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Trauma truma what ever !


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Should my blown air only cut in when the temprature outside is colder than inside ?.I asked hubby to turn on all the heating in the van before we go away on Friday , just to make sure you know. We did'nt have any call for it in the summer in France . Anyway we can make the fire work red hot on gas . On electric the heat was no good so we gave up. The blown air heating wouldnt come on WHY ?.


We did it when the van was ice cold so why not ?. what are we doing wrong we imagined it wouldnt be any different then the old Bessie we had with blown air . Can you guys help set us straight .


Thank you

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Have you checked for a mains switch to the heater usually there are 2 mains switches with neon lights one for the water heater and one for the fire heater which could be in the wardrobe or near the main control panel and also turn the thermostat up .
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Unlike your Bessacarr, rather than having a Truma combined air/water heater, I believe your Chieftain has a Truma S-3002K gas convector 'fire' with 230V "Ultraheat" and "Trumavent" blown-air-fan options, plus a separate Truma B10 gas/230V water-boiler.


I've no hands-on experience of Truma convector heaters, but I have looked at Truma's Operating Instructions which are here:




As you can get your heater to produce plenty of heat in convention mode on gas, but can't get the blown-air to work, I'm guessing that you might have the Trumavent fan-switch in the OFF position (see the "Trumavent TEB" section on Page 6 of the Operating Instructions.


Try this:


1. Make sure there's nothing (like loose-fit carpet) pushed against the base of the heater where it might mask the heater's thermostat.


2. Turn the heater's Control Knob (on the right side of the heater's top ) to its maximum setting of 10.


3. Turn the Trumavent fan TEB control (on the left side of the heater's top ) to its maximum setting of 5, and set its 3-position switch to the position marked "A" (Automatic/heating).


4. Light the heater's gas-burner by pressing down the Control Knob and holding it down for 10 seconds.


The blown-air fan may operate slowly and quietly to begin with and you may not notice that it's running, but - with the Control Knob's thermostat-setting at 10 and the fan's speed-setting at 5 - the fan should soon produce plenty of blown-air as it adjusts its speed to the heater's output.


(It's possible there's an electrical fault with the blown-air system, or, as kelly58 suggests, a hidden operating-switch turned off, but I think the cause of the problem is more likely 'user unfamiliarity' ;-) Incidentally, don't expect an enormous amount of heat when operating the heater on mains electricity, as its maximum 230V output is only 2kW.)

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Hi Michelle,


Was your control panel turned on? The blown air fan will only run when the control panel is turned on even though the gas fire will light without it.


As for the mains heater, as others have said there will be an isolation switch somewhere near the main heater to turn it on and off. Ours is at the back of the wardrobe immediately above the heater.




PS Glad you're all back up and running and ready for the off again.

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We run the electric convector heater first , its the first time so obviously it had a slight smell.

Then he switched it off and run the gas side of it . The temp raised incredibly very efficently .

He was worried about running both together ...


Thanks you both and Derek as per you hit it on the nail he has run out to do as you say ...will report back soon :D


Oops and you keith :D

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As I understand Truma's Operating Instructions, it should be possible to switch the blown-air fan on manually to 'ventllate' the vehicle. To do this the Trumavent fan's 3-position switch needs to be moved to its most-left setting (I think there are good photos in your Auto-Trail handbook). Try that to see if the fan will run on its own without the heater operating.


1. I suppose there's no possibility that your Chieftain's leisure-battery's charge is so low that there's not enough power to run the fan?


2. There may be a 12V fuse dedicated to the blown-air fan and, if that's the case and the fuse had blown, that would stop the fan from running. I've looked at the downloadable Auto-Trail handbook for your motorhome and also at the Sargent instructions for the electrical system.




I notice that (on Page 10 of 19 of the Sargent file) Fuse 8 of the EC500 Power Supply Unit (photo on Page 1 of 19 of Sargent file) is said to protect "FANS", so it would be worth checking that one. (Can't help with where in your motorhome Auto-Trail will have installed the EC500 PSU.)


