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One for the Editor

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johnnerontheroad - 2012-07-23 1:15 PM




You may wish to follow this http://www.motorhomefun.co.uk/motorhome-chat/52817-mmm-motorcaravan-motorhome-monthly.html



The numbers dont even mention the many 'data' pages reproduced each issue, same as the last.

This was the main reason i stopped buying What Car, well less than half the pages were 'original content' ie not data pages or adverts.

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Guest JudgeMental
pepe63 - 2012-07-23 3:44 PM


JudgeMental - 2012-07-23 3:25 PM


......I just look at German mags on line


Really?..blimey Eddie..there's a shocker...! ;-)

...we would NEVER have had you down for someone who liked German motorhome related stuff..


You've kept that quiet mate!... (lol)


well if you want proper in depth reviews with all important data including weights etc....YOu ned to look at German amd French magazines *-)

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It's a hard job for any paper-based mag to sell now, and it's gonna get a LOT harder in the years to come - now that almost everyone in the socio-economic group that motorhome manufacturers/dealers/accessory retailers want to target has fast internet access and there is so much information on buying/owning/fettling (for free) on the web.


Technological change is increasingly rendering these monthly, paper-based publications superfluous.


I suspect an awful lot of the magazine titles on newsagent shelves now won't still be in production in say 5 years time.

Their sales may not have fallen to zero by the time they are closed, but will have fallen to a point where the publisher is making a consistent loss, and advertisers prefer to spend their bucks advertising via the increasingly more cost-effective digital routes instead.

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At one time I had a few magazines monthly and I soon realised that forums would give me a faster response to queries whether technical or touring,virtually within hours instead of months with a magazine,if I'm lucky!

Even the forums which charge subs are still cheaper than a magazine subscription.

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Guest peter
Got this months "summer Special". You guessed it, same old rubbish as usual. Last one we'll buy for a while methinks.
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Agreed the content is almost none existent I used to buy it for a good read in the van but all the adverts lack of substance in the articles and the price convinced me to stop. You would think that with all the advertising that the cover price would be much lower then perhaps sales would be higher a conundrum indeed for the editor.


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Guest peter

There's more content in our local free paper and less adverts. If it was given out for free, it would take 10 min's to read then you'd bin it.

How people can get all excited when it falls on the mat each month is beyond me.

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..But I suppose at the end of it all,they haven't got the most "vibrant" of subjects to work with,have they?....just how many different and fresh articles CAN you write about motorhomes that would appeal to the "UK market" ? :-S (...the bulk of which,are probably 65-70-80 year olds. ;-) ).


..and with most motorhomes looking(and "being") very much the same,as the one parked next to it(..albeit for the occassional model,which'll maybe have a "class leading" ( *-) ) drop down/pull out,something or other..?!),is it any wonder "tests" and features all look and sound the same...


(..and if you're not impressed with MMM,then I'd suggest steering clear of the Caravan Club mag'...(lol)

..with it's Letters pages usually full of "...Well down the Club.." and "...just wanted to tell you ,we've been members for 40 years...keep up the good work...blah blah"...type of sychophantic drizzle... )

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Agree with Judge re quality of continental mags. Just purchased Aug issue of Le Monde du Camping-car and it is so much better than anything on offer in U.K. Reviews of lots of next years new models, well ahead of MMM, plus travel articles which indicate places to stay not just pretty photos or reviews of CC or CCC sites. That said on the whole have found MMM better under this editor, the last ones were very poor; at least more mention given to staying on aires etc but a long way still to go to make it worth buying every month. Perhaps editor needs to look at some of the people who seem to have been invoved with mag for ever and see if its time for some new blood!
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Thanks for the comments - some quite constructive.

For those who want to see changes to MMM (and those that don't) can I ask that you fill in the reader survey?

It only takes 10 mins and is one of the ways we can continue to develop MMM to keep it the UK's best-selling motorhome magazine.

There is an option in the survey for those interested to become a member of a reader forum, which will allow you to liaise directly with the editorial team to help shape future content.

Just follow this link




For those who don't read MMM and/or have an issue with the number of adverts in MMM, can I point out that in the last survey a large percentage of readers said they want adverts, find them useful and indeed buy directly from them.

On a wider point, the ratio of adverts to editorial within MMM is well within industry standards, is strictly controlled and has never dropped below (or exceeded depending on your point of view) a set level.

And remember these adverts help pay for services such as this forum, which is completely free to all of you but which is still a significant cost to us.

Hope that helps and if any of you have comments on MMM please continue to let me know them through the survey, by email or post, by phone or even on the forum.



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Got half way through the survey, and dumped it when it started asking about age and income. Bloody cheek! :-) You do not need that kind of information to know how people react to the magazine. That is pure market trawling, not a concerned editorial staff seeking to know how their readers react to content.


