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Calais Warning !


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Just a word of warning to anyone shopping at the Auchan in Coquelles. Yesterday at 2.0 pm we returned to our van and found someone had tried to jemmy open the habitation door. Fortunately the door has a locking mechanism top and bottom and they assumed the lock was by the handle so fortunately did not get in. Next time we will not leave the van unattended or preferably shop further South.

Door still shuts but there is a definite bow in the door so will see what our local bodyshop can sort out.

Calais now has a refugee camp to rival Syria outside the ferry port and the town is crawling with "asylum seekers". We saw a lorry driving off in a hurry with his tailgate wide open being chased down the road !!

So we will not be stopping again. Although the aire on Bleriot Plage was patrolled by the police last night.

It is a shame as we had a wonderful 3 weeks touring down to the Dordogne and the Charente and will not be put off. Just miss out Calais !!

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Thanks Dave. If they had got in ,I think they might have been surprised as we installed a Van Bitz Growler alarm with the internal siren and 5 external, which having experienced in error , is noisy !!

It has just taken the shine off a good trip. And I was worried about "bandit alley " near Barcelona !

But could have been gassed !!!



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Guest peter
Yeah, watch out for that gassing lark. I know someone who once knew someone who heard from someone else that a friend of theirs was told by another person that..................Etc Etc Etc . :D
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It's not just Calais nor is it recent. We parked in a hypermarket car park in Brittany and went shopping. We didn't need much and my wife and daughter returned to our Pilote quite quickly only to find a young woman immigrant rummaging around inside the van. She had forced the very small bathroom to get in.

The police took her away but when we left the car park we saw her wandering around blantantly trying car doors!


Morale: don't rely on the French police to deal with these criminal activities.

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Its the same in some parts of Benidorm,when visited dad a few years back we went to a large outdoor market,a gipsy was being chased by two police running towards us,he actually stopped and asked us for money,then took off again before they could catch up!


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Guest JudgeMental
duetto owner - 2014-04-16 4:35 AM


french police should crack down on them and clear their camps, the locals must be sick of them, a plague of parasites.


charaties that feed them should be banned as that only encourages them and more.


What a wonderful and humane sentiment......


We never leave the van unattended...one goes shopping..its called common sense?


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Guest pelmetman
We never leave the van unattended when at the City De Europe................Sadly its a sign of the times......................When you don't have control of your borders :-|.............
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Thanks all for your commiserations ! We have been touring Europe for the past 14 years without incident and never felt threatened but Calais has become a no-go zone for us in future.

Untill we relent and give all the asylum seekers council houses,jobs and benefits !! That's when we leave UK as a no-go zone !!!

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whisturx - 2014-04-16 1:05 PM


Thanks all for your commiserations ! We have been touring Europe for the past 14 years without incident and never felt threatened but Calais has become a no-go zone for us in future.

Untill we relent and give all the asylum seekers council houses,jobs and benefits !! That's when we leave UK as a no-go zone !!!


According to the wise ones amongst us it would seem it's your own fault for daring to leave the van locked in what you assumed a safe place without a guard inside , shame on you


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Guest Had Enough
antony1969 - 2014-04-16 1:49 PM


whisturx - 2014-04-16 1:05 PM


Thanks all for your commiserations ! We have been touring Europe for the past 14 years without incident and never felt threatened but Calais has become a no-go zone for us in future.

Untill we relent and give all the asylum seekers council houses,jobs and benefits !! That's when we leave UK as a no-go zone !!!


According to the wise ones amongst us it would seem it's your own fault for daring to leave the van locked in what you assumed a safe place without a guard inside , shame on you


Why do you feel the need to crawl out of Chatterbox occasionally to leave sneering and pointless posts, the sole purpose of which seems to be to have a snide dig at someone?


For your information, leaving someone in the 'van when you go shopping in supermarkets in places such as Calais, is what intelligent people do. If you're in a small town in Brittany, you'll get away with both of you nipping out for a while as there aren't hundreds of asylum seekers hanging around who see British 'vans as an easy target to get a few valuables and even the odd passport or two.


But in Calais, or Barcelona or Marseilles you really should use your brains and ensure that one of you stays with the 'van to deter thieves.








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Tony, your "wise ones amongst us" post was clearly another dig, intended to goad Eddie into a response..

(..as are most/all of your ebike threads related posts....).


and as Ian(the OP) had said:


"Calais now has a refugee camp to rival Syria outside the ferry port and the town is crawling with "asylum seekers". We saw a lorry driving off in a hurry with his tailgate wide open being chased down the road !!"

... none of that paints a picture of a "safe place" to leave an unattended vehicle.. :-S


Ian...I suppose "fortunately" (for want of a better word), it happened on the way home and not on the way out, so hopefully it didn't sully your trip too much?


(Sorry HE, I crossed your post :$ )

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Had Enough - 2014-04-16 2:37 PM


antony1969 - 2014-04-16 1:49 PM


whisturx - 2014-04-16 1:05 PM


Thanks all for your commiserations ! We have been touring Europe for the past 14 years without incident and never felt threatened but Calais has become a no-go zone for us in future.

Untill we relent and give all the asylum seekers council houses,jobs and benefits !! That's when we leave UK as a no-go zone !!!


