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John 47 - 2013-08-19 8:41 AM



Well, the likes of me are still smiling at your discomfort that he got one over on you! :-D


How do you reach that conclusion you Muppet? He was tagged as a troll from his first post by the vast majority of members on here.


In reality Mr Smartarse, the truth is it was only the few people (like yourself) who jumped in to defend him that were really taken in by him.

So before you get too smug with others, I'd think about who actually got one put over them. *-)


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donna miller - 2013-08-19 9:00 AM


John 47 - 2013-08-19 8:41 AM



Well, the likes of me are still smiling at your discomfort that he got one over on you! :-D


How do you reach that conclusion you Muppet? He was tagged as a troll from his first post by the vast majority of members on here.


In reality Mr Smartarse, the truth is it was only the few people (like yourself) who jumped in to defend him that were really taken in by him.

So before you get too smug with others, I'd think about who actually got one put over them. *-)


First, I didn't jump in to defend him. In fact I said several times that I did not approve of what he said or the way he said it.


Second, he is clearly cleverer than many of you assumed when you started attempting to play with him - as is indicated by the way he got one over on you in the cam-belt thread - which I see you, like Anthony, are still smarting at and trying to pretend didn't haqppen.


Get over it! (lol)

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If it gets you off believing your own drivel then carry on.


I can remember teachers like you from my own schooldays, arrogant, ignorant prats who couldn't ever entertain the possibility of being wrong. They used to bleat out the same thing time and time again, in the assumption that if they said it enough times others might start to believe it.

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donna miller - 2013-08-19 9:18 AM

I can remember teachers from my own schooldays, arrogant, ignorant prats who couldn't ever entertain the possibility of being wrong. They used to bleat out the same thing time and time again, in the assumption that if they said it enough times others might start to believe it.


And now it has migrated to many forms of everyday life in this country, but mainly politicians!

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Come on chaps cool it! (That means you too Donna!)

Let's just rejoice that the troll seems to have joined the 'amateurs' on the 'Practical Motorhome' forum -- and already had a (polite) warning from Tony regarding his future Forum behaviour!

hey ho! on we go!






P.S. I'm in the camp that believes that Yosser genuinly believed that he did need a new cambelt on a Ford Freda of that age --thanked you all for your assistance with details of a local garage that might help and was then contacted by the former owner with proof that such action was unneccessary -- where's the 'putting one over' in that? It could certainly have happened to me -- ignoramus that I am on technical matters -- which is why I joined this Forum in the first place!


I'm baffled!



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donna miller - 2013-08-19 9:18 AM


If it gets you off believing your own drivel then carry on.


I can remember teachers like you from my own schooldays, arrogant, ignorant prats who couldn't ever entertain the possibility of being wrong. They used to bleat out the same thing time and time again, in the assumption that if they said it enough times others might start to believe it.


Yup, still smarting! If one thing is for sure it is that Yosser is having a good laugh at all this - after all, he has achieved exactly what he set out to achieve. I may not like what he has said or the way he said it but I have to admire him for knowing just how to wind up some of the regulars on here :-D

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Symbol Owner - 2013-08-19 9:35 AM


P.S. I'm in the camp that believes that Yosser genuinly believed that he did need a new cambelt on a Ford Freda of that age --thanked you all for your assistance with details of a local garage that might help and was then contacted by the former owner with proof that such action was unneccessary -- where's the 'putting one over' in that? It could certainly have happened to me -- ignoramus that I am on technical matters -- which is why I joined this Forum in the first place!


I'm baffled!




You may be right but I see it a different way. If he had a genuine technical enquiry, he'd have placed it in the appropriate section. He posted it on Chatterbox because he knew that this was the location that would ensure that some people took the bait and treated him like they had treated him before - ie with contempt. True to form, some people posted frivolous answers that were designed to take the piss out of him. He, cleverly, pretended he thought they were genuine in order to get more to join the thread. Then, when people were laughing at what they thought was his ignorance, he turned the tables on them.


I add that I have no reason to support either Yosser or his detractors; this is the way it came across to me. If I am wrong then I invite Yosser to tell me. :-D

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Tracker - 2013-08-19 12:31 PM


John 47 - 2013-08-19 12:30 PM

I may not like what he has said or the way he said it but I have to admire him for knowing just how to wind up some of the regulars on here :-D


Including you!


Not really, I have never responded to him! :-D

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Guest pelmetman
John 47 - 2013-08-19 12:36 PM


I add that I have no reason to support either Yosser or his detractors; this is the way it came across to me. If I am wrong then I invite Yosser to tell me. :-D


You might need to pm him to let him know ;-)..................as I get the feeling YH is not a master of the double bluff :D

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John 47 - 2013-08-19 12:36 PM


Symbol Owner - 2013-08-19 9:35 AM


P.S. I'm in the camp that believes that Yosser genuinly believed that he did need a new cambelt on a Ford Freda of that age --thanked you all for your assistance with details of a local garage that might help and was then contacted by the former owner with proof that such action was unneccessary -- where's the 'putting one over' in that? It could certainly have happened to me -- ignoramus that I am on technical matters -- which is why I joined this Forum in the first place!


