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Been buying MMM for some years now - started motorhoming in 2005. I never realised that it had a forum, until I was searching for some insurance and the site popped up on the search engines. I didn't click it was MMM that ran it.


I then had a browse. Not too impressed if I am to be honest. First two posts you see are aggressive and pretty disgraceful. As a company director of busineses within the industries that supply the leisure trade,and also a new party to this forum concept, I found myself quite overwhelmed and offended by the attacks betwen members.


The first thread which I assume is from an administration/management level - or at least ringleader, seems to be to judge those which are deemed by him worthy, and those that are not to discourage any views that clash with the management. I was under the impression that forums were for everyone. I understand social media will involve the odd disagreement here and there, that is natural - but this seemed more like hunting prey by a tribe of control freaks and hapless followers.


Some of the comments are certainly worthy of racist, discriminatory and defamatory labels and are distasteful at best from what are meant to be civilised adults, of good social standing.


Pay or free - I find the quality of the product to be well below par and would not use it. In fact I only joined to put a new and objective point of view from an outsider forward in the vain attempt that someone of reasonable standing or intellect could see what damage this is doing to the MMM brand. To a fool, it seems obvious - but apparently is being missed in the bullying frenzy.


The second post seemed to be aimed at a person who appeared to have made some trouble. Not sure where, as I didn't look that far into it. It would seem there are some learning difficulties from that person, and these types of people are often lacking in social interaction skills, and very defensive as they have been moulded that way through lifes' discriminations. The reaction and comments from members I found very offensive, and discriminatory against what today is seen as a disabled person. I have no doubt that something must have been said to instigate it - but the responses and derogatory aspersions cast against anyone that did not follow the crowd were disgusting, and worthy of criminal action, as is so common now in social media.


Accusations against competitors is not only unproffesional, but in this case appeared to be untrue - as confirmed by that competitor and leaves the door wide open for legal proceedings for defamation and libel. I am not impressed at such a magazine to have not known about, or have allowed such to happen as any journalist is well versed in Libel.


One post even suggested that one member was 'cleverer than we thought' Are they suggesting that you all openily bullied someone you considered to be less intelligent than you, and were disappointed to find out he knew more than you thought?? That is appalling behaviour!


One member even made derogatory comments about people that do not use their real name - despite the other members having 'tag' names - is she serious about this? Only a fool would put their real name down! Within minutes, with just that name I can find out everything about her through internet sources. Take her indentity, bank accounts, vehicles all sorts - it is all perfectly possible with todays technology. NOBODY in their right minds uses their real name. You have no idea how risky that is, and is exactly what the hackers look for when finding an easy mark!


I wanted to aire my views and I have - I have no doubt if what I have seen is anything to go by, will receive abuse, threats and accusations.


I HAD to reply as I have bought the magazine religiously for years - was excited by the idea of a forum - and disgusted by what it offered, and as a businessman, what it does for the brand name. I considered MMM to be a high calibre journal....I now have my doubts if the fascist riff-raff that I have seen is anything to go by.


It is utterly shameful. As I said, I have no doubt there would have been some other instigation involved, but the manner in which this forums' members responded, the utter disregard for the brand that is hosting you, and the outright bullying is disgraceful.


That is all I will say on the matter, I have voiced my opinion to the editor.


Had I been the victim of this behaviour, I would have taken further action without hesitation.






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hacksafe - 2013-08-16 1:04 PM

One post even suggested that one member was 'cleverer than we thought' Are they suggesting that you all openily bullied someone you considered to be less intelligent than you, and were disappointed to find out he knew more than you thought?? That is appalling behaviour!



No, the phrase I used was "a lot cleverer than people are giving him credit for". I agree with your general sentiments but I don't like being grouped together by your careless quoting with others whose views I don't agree with.

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And if you are going to refer to me, then please have the decency to use my name.


My post refers to the profile panel which is included on the members details, if you have issues or concerns about that then I suggest you take it up with the management not the members.


Having read through your entire post, maybe you should apply to Warners for a position as forum moderator. But saying that, I notice there is no mention from you about the vile abusive threats from 'a certain member', yet you're full of support for him/her/it, so unfortunately you come across as yet another troll hellbent on causing disruption.

So on reflection you would make a bad moderator as you appear not to hold unbiased and tolerant opinions , yours appear to be only based on the threads you have read and unfortunately they do not include the deleted ones from our 'ever pleasant' English student.



Oh, and it's probably not a good idea to openly brag how easily you can steal people's identity, we might think that's your agenda.


Have a nice day.



