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Eastleigh Byelection.

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Guest pelmetman
malc d - 2013-03-03 10:23 AM


pelmetman - 2013-03-03 10:17 AM


malc d - 2013-03-03 9:03 AM


I wonder how many UKIP voters realise that they want to introduce tax/ insurance discs on pedal cycles ?


The insurance companies must be drooling overt that idea.





......I only use my bike in Spain :D




Do you leave it there when you come home ?





Its in the trailer............along with 450 kilos of other stuff 8-)

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pelmetman - 2013-03-03 10:26 AM


malc d - 2013-03-03 10:23 AM


pelmetman - 2013-03-03 10:17 AM


malc d - 2013-03-03 9:03 AM


I wonder how many UKIP voters realise that they want to introduce tax/ insurance discs on pedal cycles ?


The insurance companies must be drooling overt that idea.





......I only use my bike in Spain :D




Do you leave it there when you come home ?





Its in the trailer............along with 450 kilos of other stuff 8-)





Now there's an idea for UKIP.


Tax discs for trailers !!!




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Guest 1footinthegrave
malc d - 2013-03-03 9:03 AM


I wonder how many UKIP voters realise that they want to introduce tax/ insurance discs on pedal cycles ?


The insurance companies must be drooling overt that idea.





Judging the way some of them ride sounds like a good idea, especially the inconsiderate idiots that jump red lights, and ride on pavements and are responsible for very many injuries to pedestrians. >:-) Plus they are ( or should be ) road users, so why not. ;-)


A survey recently carried out found that 13 per cent of cyclists have accidentally damaged

a vehicle while out riding, and 16 per cent confessing to hitting a pedestrian

with their bike. >:-(

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1footinthegrave - 2013-03-03 12:10 PM


malc d - 2013-03-03 9:03 AM


I wonder how many UKIP voters realise that they want to introduce tax/ insurance discs on pedal cycles ?


The insurance companies must be drooling overt that idea.





Judging the way some of them ride sounds like a good idea, especially the inconsiderate idiots that jump red lights, and ride on pavements and are responsible for very many injuries to pedestrians. >:-) Plus they are ( or should be ) road users, so why not. ;-)


A survey recently carried out found that 13 per cent of cyclists have accidentally damaged

a vehicle while out riding, and 16 per cent confessing to hitting a pedestrian

with their bike. >:-(




I can only assume that you are a " townie " with shares in an insurance company.







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Guest pelmetman
John 47 - 2013-03-03 10:29 AM


pelmetman - 2013-03-03 10:26 AM


Its in the trailer............along with 450 kilos of other stuff 8-)


Does that still leave room for the illegal immigrants? (lol)


Well I did think about smuggling back a few expats to use the NHS :-S..............but on second thoughts the Spanish health service is probably a safer bet, judging from what I've read about the NHS lately 8-)

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Guest pelmetman
malc d - 2013-03-03 10:34 AM


Now there's an idea for UKIP.


Tax discs for trailers !!!





Wouldn't bother me as we intend to leave the trailer at Sue's cousin in France when we go long terming ;-)........................that'll save a 100 squid on the chunnel B-)

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Guest 1footinthegrave
malc d - 2013-03-03 12:29 PM


1footinthegrave - 2013-03-03 12:10 PM


malc d - 2013-03-03 9:03 AM


I wonder how many UKIP voters realise that they want to introduce tax/ insurance discs on pedal cycles ?


The insurance companies must be drooling overt that idea.





Judging the way some of them ride sounds like a good idea, especially the inconsiderate idiots that jump red lights, and ride on pavements and are responsible for very many injuries to pedestrians. >:-) Plus they are ( or should be ) road users, so why not. ;-)


A survey recently carried out found that 13 per cent of cyclists have accidentally damaged

a vehicle while out riding, and 16 per cent confessing to hitting a pedestrian

with their bike. >:-(




I can only assume that you are a " townie " with shares in an insurance company.









No I'm actually a resident of Gwynedd, where much to the anger of local residents they continue to construct cycle paths at huge cost to benefit a very small proportion of people, whilst at the same time closing local schools and public toilets ( which affects everyone) >:-) For that reason alone I don't see why cyclists cannot pay at least a small contribution the same as everyone else.