According to the wise ones amongst us it would seem it's your own fault for daring to leave the van locked in what you assumed a safe place without a guard inside , shame on you


Why do you feel the need to crawl out of Chatterbox occasionally to leave sneering and pointless posts, the sole purpose of which seems to be to have a snide dig at someone?


For your information, leaving someone in the 'van when you go shopping in supermarkets in places such as Calais, is what intelligent people do. If you're in a small town in Brittany, you'll get away with both of you nipping out for a while as there aren't hundreds of asylum seekers hanging around who see British 'vans as an easy target to get a few valuables and even the odd passport or two.


But in Calais, or Barcelona or Marseilles you really should use your brains and ensure that one of you stays with the 'van to deter thieves.







If the posts are pointless don't get so wound up by em frank , ignore em it's easy





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Guest Had Enough
antony1969 - 2014-04-16 3:11 PM


If the posts are pointless don't get so wound up by em frank , ignore em it's easy




Hilarious! Where did my post give the impression of being 'wound up'? Bored by you? Yes. Surprised that you can't see how transparent your snide attacks are? Yes. But 'wound up'? Not really.


There's only one person who seems to be wound up here and it's you, as is evidenced by the fact that Judge seems to have got under your skin somehow and you now feel the urge to have your nasty little digs.


Now be a good chap and give it a rest eh?

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Guest Had Enough
pepe63 - 2014-04-16 3:15 PM


whisturx - 2014-04-16 3:01 PM


My bad luck it appears...


A lot of it, does come down that just that...luck! :-S


..after all, some folk get their cars/vans stolen/broken into, whilst they're on their own driveways.......


But by being sensible you can make your own luck. It's not much use moaning about bad luck if you leave a motorhome unattended in a French supermarket where you know there are likely to be foreign asylum seekers hanging around.


And British 'vans may be more attractive because there's a chance they'll have some nice British passports in them. These people aren't trying to sneak into France, they're already there. They're trying to get to to the UK! And a stolen and then doctored UK passport is worth a lot of money.



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Had Enough - 2014-04-16 3:18 PM


antony1969 - 2014-04-16 3:11 PM


If the posts are pointless don't get so wound up by em frank , ignore em it's easy




Hilarious! Where did my post give the impression of being 'wound up'? Bored by you? Yes. Surprised that you can't see how transparent your snide attacks are? Yes. But 'wound up'? Not really.


There's only one person who seems to be wound up here and it's you, as is evidenced by the fact that Judge seems to have got under your skin somehow and you now feel the urge to have your nasty little digs.


Now be a good chap and give it a rest eh?


Obviously it's not that easy to ignore em , eh frank ?

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Guest Had Enough
antony1969 - 2014-04-16 3:24 PM


Had Enough - 2014-04-16 3:18 PM


antony1969 - 2014-04-16 3:11 PM


If the posts are pointless don't get so wound up by em frank , ignore em it's easy




Hilarious! Where did my post give the impression of being 'wound up'? Bored by you? Yes. Surprised that you can't see how transparent your snide attacks are? Yes. But 'wound up'? Not really.


There's only one person who seems to be wound up here and it's you, as is evidenced by the fact that Judge seems to have got under your skin somehow and you now feel the urge to have your nasty little digs.


Now be a good chap and give it a rest eh?


Obviously it's not that easy to ignore em , eh frank ?


I don't understand, why should I ignore them? If I feel that you're being an utter pillock and being snide and nasty to another member, why shouldn't I have the right to tell you?


It appears that I'm not the only one either. If we don't mention it to you you'll think that what you're doing is reasonable and fair, when it's just the opposite.


Don't worry, you may get the hang of discussion forums one day. In the meantime may I suggest that you consider staying in Chatterbox and only coming in here when you actually have something constructive to say?


I won't respond to any more of your posts in this thread. I've made my point and have no intention of getting bogged down in a pointless debate with someone who really doesn't understand what's actually going on here. Or maybe you do and stirring and causing trouble is your real intention?




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Had Enough - 2014-04-16 3:30 PM


antony1969 - 2014-04-16 3:24 PM


Had Enough - 2014-04-16 3:18 PM


antony1969 - 2014-04-16 3:11 PM


If the posts are pointless don't get so wound up by em frank , ignore em it's easy




Hilarious! Where did my post give the impression of being 'wound up'? Bored by you? Yes. Surprised that you can't see how transparent your snide attacks are? Yes. But 'wound up'? Not really.


There's only one person who seems to be wound up here and it's you, as is evidenced by the fact that Judge seems to have got under your skin somehow and you now feel the urge to have your nasty little digs.


Now be a good chap and give it a rest eh?


Obviously it's not that easy to ignore em , eh frank ?


I don't understand, why should I ignore them? If I feel that you're being an utter pillock and being snide and nasty to another member, why shouldn't I have the right to tell you?


It appears that I'm not the only one either. If we don't mention it to you you'll think that what you're doing is reasonable and fair, when it's just the opposite.


Don't worry, you may get the hang of discussion forums one day. In the meantime may I suggest that you consider staying in Chatterbox and only coming in here when you actually have something constructive to say?


I won't respond to any more of your posts in this thread. I've made my point and have no intention of getting bogged down in a pointless debate with someone who really doesn't understand what's actually going on here. Or maybe you do and stirring and causing trouble is your real intention?



Good we finally get there , your not going to respond anymore thank god


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