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Tandems v Bikes


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We usually take our mountain bikes with our motorhome , but as my wife has a BAHA ( bone anchored hearing aid ) she is without directional hearing and a slight balance problem which makes cycling on roads a bit difficult she is ok on cycleways as you do not have to listen out for traffic . Has anyone ever had a tandem that would fit on a bike rack or is there such a thing as a Folding Tandem ?
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We carry a standard road tandem across the back of our van on a Fiamma rack.

The wheels do need to come off but that's a 1 minute job.


The frame sits on its bottom bracket shells on a shaped piece of timber that sits in the inner Fiamma channel. The wheels sit in the second channel.

It's exactly the same width as the van and doesn't protude at all and the Elddis isn't a wide van either.

We have a bike cover for less sunny days..


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Lots of different types of tandem here to peruse:








and a lot on Ebay:




The only advice I would give is to ensure that you get a lightweight one as lifting it up onto a bike rack could be hard work otherwise!


I have tried to find a folding tandem, but haven't managed one in the UK ... yet! :-D

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Guest JudgeMental

re balance problem, you can get adult sized stableisers you know....Just think a tandem a bit of a pain to be honest. but a google search throws up loads of tandems including folders...


here is one..bur watch the weight!




these def look more like it and lighter. have heard of bike friday, you would have to inquire re availability here...



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There are folders readily available from US manufacturers such as Bike Friday

There may be some available as personal imports,the Folding Society may be able to give you a lead.

Jim McGurn from the company of Cyclists may be a source,he used to produce a very comprehensive annual catalogue.

I had a gadget called Cycle Mate Cycle Mate a set of two strong steel brackets and accessories which allow the front forks of one bicycle to the rear axle of another. It's a neat solution which works well for quickly attaching a bike to an adults cycle giving you a three wheeled tandem.




I saw on for giveaway on Freecycle last October.


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Rode tandem for many a year and it is a very enjoyable way of cycling, providing you both get through the teething stages of learning how to ride it and the stoker (the one on the back) starting to second guess the captain ( the one up front, with steering and brakes !) Now have electric bikes !


I would suggest you try before you buy, similarly to m/homes, they come in differing sizes and lengths. It is more important to get both riding positions correct.


There are several bike hire centres which hire Tandems, so it would be worth staying nearby for a few days and trying differing types.


My feeling that a folding tandem would not work well, probably too heavy, tricky to fold, and uncomfortable to ride. Could be wrong though ;-)


A couple of tips. You can buy shock absorbing seat pillars which can take a lot of the shock away from the rear seat. The captain usually sees the pothole, its the stoker that feels it !


Also a tandem with a third brake is very useful for slowing long descents. The third brake is usually a hub brake controlled by the stoker.


We carried our tandem on a Pendle bike rack with no problems, Once you had found the point of balance and learned the knack, getting it on and off was relatively easy.


Happy pedaling




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There are indeed a few folding tandems around these days, including the Bike Friday one mentioned.

I'm sure a good googling will get a lot more information. However, be prepared for a shock when viewing the prices.

Incidentally, Fiamma do a tandem rack for the rear of the 'van. I think it's basically a longer rail to take the increased wheelbase.

Friends of ours carried their tandem on the back of the car before they bought their Duetto 'van.

It did overhang a little but the police were happy to accept it as a safe load when asked.


Could I please ask Steve 928 for a close up of their moulded piece of wood, as I'm intrigued as to how the frame sits without fouling the chainrings on the support rails. Thanks.

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My next door neighbour has a folding tandem. It doesn't really fold but pulls apart into two sections.


An expensive piece of kit but well built and they have completed several longdistance rides (500+miles)


you get what you pay for. Tandems need to be stiff ie not flex when you are pushing hard on the pedals.



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We used to carry our tandem in the same way as Steve 928. Then my wife bought an electric assist bike,and decided that she did not need me to drag her up the hills anymore, so we sold it. There are bikes and tandems available that you can split into two for traveling, or you could fit the couplings to your own bike or tandem .They are S & S couplings. ( bicycle torque couplings ).




Click onto ;- Folding travel bikes using S & S Machine - - - -

and scroll down.

Brian B.

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Guest JudgeMental
thebishbus - 2013-02-12 9:01 AM


ps To my previous post . What I should have added.Tandems are great fun and a good way for two people of different strength to cycle together, I really miss ours.The only minus is that you cannot get away from any nagging. (lol)

Brian B.


iPod nano and headphones.............NEXT! :-D

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