I'm baffled!




You may be right but I see it a different way. If he had a genuine technical enquiry, he'd have placed it in the appropriate section. He posted it on Chatterbox because he knew that this was the location that would ensure that some people took the bait and treated him like they had treated him before - ie with contempt. True to form, some people posted frivolous answers that were designed to take the piss out of him. He, cleverly, pretended he thought they were genuine in order to get more to join the thread. Then, when people were laughing at what they thought was his ignorance, he turned the tables on them.


I add that I have no reason to support either Yosser or his detractors; this is the way it came across to me. If I am wrong then I invite Yosser to tell me. :-D


Who's glad they are thick ?

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pelmetman - 2013-08-19 5:25 PM


John 47 - 2013-08-19 12:36 PM


I add that I have no reason to support either Yosser or his detractors; this is the way it came across to me. If I am wrong then I invite Yosser to tell me. :-D


You might need to pm him to let him know ;-)..................as I get the feeling YH is not a master of the double bluff :D


In view of what I think maybe his alternative personalities on this forum, I would beg to differ! :-D

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Guest pelmetman
donna miller - 2013-08-20 2:14 PM


I might just do that Tony, the company on here is going downhill to say the least.


Plus I feel like I'm just too young to fit in properly with these auld farts.


:D :D


Oi 8-) ................some of us are middle aged farts ;-)...................and young Antony is a barely old enough to be a wet fart :D


Funny how Yosser has moved onto PMF............is he stalking Bruce? 8-)

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Hacksafe is quite correct in his assessment of many of the posters on here. The fault lies firmly with the controllers who allow abusive threats to continue. Its not the slightest bit interesting and I doubt even by those who continue to comment find it interesting. Its very simply their aggressive attitude. The armed forces wording for them was 'Barrack Room Lawyers' and not worth a light.


OK so its free speech but make no mistake certain authorities are making notes. Like Twitter and other channels where potential troublemakers hide.


Chatterbox is now completely uncontrollable and the only answer is to close it down.



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Mrs T - 2013-08-21 7:34 PM


Chatterbox is now completely uncontrollable and the only answer is to close it down.



Not really - a better answer is for any moaners and whingers who appear to avidly dislike Chatterbox the way it is, whilst being unable to post anything remotely constructive themselves to 'improve' it, simply ignore it and stop wasting their very valuable time and talent on trying to save the rest of us mere mortals who do care what happens to it?


Reading threads on Chatterbox is not yet compulsory English literature!

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Mrs T - 2013-08-21 7:34 PM


Hacksafe is quite correct in his assessment of many of the posters on here. The fault lies firmly with the controllers who allow abusive threats to continue. Its not the slightest bit interesting and I doubt even by those who continue to comment find it interesting. Its very simply their aggressive attitude. The armed forces wording for them was 'Barrack Room Lawyers' and not worth a light.


OK so its free speech but make no mistake certain authorities are making notes. Like Twitter and other channels where potential troublemakers hide.


Chatterbox is now completely uncontrollable and the only answer is to close it down.



Crikey she makes it sound like The News of the World scandal . Close it down , bonkers .


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John 47 - 2013-08-19 12:36 PM


Symbol Owner - 2013-08-19 9:35 AM


P.S. I'm in the camp that believes that Yosser genuinly believed that he did need a new cambelt on a Ford Freda of that age --thanked you all for your assistance with details of a local garage that might help and was then contacted by the former owner with proof that such action was unneccessary -- where's the 'putting one over' in that? It could certainly have happened to me -- ignoramus that I am on technical matters -- which is why I joined this Forum in the first place!


I'm baffled!




You may be right but I see it a different way. If he had a genuine technical enquiry, he'd have placed it in the appropriate section. He posted it on Chatterbox because he knew that this was the location that would ensure that some people took the bait and treated him like they had treated him before - ie with contempt. True to form, some people posted frivolous answers that were designed to take the piss out of him. He, cleverly, pretended he thought they were genuine in order to get more to join the thread. Then, when people were laughing at what they thought was his ignorance, he turned the tables on them.


I add that I have no reason to support either Yosser or his detractors; this is the way it came across to me. If I am wrong then I invite Yosser to tell me. :-D

You muppet, the garage that was recommended to Yosser Hughes was a fictional one from coronation street. *-)

So he was sussed out right from the off. The respondants taken in? I think not. :D

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