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Calais Warning !


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Guest Had Enough
pelmetman - 2014-05-30 7:32 PM


Had Enough - 2014-05-30 7:21 PM



Yes, I'm high on the defeat of socialism (wherever it's been tried) and high on the success of capitalism which, for all its faults ( and no system is totally free of defects) has produced richer and freer societies all over the world. I traveled on the Trans-Siberian to Mongolia and China a few years ago and rural Russia still hasn't recovered from the blight of the collective farms and the vile pollution of its cities.



You better avoid London then ;-)


As its apparently worse than Beijing................anything those dam Communists can do...... You Capitalists can do better eh? (lol) (lol) (lol).............


Quite right, there's no smog in Chinese cities. God forbid! (lol)

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Guest pelmetman
Had Enough - 2014-05-30 7:34 PM


Where have I ever said that being a camera salesman is something of note? I haven't sold a camera in decades, I'm an administrator. But I've had some satisfaction in starting from nothing and having a successful small business that will turn over ten mill this year and employs fifty people.


And yes, the job of a businessman is to buy as cheaply as possible and to sell as high as possible. If you'd realised that earlier on you might have had a bit more success.


Regrettably though there's always fierce competition, which means that we have to be competitive and sell at very low margins on certain things. It's called the market and it's what ensures that no one can make silly money. There's always someone willing to try working on a bit less.


How did your business go Pelmetman? We must have started about the same time. We must compare!


But mine is by any definition a small business and I recognise that.


And, as for your cheap jibe, I'm no photographer, why should I be? I have some superb people who, as you've noted, can teach it. But in the early days when it was necessary I was an expert on equipment and its use. That's what customers wanted and they got it.


But the picture I took of the camel in Morocco was a quick snap on a compact digital camera.


But I note again that having lost the argument about the wonders of socialism, you've resorted to these silly tactics. It was ever so. :-(


Oh dear getting all defensive now Frank..............


Its OK for you to belittle other people, but should they dare to denigrate you *-)................... but your right.....it was a cheap jibe............although frankly Frank you deserved it............your inability to accept another persons point of view, is without doubt your most annoying character trait :-|.................and is why I would suggest these threads often descend into bitch'fests ;-)...............


As for my business..........I'm pleased to report I turned over even less last year...............but as we are now in receipt of pensions I'll need to earn even less this year to avoid paying tax :D............


But if you like financing the breeding habits of Eastern Europeans, feel free.............but as far as I'm concerned there's more than enough people on this planet :-|.............



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What is going on? This thread is supposed to be about Calais and risks for motorhomers. Why can't the idiots who stray onto other subjects get a twitter account. It would suit their mentality. I am coming back through Calais next week and would like to have some up to date information. Not all the crap some of it years old. How relevant is that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Guest Had Enough
pelmetman - 2014-05-30 7:55 PM


Had Enough - 2014-05-30 7:34 PM


Where have I ever said that being a camera salesman is something of note? I haven't sold a camera in decades, I'm an administrator. But I've had some satisfaction in starting from nothing and having a successful small business that will turn over ten mill this year and employs fifty people.


And yes, the job of a businessman is to buy as cheaply as possible and to sell as high as possible. If you'd realised that earlier on you might have had a bit more success.


Regrettably though there's always fierce competition, which means that we have to be competitive and sell at very low margins on certain things. It's called the market and it's what ensures that no one can make silly money. There's always someone willing to try working on a bit less.


How did your business go Pelmetman? We must have started about the same time. We must compare!


But mine is by any definition a small business and I recognise that.


And, as for your cheap jibe, I'm no photographer, why should I be? I have some superb people who, as you've noted, can teach it. But in the early days when it was necessary I was an expert on equipment and its use. That's what customers wanted and they got it.


But the picture I took of the camel in Morocco was a quick snap on a compact digital camera.


But I note again that having lost the argument about the wonders of socialism, you've resorted to these silly tactics. It was ever so. :-(


Oh dear getting all defensive now Frank..............


