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EHU leads


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Camperdude - 2013-08-18 10:17 AM


Best not join two cables on a Caravan Club site or you might get a visit from the warden as I did.


I now carry two different length cables and use the shorter one most of the time.


Lifted from the CC website:


"Shorter cables may not reach from the bollard to your van on some sites and extra connector cables to add length are NOT recommended. The Club cannot accept responsibility for any damage or injury caused by the use of extra connector cables"




"NOT recommended " but not banned.


"The Club cannot accept responsibility for any damage or injury caused by the use of extra connector cables" I bet they would not accept responsibility for my single cable either should it cause any damage or injury.



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Here on the mainland we have considerably more campers and caravanners than you do in the U.K

may I suggest you follow our proven practice of buying a 40m Extension cable reel and two adaptors one for the blue plug into the camper and if on a posh site another to join the Extension lead to the Supply.

Have yet to read of anyone being electrocuted.


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The probelm with just recommending buying an extension reel point blank is someone will go out and buy one which is too light for the job in hand by then leaving coiled up on the reel and plugging in heaters. The coil then over heats if it is not of sufficient heavy enough duty so some quaification is required as to the gauge or current rating of the cable. There have in the past been a few incidents of fires on campsites caused by coiled cables and heaters being used, the cables not being of a suitable gauge to be used left coiled.
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Don't you just love it when someone has a sense of humour failure............................:D


The point is that provided you use a modicum of common sense , and dont leave tha connectors either in a puddle or in the roadway a pukka joint works just fine, Maybe not to H & S paranoid rule No397524a sub para 27(e) but here we tend to put Responsibility before litigation.


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Anyone ever driven off with their hook up lead still connected on site - I must admit I did once. Fortunately the cable was looped dow under the bike rack so could pull out of th socket but if it had been straight out over the top of bike rack something would have broken. I did wonder why a couple of felow campers where waving frantically at me. Thought they were just saying goodbye.
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Brambles Posted: 18 August 2013 9:40 AM


" did I really casually walk out of my motorhome, trip over a cable laid on the ground I failed to

see, as I fell I landed on the cable join which was wet, it gave me an electric shock, I jump up and

catching my neck on a guy rope for the awning, I then proceeded to fall and landed on a guy rope peg

in the ground and it slashed my leg. Blood everywhere, which made pool around the connector and

blood being very conductive allowed me to get another electric shock, again making me jump banging

my head of the fire extinguisher box next to me. It hurt so much I became faint and fell over again this time landing on the edge of a concrete box for the water supply tap drain. I grabbed the tap to steady myself accidently turning it on and fainted under it. The water from the tap ran into my mouth and I drowned."


Terribly sorry to learn of your passing Brambles, I am genuinely shocked,

Unbelievably the same thing happened to my late mother- in-law.


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Retread24800 - 2013-08-18 1:10 PM


Don't you just love it when someone has a sense of humour failure............................:D


The point is that provided you use a modicum of common sense , and dont leave the connectors either in a puddle or in the roadway a pukka joint works just fine, Maybe not to H & S paranoid rule No397524a sub para 27(e) but here we tend to put Responsibility before litigation.


Well said. I'm afraid the American 'compo culture' has spread like a disease in this country.


Where I used to work, H&S went totally potty and OTT......but for all the wrong reasons. If anyone caught their shoe in a slight dip in the concrete pathways, out would come the hazzard tape and a full blown "investigation" into how such a terrible "accident" had occurred! Yet the roof in one of the buildings let water in every time there was a downpour of rain to the point where the floor would become a water feature. This building housed machinery running not at 240v (bad enough), but 420 volts. Were they ever switched off or isolated........oh no, they brought out tarpaulins, covered the machines and kept 'em running!


Foremens bonuses were at stake!



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H & S yes I must admit some responsibility for the H & S culture.

When it first started up there were a number of H & S training courses that we felt someone should attend. Trouble was we chose the person who would be missed the least i.e. who we could spare the most. Got a nasty feeling that a lot of other organisations did the same and we ended up with the jobs worth culture.


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Brambles - 2013-08-18 1:35 PM


Anyone ever driven off with their hook up lead still connected on site


There's several reasons why we only carry one long lead, firstly can't be arsed with multiple leads, secondly the excise of lifting it gives extra muscle tone that the ladies just love, thirdly the excess cable can be draped across the windscreen or over the wing mirror, giving a visual warning that it's hooked up.

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Wirralian - 2013-08-17 9:52 PM


Keith. Thank you for referring me to the link for Go Outdoors for the 'electrical connection protection box'. I do indeed have one of these but they will only accommodate the continental connections and not our British 16A (blue) plug and socket.




Hi John,


I don't know where you got your protection box from but the ones that Go Outdoors are currently selling do definitely accept a blue plug and socket! Here is a Link to the item.


I have just fetched mine from in the MH and tried a plug and socket in it and they fit easily. May I suggest you get a new one and try again.


For info the internal length of the box (between the inner ends) is 11" and the diameter approx 3" whereas a plug and socket is only 8" long and less than 2 3/4" diameter over the hinged lid.



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This is a 2011 related forum thread:




It may be worth noting that GO Outdoors offer two connection-protector products.


This link shows the one Keith refers to:




This (slightly more expensive) product




carries additional waterproofing seals and, as it is referred to as a "CEE Plug & Coupler Safebox" is clearly intended to accommodate that type of connector.


Orange flexible 3 core 2.5 sq.mm PVC-jacketed mains cable is still available:




I'm doubtful though that it would be economically worthwhile DIY-ing an EHU hook-up lead rather than buying a ready-made one.






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Many thanks for your reply, I had not realised Go Outdoors where selling 2 similar products!


I will offer apologies to John if I have mislead him but now realise I had linked to the wrong item :$


The protection box I have is indeed the Pennine Leisure products one incorporating the weather seals.



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The 'waterproofed' protector-box ia also sold here:




It's evidently distributed by Crusader Products that provides caravan/motorhome-related products to the trade. Despite being trade-only as far as ordering stuff is concerned, their on-line catalogue may be worth browsing through.



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