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Washed the van today.


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We spent two nights on the Calais Aire " last week,the days of the storm,Calais was closed as was Dover at the time,it was blowing a raging gale,any way today as the sun is shining here I finally got round to washing the van, we have been away on a two month trip to Hungary and Italy got down as far as Rome,fabulous trip,the van was really filthy as I did not clean it much whilst away.At Calais with the high winds the sand was blowing in all directions and I could not believe how much of it I had brought home with me it was in all the vents under the Solar Panels ,really fine sand, nasty stuff
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Hi, same thing last February in Spain,it made all our vans yellow inc. our Kampa awning,it's still yellow and it won't wash off,I washed everything the morning after as did everyone else, but several Washings later it's still apparent in places like the cab door hinges etc, What must it do to moving vehicles? As i am sure no filter would stop the stuff.
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lennyhb - 2013-11-04 5:00 PM


Had great fun getting all the sand out of our van after wilding on the Camargue beaches in September.

Tell me about it! We are usually clearing it out for ages afterwards due to the dogs bringing it in at every opportunity!!! *-)

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Guest 1footinthegrave
Mel B - 2013-11-04 7:41 PM


lennyhb - 2013-11-04 5:00 PM


Had great fun getting all the sand out of our van after wilding on the Camargue beaches in September.

Tell me about it! We are usually clearing it out for ages afterwards due to the dogs bringing it in at every opportunity!!! *-)


>:-) >:-) >:-) yes must be a right sh*t mess with three of them.

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lennyhb - 2013-11-04 5:00 PM


Had great fun getting all the sand out of our van after wilding on the Camargue beaches in September.

Hope you've given it a good clean out for any prospective customers.......no mention of sand in your advert, lol.

By the way, the van looks a treat, if we didn't want a garage version I could be very tempted, Lenny.

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