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peter - 2013-08-21 8:49 PM


John 47 - 2013-08-19 12:36 PM


Symbol Owner - 2013-08-19 9:35 AM


P.S. I'm in the camp that believes that Yosser genuinly believed that he did need a new cambelt on a Ford Freda of that age --thanked you all for your assistance with details of a local garage that might help and was then contacted by the former owner with proof that such action was unneccessary -- where's the 'putting one over' in that? It could certainly have happened to me -- ignoramus that I am on technical matters -- which is why I joined this Forum in the first place!


I'm baffled!




You may be right but I see it a different way. If he had a genuine technical enquiry, he'd have placed it in the appropriate section. He posted it on Chatterbox because he knew that this was the location that would ensure that some people took the bait and treated him like they had treated him before - ie with contempt. True to form, some people posted frivolous answers that were designed to take the piss out of him. He, cleverly, pretended he thought they were genuine in order to get more to join the thread. Then, when people were laughing at what they thought was his ignorance, he turned the tables on them.


I add that I have no reason to support either Yosser or his detractors; this is the way it came across to me. If I am wrong then I invite Yosser to tell me. :-D

You muppet, the garage that was recommended to Yosser Hughes was a fictional one from coronation street. *-)

So he was sussed out right from the off. The respondants taken in? I think not. :D


Oh but no Peter , you are wrong as I am and everybody else is . It was in fact Yosser that was laughing loudest and giggling and chuckling all the time to himself and if you cant see that then ask John he''ll explain .

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Guest pelmetman
Mrs T - 2013-08-21 7:34 PM


Chatterbox is now completely uncontrollable and the only answer is to close it down.



Mrs T 8-)................what ever has happened to your avatar???? :-S.............I'll not be able to sleep now without that picture of horn rimed loveliness to influence my input to the Mass debate thread :D

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Guest pelmetman
Sue sussed her/him out from her/him very first post 8-)....................I was a bit slow as usual :D..........But her/him are more than welcome to come back in what ever he/her....transgender guise they feel happy in :-D
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Guest pelmetman
Tracker - 2013-08-21 10:25 PM


Perhaps his/her top secret rubber band powered submarine has been in Thailand for a rewind for a while and he/she has become a little confused - or endowed with the wrong bits - which might explain the avatar!


You have a point Rich ;-)...............His/her writing style has changed :-S...............maybe its the influence of the moon? 8-).......

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I will not return until the abusive writers have modified their ways to a more pleasant nature. Neither of us find their comments interesting, they must be extremely unsociable people if all they can do is complain about others all the time.


The MMM team are still at fault for allowing it.

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Guest pelmetman
Mrs T - 2013-08-22 10:46 AM


Neither of us find their comments interesting, they must be extremely unsociable people """if all they can do is complain about others all the time"""".


? 8-)................... (lol)

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Tracker - 2013-08-22 12:45 PM
RogerC - 2013-08-22 11:11 AM
Tracker - 2013-08-22 10:50 AMFull moon last night!!


Is 'full' qualified by trousers right down or just at knee level?  :-)

All the way Roger - as in FULL - no point in half measures now is there!
Like this Richard?.


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billybongo - 2013-08-24 11:40 AMi think you will find that its my dad yosser hughes you all had a go at and i do agree with the first post on here my dad has lots of problems and all he got on here was you internet bullyes and its now time that you where stoped you only have took look at the news about internet trolls like you lot are theres one last thing i think my dad is the beeter man than all you lot as he wont let you get him down and is always one of the frst to help any one if he can


An awesome post billybongo (Martin?).  You managed to completely avoid any of the conventions of the English language, no punctuation, no sentences and no capitals.  In fact as prime an example of illiteracy I have ever seen.  Congratulations on even managing to join the forum because with your sub normal level of literacy I am amazed you even managed it.

Now sod off and 'troll' elsewhere.


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peter - 2013-08-24 10:27 PM


Looks like his dad didn't teach him how to spell either.

Never mind he'll soon be banned along with his (dad)?


You assume too much Peter - I doubt it had a father in any of it's hatched out reptile like incarnations as surely nobody, however horrible, would ever want to take responsibility for such a pathetic little worm.

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