3. I came across this on a caravan forum when a Truma fire's non-working blown-air fan was being discussed:


"...On the back of the heater-unit there are two wires with spade connectors. One of them may have dropped off. The connector needs a very gentle squash with a pair of pliers to teach it a lesson, and then needs to be replaced on the empty spade-connector on the back of the heater."


4. Professional advice (from another caravan forum discussing a non-functioning blown-air fan) listed these five fault-possibiiities:


a) Fuse and/or 12v connections.

b) Wiring-loom connections between fan and control switch.

c) The control switch itself.

d) The PCB (Printed Circuit Board) in the fan housing.

e) The fan motor itself.


This Truma heating system is pretty straightforward and it's unlikely that your dealer would have failed to confirm that the blown-air side of it was OK before handing the motorhome over to you. As you've had a lot of recent work done on your motorhome, it's possible this may have something to do with the current problem.


If none of the above helps to fix the problem, try giving Truma's technicians a ring (Tel: 01283 586020)





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A brief follow-up on the spade-connector suggestion I mentioned in "3" in my last posting.


This may relate to a much earlier Truma S-Series heater than yours (or even be wrong advice). I've looked at Truma's Installation Instructions for the Trumavent blown-air fan-unit when it's attached to a S-3002K heater and no mention is made of spade-connectors. So, if you don't find electrical connectors on the back of the heater, don't be surprised!

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Derek , once again thanks for the reply ..We give up now had enough . Have toggled the switch tried every which way and still no blown air it obviously has a problem . It will have to wait until we get back from holidays .Done fuse 8 all appears ok block connectors to back all appear ok . batteries are fully charged .


Out of interest does anyone know how much gas these convector fires guzzle if left on high? /low ? just want to make sure I have enough with us weather isnt looking great where we are off to .





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Have you actually checked the back of the fire to make sure that the blown air pipe is attached?


When we had this system in our Rapido the blown air wouldn't work so I had a rummage around behind the fire and found that the blown air pipe connector wasn't attached!!!! Once I'd attached it, it worked a treat.

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Hi Michele,


Sorry to ask again if you have tried but did you have the main Auto-Trail control panel over the door turned on? ie would the 12v lights work when you where trying?


The convector fire will work on both Mains and Gas without it on but the blower will not.



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Mel B - 2012-10-03 5:20 PM


Michele - not sure if these are the instructions you already have, but worth having a look just in case they are different (from page 6 onwards):




Dare I say it - 3rd posting down ;-)


As I understand it, the problem is that (whatever Michele tries) the blown-air fan doesn't run. Logically, the reason for this happening is likely to lie in the a-e list included in my posting of 3 October 2012 9:29 AM. It could, of course, be due to something else entirely, but an electrical fault seems a fair bet.


Presumably, with your Rapido, the fan operated but - because the air-trunking wasn't connected to the fan-unit - no warmed air was being blown to the air-outlets?



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Hi Michele,

there is a Sargent ECU 500 and a Control Panel. It's important that you switch the heater on via the ECU first. The Switch will be an oblong push down type then your heater control which I think is above the door can be switched on. Hopefully it will start to heat up, it will take considerably longer to heat up on electric than gas.

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Derek Uzzell - 2012-10-03 6:16 PM


Mel B - 2012-10-03 5:20 PM


Michele - not sure if these are the instructions you already have, but worth having a look just in case they are different (from page 6 onwards):




Dare I say it - 3rd posting down ;-)


As I understand it, the problem is that (whatever Michele tries) the blown-air fan doesn't run. Logically, the reason for this happening is likely to lie in the a-e list included in my posting of 3 October 2012 9:29 AM. It could, of course, be due to something else entirely, but an electrical fault seems a fair bet.


Presumably, with your Rapido, the fan operated but - because the air-trunking wasn't connected to the fan-unit - no warmed air was being blown to the air-outlets?