Its OK for you to belittle other people, but should they dare to denigrate you *-)................... but your right.....it was a cheap jibe............although frankly Frank you deserved it............your inability to accept another persons point of view, is without doubt your most annoying character trait :-|.................and is why I would suggest these threads often descend into bitch'fests ;-)...............


As for my business..........I'm pleased to report I turned over even less last year...............but as we are now in receipt of pensions I'll need to earn even less this year to avoid paying tax :D............


But if you like financing the breeding habits of Eastern Europeans, feel free.............but as far as I'm concerned there's more than enough people on this planet :-|.............




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Guest Had Enough
Wills Wagon - 2014-05-30 7:56 PM


What is going on? This thread is supposed to be about Calais and risks for motorhomers. Why can't the idiots who stray onto other subjects get a twitter account. It would suit their mentality. I am coming back through Calais next week and would like to have some up to date information. Not all the crap some of it years old. How relevant is that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Citie Europe motorhome parking. Never had a problem staying overnight there, and handy shops.


Hope that helps. ;-)

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Guest pelmetman
Wills Wagon - 2014-05-30 7:56 PM


What is going on? This thread is supposed to be about Calais and risks for motorhomers. Why can't the idiots who stray onto other subjects get a twitter account. It would suit their mentality. I am coming back through Calais next week and would like to have some up to date information. Not all the crap some of it years old. How relevant is that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


We came back in March, stopped at city de europe then.................I shopped whilst er in doors stayed in the van, there were dodgy looking people hanging about *-)..................add to the mix the migrant camps have just been cleared, so expect even more dodgy looking people hanging about :-|................


As for over nighting we use the aire at Equihen Plage, close enough, but not too close ;-)............

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Guest pelmetman
Had Enough - 2014-05-30 8:07 PM


Wills Wagon - 2014-05-30 7:56 PM


What is going on? This thread is supposed to be about Calais and risks for motorhomers. Why can't the idiots who stray onto other subjects get a twitter account. It would suit their mentality. I am coming back through Calais next week and would like to have some up to date information. Not all the crap some of it years old. How relevant is that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Citie Europe motorhome parking. Never had a problem staying overnight there, and handy shops.


Hope that helps. ;-)


Clearly your reputation proceeds you Frank...................even migrants don't want to hang about :D..........

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Had Enough - 2014-05-30 7:21 PM

I traveled on the Trans-Siberian to Mongolia and China a few years ago.....

No doubt converted the "Yellow Peril" whilst there too i suppose?


Just a pity you came back. *-)


Had Enough - 2014-05-30 7:21 PM

I'm high on my freedom from the six a.m knock on the door and the Stasi and local commissar.

They wouldn't bother. You'd have have shot yourself in the foot long before they could.



Had Enough - 2014-05-30 7:21 PM

You may have visited a few ex-commie countries but I did business with them and saw it when it was real, and it wasn't pleasant.

Yet pleasant enough to "do business" with. Slightest whiff of money and some folk immediately lose all moral scruples and their political inclinations fly out the window.


Oh the irony! :D :D



Had Enough - 2014-05-30 7:34 PM

I'm an administrator.

Oh brother....*-) ...someone pass me the sick bag! *-)


Had Enough - 2014-05-30 7:34 PM

But I've had some satisfaction in starting from nothing and having a successful small business that will turn over ten mill this year and employs fifty people.



An "Administrator" turning over "ten million"..... but can't afford a sleeping bag. (lol) (lol)




Bulletguy - 2014-05-16 11:58 PM


Nothing about "first choice" at all.........simply because i can afford both.

Had Enough - 2014-05-17 9:56 AM

I wish I could, it must be nice being rich.

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Guest Had Enough
Bulletguy - 2014-05-30 8:36 PM


Had Enough - 2014-05-30 7:21 PM

I traveled on the Trans-Siberian to Mongolia and China a few years ago.....

No doubt converted the "Yellow Peril" whilst there too i suppose?


Just a pity you came back. *-)


Had Enough - 2014-05-30 7:21 PM

I'm high on my freedom from the six a.m knock on the door and the Stasi and local commissar.