MMM's style is slipping, IMO, inexorably towards the CC mag, which I do not find encouraging. What do I mean? The travel pieces seem increasingly to be by - if not professional journalists - then those whose names appear against other, similar, articles in other magazines. A few years back they were predominantly submitted by readers, telling of their own experiences with their own motorhomes. The result at times lacked polish, but it was palpably what the writer had done. For all its failings, it was authentic. One had the sense, if you will, of a family chatting among themselves. It seems now to be veering towards a family being talked at by relative outsiders, who write more for the income and less for the interest. Inevitably a personal view, but I think rather a shame - though I am sure much easier to edit and produce.


It is difficult to summarise in few words, but for me it is losing part of the charm that first drew me to it, eight or nine years ago. It is just gradually losing its mojo, to coin a phrase. Slicker, more professional, better pictures, yes; but less involving, and less involved. Bit too much "House and Garden for motorhomers"?


Please don't, whatever you do, take the letters away from the front, or start editing them down, whatever the waffle involved, because they, at least, are the authentic voice of those who use these vehicles, not of those who occasionally use one, but mainly write about them. I appreciate this last comment may seem a bit unfair, because those of us who are retired can spend weeks at a stretch travelling in our vehicles - while you poor sods only get to play in them for brief spells between bouts of pretending to earn your incomes! :-D

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I read the various continental magazines,and they seem to include prctical servicing and modification articles that ours shy away from,probably due to H&S paranoia. They also seem to include more detailed articles,some practical,on activities which are supported by motorhomes.

And,most important of all,when you see the roadtests,the age demographic of the testers is a great deal lower. Why to our magazines refer to '..and plenty of space for the grand kids' and not ',, children will find this conversion will make them the envy of their friends'?

Its only a matter of time until UK magazines start carrying adverts for incontinence aids instead of continental travel!

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Brian Kirby - 2012-07-26 5:46 PM


Got half way through the survey, and dumped it when it started asking about age and income. Bloody cheek! :-) You do not need that kind of information to know how people react to the magazine. That is pure market trawling, not a concerned editorial staff seeking to know how their readers react to content.





Thanks for the warning Brian.


The opening blurb says that the survey " will give us the info we need to ensure the content of MMM is exactly what you want "


Unless they intend to start giving advice on pension investments it's hard to see why they need to know age and income.





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But what is the alternative, trawling through magazines in your non-native tongue (then mis-interpreting the crutial bit) or the UK's competitors. (Practical Motorhome & MCC ?)

I'll stick with my MMM subscription, thank you.

But that should not be read that improvements can't be made & you can be vague (or dis-honest) about sensitive bits in the survey >:-)

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  • 2 weeks later...
Brian Kirby - 2012-07-26 5:46 PM


Got half way through the survey, and dumped it when it started asking about age and income. Bloody cheek! :-) You do not need that kind of information to know how people react to the magazine. That is pure market trawling, not a concerned editorial staff seeking to know how their readers react to content.




You can complete the survey without answering all the questions so leave out anything you don't want to tell them.


The way I go about it is to click 'Next' on a page before answering any questions then all those which are compulsory appear with a red warning.

Obviously you can answer more but on this survey those on income are not compulsory.



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Keithl - 2012-08-05 11:45 AM



Obviously you can answer more but on this survey those on income are not compulsory.






That's very true - but WHY would they ask about income if they are trying to improve

the content of the mag ?



If it's about gaining financial info to sell to their advertisers, it might be more relevant to ask about peoples' savings, rather than income.




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malc d - 2012-07-26 7:02 PM


Brian Kirby - 2012-07-26 5:46 PM


Got half way through the survey, and dumped it when it started asking about age and income. Bloody cheek! :-) You do not need that kind of information to know how people react to the magazine. That is pure market trawling, not a concerned editorial staff seeking to know how their readers react to content.





Thanks for the warning Brian.


The opening blurb says that the survey " will give us the info we need to ensure the content of MMM is exactly what you want "


Unless they intend to start giving advice on pension investments it's hard to see why they need to know age and income.




Perhaps the info is to enable them to see what the demographics of the readers are ... if only those with savings bought motorhomes there wouldn't be many about! A lot of people buy them on the 'never never' so income level could have quite an impact on what they buy/can afford, how much they spend etc. Same goes for age - if the average reader is, say 55, they are less likely to want to know about stuff for kiddies/babies, theme parks etc which would possibly interest the younger motorhome owner with young families. It may also mean that if the readers age ends up being more in the range 65-70, then they may do a comparison test on zimmer frames and buggies!!! (lol)

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Mel B - 2012-08-05 9:26 PM





....................... if the readers age ends up being more in the range 65-70, then they may do a comparison test on zimmer frames and buggies!!! (lol)




Steady on there Mel.


Things have moved on --- 65 - 70 is a bit early to be looking at zimmer frames and buggies !


( electric bikes possibly - but not zimmer frames ).




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