Didn't realise it was the same link Derek ... great minds and all that! :D


It is so long ago that we had the Rapido that I can't remember specifically if I could actually 'hear' the fan (which I'm sure was working) but I do recall that it was a 'quiet' fire when in use.

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Guys guys & gals , thanks so much for all the help offers . As said before many a time I may be stupid the OH has a brain :D I think well maybe the Met removed it one time lol.. We have tried all the obvious and we certainly turned it on over the door we have had 4 M/homes now so its quite obvious to me even :D :D

We even done as Steve At suggested and all the things Derek has suggested The thing is definately not making any noise . Its Kaput . Never mind life sucks and all that jazz . Holiday first and rest .


When we get back we will get a new switch for my new Motorhome :D :D :D :D

Thought it would be a fact finding mission not a bloody repair job mission impossible *-)

I am still smiling and nothing but nothing is going to ruin this holiday . 8-)

Especially if I

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rolandrat - 2012-10-03 6:37 PM


Hi Michele,

Forgot. Activate the control panel first ie, turn it on. Then press the oblong heater swich on the ECU500, then the heater control above the door.


Just for the record...


The Auto-Trail handbook for a 2012 Frontier Chieftain can be viewed here:




This indicates that a Sargent EC500 PSU and EC480 control-panel are fitted and these are detailed on Pages 18-22.


The handbook describes the "SPACE HEATER" and "WATER HEATER" switches on the EC500 as follows:


"Space Heater Switch

The space heater switch will isolate the mains supply to the space heater when the vehicle is plugged into a suitable 230 volt supply. Press the button once to turn the supply on – the button will stay in and the button will illuminate, press the button again to turn the supply off, the light will go out."


Water Heater Switch

The water heater switch will isolate the mains supply to the water heater when the vehicle is plugged into a suitable 230 volt supply. Press the button once to turn the supply on – the button will stay in and the button will illuminate, press the button again to turn the supply off, the light will go out."


(The same information is contained in Sargent's own EC500 instructions.)


Consequently, whether or not the Space Heater switch is ON or OFF should have no impact on the operation of the heater's blown-air fan operation.


There is no indication in either Auto-Trail's or Sargent's instructions (or, at least, none I can find) that the EC480 control-panel has a selection capability dedicated to the heater.


Assuming that the EC500 PSU's Power Button is in the ON position, the EC480 control-panel's Power Button is in the ON position and the leisure-battery is reasonably well charged, if the dial of the Truma heater's "Trumavent" switch is turned to Setting 5 and the 3-position switch is moved to the (most left) Manual position, the blown-air fan should run at top speed.


Plainly (as Keithl has warned), if 12V power to the motorhome's habitation area is not turned on, the blown-air fan can't operate. But the EC480 control-panel's Power Button has an associated LED tell-tale to confirm when it's ON and, (as Keithl has also suggested) if there's no 12V supply being provided to the habitation area, nothing 12V-powered (eg. lights, water-pump, control-panel display) will function. As far as I can see, if anything 12V-powered in the habitation area functions, then the heater's blown-air fan, when manually operated, should also function.





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Hi Michele, It seems that you could have a faulty ECU afterall. I had a similar problem with my interior lights not working. I put an Avo meter across the live wire and could only get 4.4 volts, this was on my brand new motorhome. I took it back all the way up to Tyne Valley and the electrician had all the wiring apart looking for the fault, in the end he put it all back together without finding it. I had spent the day there and I came away in dispair so I parked up outside their gates and rang Sargent at Beverley who were very helpful when I described the problem and only getting 4.4 volts on the Avometer. They said that if I was confident enough to change the ECU over they would send a new one by overnight courier and for me to ring them when I had done it to have the old one picked up in the same packaging. This was done and all the lights worked perfectly. If you ring Sargents they will send you a replacement to have fitted by yourselves or a local sparky.
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