They wouldn't bother. You'd have have shot yourself in the foot long before they could.



Had Enough - 2014-05-30 7:21 PM

You may have visited a few ex-commie countries but I did business with them and saw it when it was real, and it wasn't pleasant.

Yet pleasant enough to "do business" with. Slightest whiff of money and some folk immediately lose all moral scruples and their political inclinations fly out the window.


Oh the irony! :D :D



Had Enough - 2014-05-30 7:34 PM

I'm an administrator.

Oh brother....*-) ...someone pass me the sick bag! *-)


Had Enough - 2014-05-30 7:34 PM

But I've had some satisfaction in starting from nothing and having a successful small business that will turn over ten mill this year and employs fifty people.



An "Administrator" turning over "ten million"..... but can't afford a sleeping bag. (lol) (lol)




Bulletguy - 2014-05-16 11:58 PM


Nothing about "first choice" at all.........simply because i can afford both.

Had Enough - 2014-05-17 9:56 AM

I wish I could, it must be nice being rich.


I love it when people resort to this kind of cr*p. Proves they've run out of argument. :-)


Bullet Guy? With a dramatic picture of a bullet. How romantic.


I'm just an administrator and small businessman. What were you? A top sniper, member of the SAS, or perhaps a lathe operator in a munitions factory? (lol) (lol) (lol)


You should change it to Bullsh*t Guy ;-)





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Wills Wagon - 2014-05-30 7:56 PM


What is going on? This thread is supposed to be about Calais and risks for motorhomers. Why can't the idiots who stray onto other subjects get a twitter account. It would suit their mentality. I am coming back through Calais next week and would like to have some up to date information. Not all the crap some of it years old. How relevant is that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted this endless times but will post again.


Bray Dune Aire.....http://oi60.tinypic.com/179sp4.jpg


Approx 30 miles up from Calais just past Dunkerque. Totally free. Stay as long as you want. Town centre within easy walking distance...shops, bars, Cafes. Large Carrefour Supermarket within walking distance with full MH facilities for waste water draining, fresh water, plus jet wash and fuel.


NO BURGLARIES, VANDALISM or PETTY THEFTS.......Police Station is right opposite the Aire.

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Guest pelmetman
Had Enough - 2014-05-30 8:03 PM


Bored With Blinkered Lefties.gif



I'm a leftie? 8-)..................Well UKIP does have a broad appeal :D...................

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Had Enough - 2014-05-30 8:50 PM


Bullet Guy? With a dramatic picture of a bullet. How romantic.

You are in the wrong place if looking for lurrrve. Certainly won't get any from me anyway. *-)



Had Enough - 2014-05-30 8:50 PM

I'm just an administrator and small businessman. What were you? A top sniper, member of the SAS, or perhaps a lathe operator in a munitions factory?

Classified.....still bound under the OSA.



Had Enough - 2014-05-30 8:50 PM

You should change it to Bullsh*t Guy ;-)

Yeah......good idea.


Heard Enough Bullsh*t from Had Enough

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Guest Had Enough
Bulletguy - 2014-05-30 9:12 PM



Classified.....still bound under the OSA.




Yeh! Of course you are(lol) (lol) (lol) (lol) Don't want those Arabs finding out which lathes we use! (lol) (lol)



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Guest pelmetman
Had Enough - 2014-05-30 9:18 PM


Even More Bored With Bullshtting Blinkered Lefties.gif



:D...............When it comes to male cow poo...............I doubt anyone on here can match your ability ;-).........


But being a excellent salesman, I expect you could sell sh*t to anyone..........Just as Ratner got rich by flogging crap...........until he admitted it :D.................



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Had Enough - 2014-05-30 9:18 PM


Yeh! Of course you are Don't want those Arabs finding out which lathes we use!

Lathes? What Lathes?


Not where i used to work. We may be British but the high level of engineering required moved on years ago from lathes. You are still living in a Cave.


Stick to being an "Administrator" making "ten mill" and dreaming up your next fairy story. *-)

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