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Hull...City of Culture 2017!!!


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Guest Had Enough
peter - 2013-11-20 10:10 PM


Frank's only got iron rings in the walls of his cellar at home, where he and his pals indulge in a little bit of S&M at the weekend. To relieve the stresses of the working week. (lol) (lol) :$ :$ :$


I look back on my schooldays with great fondness. Being caned on the bottom by a middle-aged woman, something you pay good money for later in life.

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Guest pelmetman
Had Enough - 2013-11-20 7:10 PM


pelmetman - 2013-11-20 6:51 PM


Currys? :D..................


Currys? John Lewis? What is it about the term 'specialist photographic retailer' that you don't understand?


I amazed you haven't mentioned Comet!




I'm sorry I haven't a clue............ *-)









I know the answer :-D...................Mornington Crescent B-)

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Guest pelmetman
peter - 2013-11-20 10:49 PM


I'm sure a few on here would do it for free and with great gusto. (lol)


If not ask your local Methodist minister/Smack Head........or do I mean Labour Councillor/Bank Chairman?........ :-S.....


Well if you can't find one of the above try your nearest Crack Den >:-).......

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Dave225 - 2013-11-20 6:03 PM


I thought it was 'city of comedy' but then again they have the biggest fool in the UK living there. They better not allow any attractive girls near the place for safety reasons.


All you MH owners can pop along, park for free no doubt and enjoy the sophistication on offer. Alternatively just get on the P&O ferry and enjoy Europe, not a lot of difference methinks??


Who are you talking about regarding the 'fool'????? As for parking, Hull city centre is easily accessible, with Tesco having a large store in the town with free parking for 2 hours and MHs will fit in a some of the bays, even some of the undercover ones!


Thanks to those with positive comments, as for the others, you can laugh if you want but Hull is actually a very nice place to live, for example I know that lots of students who come to study at Hull University really love the place and quite a few don't leave once they've graduated as the place is so nice, friendly and relaxed. We have lots of lovely areas, yes some are not so nice but you get that will all cities, but the people themselves are very friendly and that is what sets us apart from a lot of other places. Hull has changes a lot in the last 10 years and the place has lots of things for all types of people with all types of interests.


What annoys me is the number of people who knock Hull who have either never been or haven't been for a long time ... we are always getting 'bad' publicity and being the butt of many comedians' jokes but I wonder how many of them have ever visited and seen the 'true' side of the city? We have many museums/galleries and places of interest, some lovely architecture but unfortunately Hull was very badly bombed in WWII so a lot was also lost - only London was bombed more.




If you haven't been then give Hull a chance, some info here:





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I delivered once a week in to Hull for about 5 yrs. The best time was spring when all (nearly) the roads are lined with pink blossom. I told my mother who was a keen gardener, "you want to see it" she made me take her" *-)


Spent a nice afternoon in Barton on Humber afterwards, she wanted to go over the bridge. The things you do for your parents. :-D



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Guest 1footinthegrave
Dough forgit Brum, venice with it's cuts, yow lot dow no what yam onner abaught,. ull indeed yow must all be barmy ;-) goo and git yamselves some nice scran when yum there, loads of them currie ouses in Brum, cum to think abaught it, there ain't much else eifer.
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nowtelse2do - 2013-11-21 3:54 PM


AliB - 2013-11-21 10:22 AM


They go bare foot in Hull.


'Commando' 8-) 8-) :D Is that true Mel? B-) :-D




Funnily enough as a child I used to go barefoot! Quite often in fact, better than wearing ill-fitting shoes when playing out. :-D

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Mel B - 2013-11-21 11:57 AM


Dave225 - 2013-11-20 6:03 PM


I thought it was 'city of comedy' but then again they have the biggest fool in the UK living there. They better not allow any attractive girls near the place for safety reasons.


Who are you talking about regarding the 'fool'?????


Mel, Dave is that rare ( and fortunately almost extinct) species, a Scots Tory!

One can only presume that he means the former Deputy prime minister, John Prescott.


