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Hi all, the well discussed topic of motorhome overloading as i have done many times, regarding the weighbridge what is the best way to go about it?


I use my local sand and gravel merchants, am told to first drive fully on for max weight, then to drive off with just back wheels on for rear axle weight, all good but..


Is it proportional in that it depends how much of the van remains over the bridge for the rear axle check, as i move around i can see the weight indicator changing, so do i stop with half the van on the bridge or just the back wheels on, does it make a difference? is this type of bridge not really suitable for our/my needs?


Common sense would suggest that the weigh scales that go under each wheel are the most accurate? and I guess if i/you were stopped by vosa that is what they would use?


So by using my local weighbridge am i in a false sense of security, thinking i am ok and legal? i am when fully loaded for a six month trip and scooter on back, generally 200kg short of max limit and 40kg short of max rear axle limit, but am i really?


What do the rest of you do? your thoughts please


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What you are being asked to do is the best that can be achieved. It is generally believed that the most accurate weight will be obtained as close as possible to the centre of the platform, which means taking the front wheels only just off it. I do not know how true this is. If the weighbridge is in normal use for bulk goods delivery/collection it will be regularly checked for accuracy by weights and measures officers. You should make sure you get a printed ticket from the operator that contains your vehicle registration number, the name of the weighbridge operator (and I believe their licence No), plus the date and time. You should ideally carry that with you. It will demonstrate to VOSA that you have acted responsibly in the first instance. It is possible that a mechanical platform may not be accurate at the relatively low weights that motorhomes register, but I believe most now rely on multiple load cells and are extremely accurate. Try testing it by walking onto the platform, and see if it gives a fair register of your weight! :-D I think you will find that it will.
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Is it proper calibrated weighbridge or one just used to weigh gravel being loaded onto lorries?

The official ones are on web searches and only cost about £7, these are calibrated regularly and give a print out of total, front and back loads, noting if the driver is aboard or not.


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Hi Brian;

as you say, this is a much discussed topic.

However, it's really a case of what you can find in your local area, I think.

Before our last trip I searched around for a weighbridge. I'd had the van weighed twice previously, but the first weighbridge was no longer available, chicken farm had closed down. A shame as it was a "on the level" one, and the gross weight, front and rear weights added up to the same figures.

The second one was at a gravel quarry, and was an "above ground " type, that I was less confident with.

The third one was "on the level", at a builders merchant's, and had a discrepancy. I lived with that as I had a detailed inventory of van contents.


On the way to the weighbridge we passed a VOSA site on the A17; and I was seriously tempted to just turn in and ask them to weigh the van. Maybe they would have, but they are not obliged to; they are not "public weighbridges".


Next trip I'll probably start the search all over again.


But I know hat I'm looking for now!


Other advice very good.

I post this link for info only,



P.S. I've no idea what a Hymer 664? A Class is, and what its plated weights/payload might be.



alan b


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thanks guys for your input, i am doing what i can to stay legal and insured! so will carry on the same way, will be visiting the bridge on thursday as we leave for west country till september, hope this summer is as good as last!


regards snail

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I can't believe how difficult it is to locate a weighbridge. I have the official list from Wales and every one (bar one) has stopped access or closed down. I have been on phone for ages today.


I phoned the council, who passed me to the environment agency who told me to google scrap dealers?


I have located only one but it opens only saturday mornings and that is no good as we pick new van up monday and depart thursday so will have laden everything then and want to weigh van empty first time.


Does anyone know of an accessible weighbridge in South Wales along the M4 corridor west of Cardiff to Carmarthen please?

thanks. chris

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chris - 2014-05-01 1:03 AM


I can't believe how difficult it is to locate a weighbridge. I have the official list from Wales and every one (bar one) has stopped access or closed down. I have been on phone for ages today.


I phoned the council, who passed me to the environment agency who told me to google scrap dealers?


I have located only one but it opens only saturday mornings and that is no good as we pick new van up monday and depart thursday so will have laden everything then and want to weigh van empty first time.


Does anyone know of an accessible weighbridge in South Wales along the M4 corridor west of Cardiff to Carmarthen please?

thanks. chris


I found this site a few years ago which lists hundreds of weighbridges in the UK


There seem to be quite a few in S Wales


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Hi Alan

As I posted on a previous thread I got my van weighed at a VOSA site, found them incredibly helpful, if a little surprised that a Motorhomer wanted to be weighed! Did joke that she hoped we would be underweight!

Would recommend them to anyone, I think as long as there are no queued trucks.


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dicksob - 2014-05-01 8:15 AM


Hi Alan

As I posted on a previous thread I got my van weighed at a VOSA site, found them incredibly helpful, if a little surprised that a Motorhomer wanted to be weighed! Did joke that she hoped we would be underweight!

Would recommend them to anyone, I think as long as there are no queued trucks.



In light of this VOSA have a site just off JCN 34 M4 don't know if they will be of help

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Called there today and serms appointment only. Dialled their nimber and preess button this etc.....now waiting to phone again tomorrow. They toldrme no a couple years ago so wait and see. Chris
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Called there today and serms appointment only. Dialled their nimber and preess button this etc.....now waiting to phone again tomorrow. They toldrme no a couple years ago so wait and see. Chris
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Get a Reich Caravan Control Link and then you can weigh whenever and wherever you like. Problem solved!


They may not be cheap but will avoid the hassle you are currently having in trying to find a weighbridge.




PS Is this what Dave Newell uses by any chance?

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If there are any docks near you they will have one - our local docks have one and it is free to use, we just roll up to the security check-in hut and ask to go to it (it's just on the opposite of the road from them), so no problem at all. :-D
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