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Perhaps if hacksafe had taken the trouble to look more deeply at the events of recent days he might have formulated a different point of view?


As it stands to simply take a snapshot view of one aspect of a broad based forum and pass instant judgement is unworthy of someone who claims to be intelligent and it shows a complete lack of understanding and tolerance.


Far from being objective hacksafe's opinions are personal opinions based on limited experience and thus qualify as being entirely subjective - but that is only my opinion and as such is also subjective!


It might be interesting to read the administrators response to these complaints that he made based on his own experience of this forum.


However he would probably still be welcomed to the forum by most people and if ever he needed a bit of help or advice he need not be afraid to ask on Motorhome Matters as I am sure everyone who is able to offer help would do so freely and willingly in the true nature of a forum regardless of their own personal views of this person.

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To come on a forum as a NEW ?? member, and say all that!!!

Just another "Name" for the same ONE PERSON (IMO)

Not worth answering the post

Don't get drawn into another slanging match


IMO some one who may have a good reason to destroy this forum, maybe has his/her own one??

Lets hope the MODS start vetting new subscribers

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hacksafe - 2013-08-16 1:04 PM


Been buying MMM for some years now - started motorhoming in 2005. I never realised that it had a forum, until I was searching for some insurance and the site popped up on the search engines. I didn't click it was MMM that ran it.


I then had a browse. Not too impressed if I am to be honest. First two posts you see are aggressive and pretty disgraceful. As a company director of busineses within the industries that supply the leisure trade,and also a new party to this forum concept, I found myself quite overwhelmed and offended by the attacks betwen members.


The first thread which I assume is from an administration/management level - or at least ringleader, seems to be to judge those which are deemed by him worthy, and those that are not to discourage any views that clash with the management. I was under the impression that forums were for everyone. I understand social media will involve the odd disagreement here and there, that is natural - but this seemed more like hunting prey by a tribe of control freaks and hapless followers.


Some of the comments are certainly worthy of racist, discriminatory and defamatory labels and are distasteful at best from what are meant to be civilised adults, of good social standing.


Pay or free - I find the quality of the product to be well below par and would not use it. In fact I only joined to put a new and objective point of view from an outsider forward in the vain attempt that someone of reasonable standing or intellect could see what damage this is doing to the MMM brand. To a fool, it seems obvious - but apparently is being missed in the bullying frenzy.


The second post seemed to be aimed at a person who appeared to have made some trouble. Not sure where, as I didn't look that far into it. It would seem there are some learning difficulties from that person, and these types of people are often lacking in social interaction skills, and very defensive as they have been moulded that way through lifes' discriminations. The reaction and comments from members I found very offensive, and discriminatory against what today is seen as a disabled person. I have no doubt that something must have been said to instigate it - but the responses and derogatory aspersions cast against anyone that did not follow the crowd were disgusting, and worthy of criminal action, as is so common now in social media.


Accusations against competitors is not only unproffesional, but in this case appeared to be untrue - as confirmed by that competitor and leaves the door wide open for legal proceedings for defamation and libel. I am not impressed at such a magazine to have not known about, or have allowed such to happen as any journalist is well versed in Libel.


One post even suggested that one member was 'cleverer than we thought' Are they suggesting that you all openily bullied someone you considered to be less intelligent than you, and were disappointed to find out he knew more than you thought?? That is appalling behaviour!


One member even made derogatory comments about people that do not use their real name - despite the other members having 'tag' names - is she serious about this? Only a fool would put their real name down! Within minutes, with just that name I can find out everything about her through internet sources. Take her indentity, bank accounts, vehicles all sorts - it is all perfectly possible with todays technology. NOBODY in their right minds uses their real name. You have no idea how risky that is, and is exactly what the hackers look for when finding an easy mark!


I wanted to aire my views and I have - I have no doubt if what I have seen is anything to go by, will receive abuse, threats and accusations.


I HAD to reply as I have bought the magazine religiously for years - was excited by the idea of a forum - and disgusted by what it offered, and as a businessman, what it does for the brand name. I considered MMM to be a high calibre journal....I now have my doubts if the fascist riff-raff that I have seen is anything to go by.


It is utterly shameful. As I said, I have no doubt there would have been some other instigation involved, but the manner in which this forums' members responded, the utter disregard for the brand that is hosting you, and the outright bullying is disgraceful.


That is all I will say on the matter, I have voiced my opinion to the editor.


Had I been the victim of this behaviour, I would have taken further action without hesitation.








Antony 44

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Well that is the first post I have seen on here for some time that is well written and to the point and as usual because some of you do not like what he said you call accuse and try once again to bully.