I wonder who the poor deluded fool is really? >:-)



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Guest pelmetman
Symbol Owner - 2013-11-21 5:57 PM


Mel B - 2013-11-21 11:57 AM


Dave225 - 2013-11-20 6:03 PM


I thought it was 'city of comedy' but then again they have the biggest fool in the UK living there. They better not allow any attractive girls near the place for safety reasons.


Who are you talking about regarding the 'fool'?????


Mel, Dave is that rare ( and fortunately almost extinct) species, a Scots Tory!

One can only presume that he means the former Deputy prime minister, John Prescott.


I wonder who the poor deluded fool is really? >:-)




A Tory in Scotland 8-).............does the WWF know as they specialize in endangered species ;-).......

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pelmetman - 2013-11-21 6:03 PM


Symbol Owner - 2013-11-21 5:57 PM


Mel B - 2013-11-21 11:57 AM


Dave225 - 2013-11-20 6:03 PM


I thought it was 'city of comedy' but then again they have the biggest fool in the UK living there. They better not allow any attractive girls near the place for safety reasons.


Who are you talking about regarding the 'fool'?????


Mel, Dave is that rare ( and fortunately almost extinct) species, a Scots Tory!

One can only presume that he means the former Deputy prime minister, John Prescott.


I wonder who the poor deluded fool is really? >:-)




A Tory in Scotland 8-).............does the WWF know as they specialize in endangered species ;-).......


Be careful what you wish for.


Remember if we Scots decide to go independent then England will be Tory forever. Could be almost worth it just to see your faces Ha! Ha!


Wasn't JP the 'fool' who spent millions on trying to get Regional Assemblies for England and played Croquet instead of working, and as for lifting up and s...... secretaries.?? The man who scorned all things connected with the Lords....until it was his turn and then rushed along to get dressed up as a berk. Even his 'boss' was scared to leave him in charge of the country.

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Guest pelmetman
Dave225 - 2013-11-21 6:51 PM


pelmetman - 2013-11-21 6:03 PM


Symbol Owner - 2013-11-21 5:57 PM


Mel B - 2013-11-21 11:57 AM


Dave225 - 2013-11-20 6:03 PM


I thought it was 'city of comedy' but then again they have the biggest fool in the UK living there. They better not allow any attractive girls near the place for safety reasons.


Who are you talking about regarding the 'fool'?????


Mel, Dave is that rare ( and fortunately almost extinct) species, a Scots Tory!

One can only presume that he means the former Deputy prime minister, John Prescott.


I wonder who the poor deluded fool is really? >:-)




A Tory in Scotland 8-).............does the WWF know as they specialize in endangered species ;-).......


Be careful what you wish for.


Remember if we Scots decide to go independent then England will be Tory forever. Could be almost worth it just to see your faces Ha! Ha!


Wasn't JP the 'fool' who spent millions on trying to get Regional Assemblies for England and played Croquet instead of working, and as for lifting up and s...... secretaries.?? The man who scorned all things connected with the Lords....until it was his turn and then rushed along to get dressed up as a berk. Even his 'boss' was scared to leave him in charge of the country.


I dunno Dave............the more I think about it, the more I'm convinced breaking up the UK is a good thing :D.................divide and conquer is old hat.....................self rule rocks B-)............




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Joking apart we actually like Hull. We use the Hull Rotterdam ferry for most of our trips into Europe. We usually have a meal somewhere in Hull and then board the ferry about 7:00pm. If you are lucky, which seems to be every time we sail, you get some superb sunsets looking back from the ferry at the Humber bridge. We have always found a nice restaurant for the meal . For us our holiday starts in Hull.
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Mel B - 2013-11-21 11:57 AM




Thanks to those with positive comments, as for the others, you can laugh if you want but Hull is actually a very nice place to live, for example I know that lots of students who come to study at Hull University really love the place and quite a few don't leave once they've graduated as the place is so nice, friendly and relaxed. We have lots of lovely areas, yes some are not so nice but you get that will all cities, but the people themselves are very friendly and that is what sets us apart from a lot of other places. Hull has changes a lot in the last 10 years and the place has lots of things for all types of people with all types of interests.