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1footinthegrave - 2013-03-03 12:46 PM



For that reason alone I don't see why cyclists cannot pay at least a small contribution ...................




They do.


It's called 'council tax '






............ and bear in mind that any insurance premiums will go to company profits - not your local schools / toilets etc.



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Guest 1footinthegrave
malc d - 2013-03-03 1:15 PM


1footinthegrave - 2013-03-03 12:46 PM



For that reason alone I don't see why cyclists cannot pay at least a small contribution ...................




They do.


It's called 'council tax '






............ and bear in mind that any insurance premiums will go to company profits - not your local schools / toilets etc.



As we all do ! !


But as a road user I also pay road tax and insurance, as do Motor cyclists and scooter riders.many of whom pay twice over, so If you made the assumption that some do not own a motor vehicle of any kind, the cyclist pay's nothing do they ? but we have to pay for the road infrastructure for them to ride on. :-S


as for insurance maybe some could get compensated for damage caused by some of these morons in Lycra if they were obliged to have some. It's not at all such a daft idea really.

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1footinthegrave - 2013-03-03 4:47 PM



....................... so If you made the assumption that some do not own a motor vehicle of any kind, the cyclist pay's nothing do they ? but we have to pay for the road infrastructure for them to ride on. :-S




Maybe you're right .


We should find out who these people are who only travel by bike, and contribute nothing to the upkeep of our roads, and come up with a special tax tax for 'em !


I reckon we could raise at least a hundred pounds ( after we have deducted the cost of public sector workers recruited to operate the system ).





But maybe I am biased.


I mainly cycle in the countryside where there are very few pavements to ride on and very few pedestrians to run into.

Having a mountain bike, I don't even require tarmac.

I paid VAT when buying the bike ( which the government may well have been spent on roads ) - but my use of the bike costs the country nothing.




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Guest 1footinthegrave

We've gone right of topic now, but perhaps you can explain why a 50cc motor scooter should attract both tax and insurance, when they can for the most part not travel any faster than a pushbike, and have only two wheels, the only difference between them being a small engine.


As for mountain bikes well a bit like the average 4x4 the nearest they come to a mountain or off roading is the local grass verge. :D Loads of mountain bikes in London and getting a very bad press in the main because of their behaviour :-S


As for costing nothing, this I believe is the figure just for London £104 million ! ! which the greens wanted to increase ( below )


Green Party press officer Ian Wingrove added: “Conservatives on cycling budget "not saying never" Willing to work on future schemes even if they go "beyond" the Mayors budget.”


The motion, which would have taken total spend on cycling in the coming financial year to £145 million.


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Guest pelmetman
I suggest a leg tax :-D...............every step you make will cost 1p................every leg over will cost you a fortune :D............ naturally only that bit applies to bike riders ;-)
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1footinthegrave - 2013-03-03 5:28 PM



As for mountain bikes well a bit like the average 4x4 the nearest they come to a mountain or off roading is the local grass verge. :D Loads of mountain bikes in London and getting a very bad press in the main because of their behaviour :-S


As for costing nothing, this I believe is the figure just for London £104 million ! ! which the greens wanted to increase ( below )


Green Party press officer Ian Wingrove added: “Conservatives on cycling budget "not saying never" Willing to work on future schemes even if they go "beyond" the Mayors budget.”


The motion, which would have taken total spend on cycling in the coming financial year to £145 million.



Why all this talk about London ?

( I view what happens there with total indifference.) .


If you think that Londons' problems should be solved with new nationwide rules and regulations - you could end up with a congestion charge in Gwynedd.

( Maybe even a GEZ )



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Guest 1footinthegrave
malc d - 2013-03-03 8:21 PM


1footinthegrave - 2013-03-03 5:28 PM



As for mountain bikes well a bit like the average 4x4 the nearest they come to a mountain or off roading is the local grass verge. :D Loads of mountain bikes in London and getting a very bad press in the main because of their behaviour :-S


As for costing nothing, this I believe is the figure just for London £104 million ! ! which the greens wanted to increase ( below )


Green Party press officer Ian Wingrove added: “Conservatives on cycling budget "not saying never" Willing to work on future schemes even if they go "beyond" the Mayors budget.”