MMM should be very proud of some of you regular posters(not) you seem incapable of realising that other people have views and that is why they do not bother posting on here as they are sick of the usual abuse they get from the few who think they own this site but in fact are spoiling it

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Guest pelmetman
jhorsf - 2013-08-16 6:52 PM


Well that is the first post I have seen on here for some time that is well written and to the point and as usual because some of you do not like what he said you call accuse and try once again to bully.

MMM should be very proud of some of you regular posters(not) you seem incapable of realising that other people have views and that is why they do not bother posting on here as they are sick of the usual abuse they get from the few who think they own this site but in fact are spoiling it


Really? *-)...................Funny how we seem to have a influx of people with an agenda ;-)..........all sticking up for YH..................now if these people where really disgusted by the treatment this poor lost soul has received, then I suspect there must be uproar on MHF demanding that he's reinstated immediately 8-)


I believe your a member of the Fun side? ;-)...............is there much concern that YH has been banned?.....or is it relief >:-)......

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jhorsf - 2013-08-16 6:52 PM


Well that is the first post I have seen on here for some time that is well written and to the point and as usual because some of you do not like what he said you call accuse and try once again to bully.

MMM should be very proud of some of you regular posters(not) you seem incapable of realising that other people have views and that is why they do not bother posting on here as they are sick of the usual abuse they get from the few who think they own this site but in fact are spoiling it


Hardly well written and unbiased but as you say everyone has the right to post their views - and that of course includes you.


However the right to express an opposing view also exists for everyone else and I do feel that you have failed to grasp the reality here.


Where has anyone bullied or threatened YH - indeed it was he that did all the threatening, unacceptable actions which got him banned from another forum.


The hand of peace has been offered to YH but he elected to decline a new start - does that not tell you something or perhaps you missed that by not being here regularly?


Perhaps before calling everyone else names for disliking the actions of YH who is a known nasty work of art on at least two forums and who knows exactly what he is doing by pretending to be the victim when it is blindingly apparent that he can spell correctly when he wants too you might wish to trawl back through all the postings that led to the current situation most of which you appear to have missed out on.

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Absolutely agree 100% Richard -- unfortunately many of the most damning posts have been 'pulled'.

The Mods have been quite good at that and when we get scammers and spammers from the far east advertising their wares and services, ( a recent example called itself 'Elony' I remember) then they are turfed off without further ado. Such a pity that they did not feel able to 'police' this part of the Forum sufficiently severely to follow Jim's example and ban Yosser a fair time ago for his disgraceful threatening behaviour, then we might not have had this unwanted invasion from the 'nest of vipers' that is 'Motorhome Fun'! Your answer to 'Hacksafe' (newbie) I fully concur with too -- it is unfortunate that the has 'happened upon' this 'Chatterbox' section at this time as recent events are not typical. If he is really interested, he should investigate 'motorhome matters' where the excellent advice from people like Brian Kirby, Nick Fisher('Euroserve'), Dave Newell, Derek Uzell,Clive Mott and others too numerous to mention,. is unparalelled, in my opinion.





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That is a very valid point Colin.


As you say much of the evidence for the prosecution no longer exists because it was deemed unacceptable by the moderators and that might understandably convince any newcomer of unfair persecution if they are only able to see the evidence for the defense submitted by those abused, threatened and lied to.


We did think of joining MHF a while ago but having seen the 'fun' they have at a couple of shows we decided against it. No doubt there are some good and genuine contributors on MHF as there are on here so it would be unfair to criticise that forum from which the latest crop of dross and trolls seem to have emerged.


Their loss is our loss too!

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Methinks that the termites from paid for forums may be trying to undermine this forum. My advice is if you don't like it don't read it. It might get (rumbustious?) on here but take legal action I don't think you can if it's just an opinion. John 8-) (?)
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jhorsf - 2013-08-16 6:52 PM


Well that is the first post I have seen on here for some time that is well written and to the point and as usual because some of you do not like what he said you call accuse and try once again to bully.

MMM should be very proud of some of you regular posters(not) you seem incapable of realising that other people have views and that is why they do not bother posting on here as they are sick of the usual abuse they get from the few who think they own this site but in fact are spoiling it







where in the above do I refer to YH ? I never mentioned him in this thread if you read what I said again properly you will see my point is proven by your attack on the OP for voicing his opinion .


