very disappointed by an organisation who publish a fantastic magazine and give the impression of having excellent knowledge of it's customer/ user requirements to provide this type of event. We will be very wary in future.

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