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Cheshire Showground


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Due to go tomorrow. Rang on Wednesday as it was solid rain here (Manchester) and asked about the plans. Has rained here mainly for weeks with odd exceptions.


Tractors was the answer. My response that wasn't really what people want to do so why didn't they just cancel it as other events had. Paul Weller at Jodrell Bank (very near) etc "But what a shame to waste 18 months work" was the answer to my comment abut cancelling would cost them against leaving people to choose not to attend and therefore lose their money.

A lot of people attend in high value vehicles and their idea of helping is tractors.


Asked about the possibility of using alternative entrances/exits to keep the wear to one area down as I know and mentioned the pre booked general camping is as far form the entrance as you can get. Answer The main manager is on site and will be looking at such things.



Asked about metallic type roads as used at York on occasions. Answer the size of the site. Real meaning the profit to them.


Pre booking with Warners again. Don't think so. They have on the website follow in twitter and FB for up to minute updates. There are queries from hours ago. Not impressed with them at all.


No updates. A nice pleasant picture in the sun yesterday. I know I am nearby that it was nice yesterday but it has rained here a lot of the day.


I feel sorry for the smaller stall orders and real ale bar, food outlets who may have placed orders weeks ago.

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