Some of you fail to see just how abusive you are to anyone who has a point of view different to your own that is why chatterbox will be finished not because of one person but a lot of you who cannot speak to others on the forum with any respect

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Guest pelmetman
jhorsf - 2013-08-16 9:37 PM


jhorsf - 2013-08-16 6:52 PM


Well that is the first post I have seen on here for some time that is well written and to the point and as usual because some of you do not like what he said you call accuse and try once again to bully.

MMM should be very proud of some of you regular posters(not) you seem incapable of realising that other people have views and that is why they do not bother posting on here as they are sick of the usual abuse they get from the few who think they own this site but in fact are spoiling it







where in the above do I refer to YH ? I never mentioned him in this thread if you read what I said again properly you will see my point is proven by your attack on the OP for voicing his opinion .


Some of you fail to see just how abusive you are to anyone who has a point of view different to your own that is why chatterbox will be finished not because of one person but a lot of you who cannot speak to others on the forum with any respect


Call me old fashioned :D.................but respect needs to be earned ;-)....................So just in case anyone is reading this thread from MHF ;-)..................I would kindly suggest you sort out your own house/forum before you preach to us >:-).................


PS..............Has YH been reinstated yet? :D

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hacksafe - 2013-08-16 1:04 PM


Been buying MMM for some years now - started motorhoming in 2005. I never realised that it had a forum, until I was searching for some insurance and the site popped up on the search engines. I didn't click it was MMM that ran it.


I then had a browse. Not too impressed if I am to be honest. First two posts you see are aggressive and pretty disgraceful. As a company director of busineses within the industries that supply the leisure trade,and also a new party to this forum concept, I found myself quite overwhelmed and offended by the attacks betwen members.


but this seemed more like hunting prey by a tribe of control freaks


it is all perfectly possible with todays technology. NOBODY in their right minds uses their real name. You have no idea how risky that is, and is exactly what the hackers look for when finding an easy mark!


You say you are a company director and have been reading MMM for some years and didn't know it had a forum, I find that a bit odd.


If I wanted to find out about insurance, I would have been looking and asking the question on motorhome matters and not on chatterbox,


As for hunting prey by a tribe of control freaks, I see you have noticed all the new MHF members airing their views on here lately.


And todays technology is a strong reason why not to condem BGD decision not to responed to the "Yosser lying saga"


I know who I would believe.



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What I find intriguing is that out of nowhere we have a raft of new members all suddenly discovering how awful this forum is because we exchange views!


The fact that they express the view that "they" find offensive all those comments that many of us have posted because we find a minority of posters on here equally offensive - is a truly amazing coincidence.


Life is truly odd sometimes!



:-S B-)

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hacksafe seems to be a one hit wonder. At the time of writing this post, hacksafe had made one post and only logged-on, on the one day as per the below:


Date registered 2013-08-16 12:26 PM

Last logon 2013-08-16 3:56 PM

Total posts 1


Makes me wonder if Yosser hughes, hacksafe and one or two others are all the same person?



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Guest pelmetman
Tracker - 2013-08-18 7:19 PM


spospe - 2013-08-18 7:08 PM


Makes me wonder if Yosser hughes, hacksafe and one or two others are all the same person?



Quite possible as it is well established that YH can spell and punctuate impeccably when it chooses to.


Indeed :D.................especially when the OP comes out with such cobblers as this *-)......


"One member even made derogatory comments about people that do not use their real name - despite the other members having 'tag' names - is she serious about this? Only a fool would put their real name down! Within minutes, with just that name I can find out everything about her through internet sources. Take her indentity, bank accounts, vehicles all sorts - it is all perfectly possible with todays technology. NOBODY in their right minds uses their real name. You have no idea how risky that is, and is exactly what the hackers look for when finding an easy mark! "


As someone who operates a web business.........occasionally :D........I'll send my bank details to anyone ;-)..............

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Tracker - 2013-08-18 7:19 PM


spospe - 2013-08-18 7:08 PM


Makes me wonder if Yosser hughes, hacksafe and one or two others are all the same person?



Quite possible as it is well established that YH can spell and punctuate impeccably when it chooses to.


Make's you wonder how gullible the lower species on MHF are. Yosser caught quite a few out by the looks of things :D



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nowtelse2do - 2013-08-18 7:40 PM


Tracker - 2013-08-18 7:19 PM


spospe - 2013-08-18 7:08 PM


Makes me wonder if Yosser hughes, hacksafe and one or two others are all the same person?



Quite possible as it is well established that YH can spell and punctuate impeccably when it chooses to.


Make's you wonder how gullible the lower species on MHF are. Yosser caught quite a few out by the looks of things :D




Would seem to be plenty " of the likes of " YH on MHF as one of the superiors on here described him .

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