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Let's Hear It For The UK


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Guest 1footinthegrave

Don't you just love these rules, dreamt up by someone with little else to do with their tax payer funded index linked pension provided jobs. >:-(


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Surely it can't be difficult?

Dedicate a number of spaces as motorhomes only, make them large enough, charge users in line with any other charges in that area and erect a sign (yes, I know....) saying No Overnighting.

This means you can then enforce the removal of itinerants but also allow genuine visitors to park easily, away from the congested streets, and walk/bus to to own to spend all their hard earned.

Perhaps local councils could go into 'partnership' (isn't that what everyone does these days?) with any local supermarket giant to provide said spaces in their conveniently sited, spacious car parks, where parking is sponsored/free to anyone spending a nominal amount there.

After all, we all use Leclerc and Carrefour etc in France don't we?


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Guest 1footinthegrave
bolero boy - 2013-08-30 8:29 AM


Surely it can't be difficult?

Dedicate a number of spaces as motorhomes only, make them large enough, charge users in line with any other charges in that area and erect a sign (yes, I know....) saying No Overnighting.

This means you can then enforce the removal of itinerants but also allow genuine visitors to park easily, away from the congested streets, and walk/bus to to own to spend all their hard earned.

Perhaps local councils could go into 'partnership' (isn't that what everyone does these days?) with any local supermarket giant to provide said spaces in their conveniently sited, spacious car parks, where parking is sponsored/free to anyone spending a nominal amount there.

After all, we all use Leclerc and Carrefour etc in France don't we?


Absolutely bang on the money,


but I do think the "itinerants" issue is a red herring, they just turn up on your local cricket green and pitch camp, or cut down height barriers with a plasma cutter :D :D and flog the barrier for scrap !

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We have a new Waitrose in Wells......it's a lovely shop......but, parking.........!

I went over the other morning to buy some plant they had in a sale, I knew exactly what I wanted and these we even outside the shop and I would only be about 10 mins tops.......hmmmmm, here we go!

The car park is till owned by the council and the supermarket site is leased to Waitrose , they would not sell it as they wanted to retain revenue from the car park. If Waitrose owned it and allowed oils like me to park for 10 mins for free then everyone using the other pay car parks would migrate to Waitrose and escape payment and reduce revenue.

So, I have to pay......change in pocket about 80p (and a few notes!) charge for one hour parking (minimum) is £1.10 not a pound or any other easy number like 50p a half hour or £1 an hour.......

So, what do I do, the 'enforcement officer' is on the prowl, I can't get into the shop for change as there will be a ticket on the windscreen before I get back, explaining after the event would be a no-no.

I could have chased after the guy and tried to explain but past experiences have lead me to think I have only now pointed out a car with no ticket!

In the end I managed to squeeze in a 5 mins only bay by the plants and raised the tailgate and asked the assistant to keep an eye on the officer.....

Yes, i should have had change with me but not always possible. I would have got my money back for spending over £5 but only after paying first.

I hate car parks!,,,,


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We love touring the UK, we find lots of places to stay when we need them, sometimes a campsite and sometimes an out of the way free camp stopover for a night. Never had a problem parking my 7 metre motorhome in a town as I've never bothered to try. The other great thing about touring in the UK is all the ones who moan about it not being motorhome friendly are elsewhere so I'm not surrounded by moaning minnies :D.



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Guest 1footinthegrave
Dave Newell - 2013-08-30 8:57 AM


We love touring the UK, we find lots of places to stay when we need them, sometimes a campsite and sometimes an out of the way free camp stopover for a night. Never had a problem parking my 7 metre motorhome in a town as I've never bothered to try. The other great thing about touring in the UK is all the ones who moan about it not being motorhome friendly are elsewhere so I'm not surrounded by moaning minnies :D.




For a man who makes his living from us moaning minnies your attitude is astonishing,..................................... an ex customer. (!)

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1footinthegrave - 2013-08-30 9:01 AM


Dave Newell - 2013-08-30 8:57 AM


We love touring the UK, we find lots of places to stay when we need them, sometimes a campsite and sometimes an out of the way free camp stopover for a night. Never had a problem parking my 7 metre motorhome in a town as I've never bothered to try. The other great thing about touring in the UK is all the ones who moan about it not being motorhome friendly are elsewhere so I'm not surrounded by moaning minnies :D.




For a man who makes his living from us moaning minnies your attitude is astonishing,..................................... an ex customer. (!)


Still not quite got the hang of tongue in cheek comments have you one foot ;-)



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Guest 1footinthegrave
Dave Newell - 2013-08-30 9:29 AM


1footinthegrave - 2013-08-30 9:01 AM


Dave Newell - 2013-08-30 8:57 AM


We love touring the UK, we find lots of places to stay when we need them, sometimes a campsite and sometimes an out of the way free camp stopover for a night. Never had a problem parking my 7 metre motorhome in a town as I've never bothered to try. The other great thing about touring in the UK is all the ones who moan about it not being motorhome friendly are elsewhere so I'm not surrounded by moaning minnies :D.