The motion, which would have taken total spend on cycling in the coming financial year to £145 million.



Why all this talk about London ?

( I view what happens there with total indifference.) .


If you think that Londons' problems should be solved with new nationwide rules and regulations - you could end up with a congestion charge in Gwynedd.

( Maybe even a GEZ )




We already have one, mind you they have yet to be able to work out how to get the sheep to pay.

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Guest pelmetman
malc d - 2013-03-03 8:21 PM


1footinthegrave - 2013-03-03 5:28 PM



As for mountain bikes well a bit like the average 4x4 the nearest they come to a mountain or off roading is the local grass verge. :D Loads of mountain bikes in London and getting a very bad press in the main because of their behaviour :-S


As for costing nothing, this I believe is the figure just for London £104 million ! ! which the greens wanted to increase ( below )


Green Party press officer Ian Wingrove added: “Conservatives on cycling budget "not saying never" Willing to work on future schemes even if they go "beyond" the Mayors budget.”


The motion, which would have taken total spend on cycling in the coming financial year to £145 million.



Why all this talk about London ?

( I view what happens there with total indifference.) .


If you think that Londons' problems should be solved with new nationwide rules and regulations - you could end up with a congestion charge in Gwynedd.

( Maybe even a GEZ )




Do I detect you have a bit of anti UKIP bias there Malc? ;-)

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pelmetman - 2013-03-03 8:30 PM





Do I detect you have a bit of anti UKIP bias there Malc? ;-)



Not at all Dave.


I couldn't be anti - because I really had no idea what their policies were ( I don't know if the voters of Eastleigh did ) so I had a quick scan through their manifesto and found that they fancy taxing, and or insuring pedal cycles.


Not keen on that idea myself - and I just find '1foots' apparent support for the idea, based largely it seems on problems with bikes in London, to be un-comprehendable.


( That's if there is such a word ).


Welcome home by the way.



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Guest pelmetman
malc d - 2013-03-03 8:50 PM



Welcome home by the way.




Thank you Malc..........age'd Horace made it all the way there and back again B-)..................although my ego was some what diminished by a 30 year old Ford Deville camper van, that's been trunderling down and back for years B-)............It just goes to show its not how much you pay for it *-)............It's what you do with it that makes you a proper "Campervanmotorhomerist" B-)

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Guest 1footinthegrave
malc d - 2013-03-03 8:50 PM


pelmetman - 2013-03-03 8:30 PM





Do I detect you have a bit of anti UKIP bias there Malc? ;-)



Not at all Dave.


I couldn't be anti - because I really had no idea what their policies were ( I don't know if the voters of Eastleigh did ) so I had a quick scan through their manifesto and found that they fancy taxing, and or insuring pedal cycles.


Not keen on that idea myself - and I just find '1foots' apparent support for the idea, based largely it seems on problems with bikes in London, to be un-comprehendable.


( That's if there is such a word ).


Welcome home by the way.




So the answer is to keep voting for the same old tired parties. >:-)


I want a party that just for a change listen to the electorate, now wouldn't that be a change.

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Guest pelmetman
1footinthegrave - 2013-03-03 10:09 PM


So the answer is to keep voting for the same old tired parties. >:-)


I want a party that just for a change listen to the electorate, now wouldn't that be a change.


I see the Tories are dangling another carrot ;-)................Human rights law (lol).............as if the lawering classes would let them get away with that *-)

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Guest 1footinthegrave
pelmetman - 2013-03-03 10:31 PM


1footinthegrave - 2013-03-03 10:09 PM


So the answer is to keep voting for the same old tired parties. >:-)


I want a party that just for a change listen to the electorate, now wouldn't that be a change.


I see the Tories are dangling another carrot ;-)................Human rights law (lol).............as if the lawering classes would let them get away with that *-)


Odd that they will only do these things if they get re-elected, yes right.


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