I must admit that on first hearing the news I was quite surprised, but then it was the late 80's when I worked in Hull, at that time there might have been a few 'green shoots' but generally the place was a dive.

The son of a friend of ours went to university in Hull 10 years ago, brought a house dirt cheap, now that house has increased in value dramatically and he rates it as a good place to live.

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I also agree that joking apart I am sure there are a few nice parts of Hull that i have never seen. I do admit that getting off the ferry at 8.45 am and still be stuck in traffic 2 miles away at 9.45 am has never endeared me to the place too much. However, I do agree that 'Hull is the start of the holiday' especially when I am sitting on the boat with a glass of wine in hand watching the Humber disappear.


As for supporting the break up of the UK it is for sure that no one will come out of it better off but there is also a fear up here that win or lose, we will get screwed yet again. No one from any side will actually tell the truth so nobody can make a reasoned decision. For that reason alone I suspect we will vote to stay in but then afterwards we will be shafted completely by the Labour Government in Westminster. Now maybe Baldrick (Salmond) has a cunning Plan B but he has yet to inform us of it.


As for being a member of a soon to be extinct breed I could refer you to the last election held here in 2011. The Conservative Party despite having a totally useless leader managed to receive 14% of the votes compared to the Libbies who only manged 8% so although no sitting MSP's they still had quite a lot of support. This was on a total turnout of 50% which is better than Westminster can manage. It is ironic that the Libbies who have campaigned throughout the years on proportional representation as they felt it would give them power, now feel it might not be such a good idea as they lose power. The bottom line is that many people still have associations with what that C Party used to stand for and see the others as a catastrophe so probably vote with a peg on the nose. It also explains why the SNP got so many votes as 'they were none of the above'. Labour managed to destroy everything they touched over the generations and people finally saw through them. Of course in any Westminster election the Scots will still probably vote Labour as they see no point in the SNP being there.


So you English have a choice. Keep Scotland in the UK and keep a Labour Government or let us loose and keep a Tory Government.

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Dave225 - 2013-11-22 8:02 PM

So you English have a choice. Keep Scotland in the UK and keep a Labour Government or let us loose and keep a Tory Government.


Tough choice but in the interests of self preservation - bye bye - and we wish you well!!


You can decide your own time zone and then the rest of us can get on with using the extra daylight in winter - just like our other EU 'friends?' do!!

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Dave225 - 2013-11-22 8:02 PM


I also agree that joking apart I am sure there are a few nice parts of Hull that i have never seen. I do admit that getting off the ferry at 8.45 am and still be stuck in traffic 2 miles away at 9.45 am has never endeared me to the place too much. However, I do agree that 'Hull is the start of the holiday' especially when I am sitting on the boat with a glass of wine in hand watching the Humber disappear.


As for supporting the break up of the UK it is for sure that no one will come out of it better off but there is also a fear up here that win or lose, we will get screwed yet again. No one from any side will actually tell the truth so nobody can make a reasoned decision. For that reason alone I suspect we will vote to stay in but then afterwards we will be shafted completely by the Labour Government in Westminster. Now maybe Baldrick (Salmond) has a cunning Plan B but he has yet to inform us of it.


As for being a member of a soon to be extinct breed I could refer you to the last election held here in 2011. The Conservative Party despite having a totally useless leader managed to receive 14% of the votes compared to the Libbies who only manged 8% so although no sitting MSP's they still had quite a lot of support. This was on a total turnout of 50% which is better than Westminster can manage. It is ironic that the Libbies who have campaigned throughout the years on proportional representation as they felt it would give them power, now feel it might not be such a good idea as they lose power. The bottom line is that many people still have associations with what that C Party used to stand for and see the others as a catastrophe so probably vote with a peg on the nose. It also explains why the SNP got so many votes as 'they were none of the above'. Labour managed to destroy everything they touched over the generations and people finally saw through them. Of course in any Westminster election the Scots will still probably vote Labour as they see no point in the SNP being there.


So you English have a choice. Keep Scotland in the UK and keep a Labour Government or let us loose and keep a Tory Government.


Tory government and lose Scotland , and that's a bad thing ?

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