For a man who makes his living from us moaning minnies your attitude is astonishing,..................................... an ex customer. (!)


Still not quite got the hang of tongue in cheek comments have you one foot ;-)




I've got the hang of using smileys to try to disguise the message though, Dave you have made your feelings known on this issue on previous occasions, just nail your colours to the mast.......................or as I would do in your position keep schtum ;-)

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For heavens sake 1foot'....when it comes to bleating, you'd give the sheep out your way a run for their money!..


We get it "the UK is sh*t...you can't park your van...barriers everywhere..spaces too small...blah blah.."


Do something about it or give it a rest...please!.... :-S


If participating in my chosen leisure activity/pastime in the country where I lived, gave me as much grief as Motor homing seems to give you, then I'd pack it in or MOVE! 8-)

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Guest 1footinthegrave

I do do something about it, I bugger of across the water as often as possible, next trip the 4th September until the 24th October France and Spain ;-) so some of you folk will get a rest from 1foot,


but if you care to look through the thread I am by no means the only one who finds the UK as a general rule a hassle, never mind eh though.. ;-)


now make sure you've got some change for the car park, ( the ones you CAN use that is. >:-)

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1footinthegrave - 2013-08-30 10:20 AM


I do do something about it, I bugger of across the water as often as possible, next trip the 4th September until the 24th October France and Spain ;-)



.....now make sure you've got some change for the car park, ( the ones you CAN use that is. >:-)


Yeah but you even make a big song and dance about that as well...with your "I can't park in Dover.." thread...turning up with empty Calor bottles...slagging off the CC site for "ripping you off"..only to

eventually concede that it was in fact the C&CC that you'd re-joined(..the very club you'd quit not long before...?! 8-)


No one is saying that more MH parking and/or overnighting spaces wouldn't be desirable..but as many of us have said before constantly churning it 'round and around on here achieves nothing..


As for making sure I've change for the car park.?.. well as shocking as it may sound, I think you'll find that car drivers need change for the car park as well..?! ;-)

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My local council is spending £1m ??? on a new P&R which is way out in the sticks for what reason I do not no. Within 5 miles is another P&R in a very appropriate place and I have never seen it more than 75% occupied.


There was a hotel in the area called "The White Elephant" and I have written to the council convener asking the new P&R be named after the hotel.


On a more positive note I also asked if arrangements had been included to provide for motorhomes, caravans etc in water, waste disposal, overnight stay, etc. I provided a link to Dover Road P&R at Canterbury, as an example of how it should be done.


Will wait and see if I even get a reply.

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Guest 1footinthegrave
pepe63 - 2013-08-30 10:40 AM


1footinthegrave - 2013-08-30 10:20 AM


I do do something about it, I bugger of across the water as often as possible, next trip the 4th September until the 24th October France and Spain ;-)



.....now make sure you've got some change for the car park, ( the ones you CAN use that is. >:-)


Yeah but you even make a big song and dance about that as well...with your "I can't park in Dover.." thread...turning up with empty Calor bottles...slagging off the CC site for "ripping you off"..only to

eventually concede that it was in fact the C&CC that you'd re-joined(..the very club you'd quit not long before...?! 8-)


No one is saying that more MH parking and/or overnighting spaces wouldn't be desirable..but as many of us have said before constantly churning it 'round and around on here achieves nothing..


As for making sure I've change for the car park.?.. well as shocking as it may sound, I think you'll find that car drivers need change for the car park as well..?! ;-)


A few things to be put into perspective, I was moaning at the fact that BOTH clubs charge way over the odds for Calor, and will only accept cash, assuming in my naivety a "club" exists to benefit it's members that's all, I'm guessing you approve, and again if you think one of the major ferry ports in the UK cannot provide some parking as they do at Calais, that's OK as well, others see it differently, and to echo the blokes above post we attempted to use one of the park and rides services in Shropshire, guess what, it had a height barrier, but that's OK as well I guess. ;-)


and from where I'm sitting unless we can collectively speak out about these issues nothing will change, oh well I've done my bit with our local community council, so if you find you can park here next season, it will be in some part due to me. ;-)

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If you've managed to get some provision for motorhome parking in your area then you are to be applauded....but I dare say you didn't achieve it by constantly posting about it on here?(..which is really the point I'm making ;-) )


Also I do know that the P&R nearest to us(south side of Shrewsbury), although it has a height barrier,they will open it or wave you in through the bus lane... ;-)

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sshortcircuit - 2013-08-30 11:17 AM

Within 5 miles is another P&R in a very appropriate place and I have never seen it more than 75% occupied.


