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Beef Burgers

Dr Dave

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I don't know what all the fuss is about. You've all probably eaten cat - dog or even rats from your local chinese takeaway and thought it was brilliant. :D
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peter - 2013-01-17 4:56 PM


I don't know what all the fuss is about. You've all probably eaten cat - dog or even rats from your local chinese takeaway and thought it was brilliant. :D


Yes it's strange that, Our local one buys rabbits, but I've never seen Rabbit Chow Mein on the menu, still I suppose they must buy it for personal use ;-)

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Unashamedly stolen from another site I visit:


Email to stock broker, "I would expect Tesco's stock to drop in the near future but not furlong."


Email to second stock broker, " we're taking a different tack, we expect the stock to be stable "


I'm looking in the freezer to check my burgers........., and there off !!


To beef, or not to beef, that is equestrian ?


Tesco burgers give me the trots !!


What are the odds on buying a burger with horse in it ?


I had a Tesco burger last night, I've still got a bit between my teeth !


This problem canter be the best news for Tesco.


An anagram of hamburgers, Shergars bum


The food standards agency is searching farrier and wide to find the source of the contamination


Tesco are financing the Godfather 5, a police informant wakes up to find a pack of frozen burgers in his bed.


I was going to buy a pack of low fat hamburgers, but I discovered they were high in Shergar


Tesco's 1/4 pandas are now popular in Essex



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Very good RogerC.. (lol)


... as for what's wrong with horse meat..well,personally,I'd say not much,IF that's what you knew you were buying..

but it's the traceability(lack of) that's the real issue...where did it come from?How "safe" was it? and How the hell did it find it's way in there?..

..and where was it really meant to go?...was it some sort of "minced slops" that should've gone for pet food? 8-)

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RogerC - 2013-01-17 7:32 PM


I blame the supermarket policy rigid purchasing ethos and their buyers for 'Negotiation characterized by hard bargaining'.........the definition of 'horse trading'.


I just think that they're taking us for a ride (lol)

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The Tesco Meatballs in Gravy  are the "D""s B"s "

On a serious note in the 1980's I worked for a Meat Wholesaler as a long distance lorry driver , I had a regular delivery to a Burger / Sausage ( Hot Dog Jumbo Sausage ) manufacturer in Blackpool where we were able to sell anything we could not use ourselves for their products . Pallets of frozen meat / fat /pork rhind were stood out in the yard thawing out with Seagulls on top pecking and cra****g away that place was a real eye opener. The ironic thing was most of their products were delivered to fast food outlets in Great Yarmouth as they dare not sell them in Blackpool. That was just one of the places that was a serious health risk in those days. The old saying is true one mans rubbish is another mans gold or where there's muck there's money. Its the profits that the shareholders are only interested in.

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kelly58 - 2013-01-18 9:49 AM


....Pallets of frozen meat / fat /pork rhind were stood out in the yard thawing out with Seagulls on top pecking and cra****g away that place was a real eye opener........That was just one of the places that was a serious health risk in those days


Yes...I recall my elest brother telling me something along similar lines some years back. :-S

He used to work for a refrigeration firm(supplying "cold rooms",chiller cabinets etc)...

He always said that having seen how it was handled/stored,he'd never eat any sort of "processed" meat products...only "intact" joints of meat from a butchers...


My concern with this "horse meat" lark,is not so much what it is..but where it came from!...How "healthy" we're the animals?...What were they "riddled" with?...What did they die of...?! 8-)


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I used to inspect several food factories around Northampton who made (& still do) meat pies of various types. Invariably the meat was reclaimed from the less popular cuts of animals. Known in the trade as "ELA" pies:- "Eyebrows, Lips, & A**eholes"!


I make my own sausages & pies now 8-)

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