Surely this shows some degree of forward planning and must be preferable to a P&R that is always overflowing with parking very difficult?


Or are the council damned if they do and damned if they don't?


You can't seriously expect the local council to install motorhome service points at this stage but more to the point is it accessible for motorhomes and might the council be persuaded to allow overnight parking for motorhomes visiting the area?

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OK boys and girls, I'm logging off as I'm away for a few days. Just 50 miles up the road at a THS (be there in an hour). Enjoy your trek over the water. ........ now where did I put the £20 note I need for fuel?
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747 - 2013-08-30 12:40 PM


OK boys and girls, I'm logging off as I'm away for a few days. Just 50 miles up the road at a THS (be there in an hour). Enjoy your trek over the water. ........ now where did I put the £20 note I need for fuel?


Have a great weekend Jim - as to your £20 note - perhaps it's with the other £20 notes that you will need for waterproofs and wellies!


THSs are great - low cost - no booking - usually a good atmosphere with like minded folk. Enjoy!!

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Guest 1footinthegrave
747 - 2013-08-30 12:40 PM


OK boys and girls, I'm logging off as I'm away for a few days. Just 50 miles up the road at a THS (be there in an hour). Enjoy your trek over the water. ........ now where did I put the £20 note I need for fuel?


If you push it all the way you'll save the 20 quid bonny lad. ;-)


enjoy your few days in a field. (!) whatever pushes your button I guess.

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Tracker - 2013-08-30 12:19 PM


sshortcircuit - 2013-08-30 11:17 AM

Within 5 miles is another P&R in a very appropriate place and I have never seen it more than 75% occupied.


Surely this shows some degree of forward planning and must be preferable to a P&R that is always overflowing with parking very difficult?


Or are the council damned if they do and damned if they don't?


You can't seriously expect the local council to install motorhome service points at this stage but more to the point is it accessible for motorhomes and might the council be persuaded to allow overnight parking for motorhomes visiting the area?


I would agree with forward planning, to service a need. Same council has provided 100s of space at another two P&Rs which have about a 10% occupancy over the last 5 years, so forward planning to serve a need does not exist. Perhaps if we got some sensible train fares then it would encourage drivers to use these P&Rs but that would just be pie in the sky.


This most recent P&R is out in the sticks with no real places to walk to and it will end up with the same 10% or less occupancy. It would have been very simple to start small and then expand once a need had been established but that does not appear to be any part of a forward plan

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sshortcircuit - 2013-08-30 1:22 PM

This most recent P&R is out in the sticks with no real places to walk to and it will end up with the same 10% or less occupancy. It would have been very simple to start small and then expand once a need had been established but that does not appear to be any part of a forward plan.


Sorry but surely the location is not important neither are nice walks as the whole purpose of a P&R is to be able to easily drive to it, park your car and catch a bus to town and well out of town makes perfect sense as land is generally so much cheaper?

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Tracker - 2013-08-30 1:30 PM


sshortcircuit - 2013-08-30 1:22 PM

This most recent P&R is out in the sticks with no real places to walk to and it will end up with the same 10% or less occupancy. It would have been very simple to start small and then expand once a need had been established but that does not appear to be any part of a forward plan.


Sorry but surely the location is not important neither are nice walks as the whole purpose of a P&R is to be able to easily drive to it, park your car and catch a bus to town and well out of town makes perfect sense as land is generally so much cheaper?


Ok, walking was not a good example, but there is no reasonable town of interest to take a bus to and certainly not one that would need a P&R for 100s of cars as it can currently accommodate visitors. Why build one near an existing P&R that is only about 75% occupied?

Forward planning is non existent as the others have shown with a less than 10% occupancy after so many years.

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sshortcircuit - 2013-08-30 1:39 PM

but there is no reasonable town of interest to take a bus to



I do agree that would make a difference!


Where do the bus(s) run to then - is it midway so two or more towns can be served?


It also begs the question as to who got the contract to provide it maybe?

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Our 3(4?) P&Rs are probably not much more 5 miles apart(as the crow flies) ..but it's not so much the distance between them that's important, it's the "approaches" to the town that they serve...


Maybe the banking collapse put paid to some proposed expansions?...leaving your P&Rs looking a bit OTT for the moment?


It won't be many years before ours' risk being swamped by development(s) and will therefore no longer be "out on the outskirts"...



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Guest 1footinthegrave
I have every trust in our councils forward planners, they've just shut most of our local schools down through lack of funding, but built a new one in the middle of nowhere, and built miles and miles of cycle paths that no one uses. :-S
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1footinthegrave - 2013-08-30 3:01 PM


I have every trust in our councils forward planners, they've just shut most of our local schools down through lack of funding, but built a new one in the middle of nowhere, and built miles and miles of cycle paths that no one uses. :-S


.....you obviously need to take a few lessons from the cycling lobby. ;-)

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