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Insurance again!


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I was with them through a broker and they did not offer NCB at the time (2 - 3 years ago).

This gave me problems when I changed insurers as the new insurer would not recognise the 3 years claim free driving I had with Highway. I was not told at any time until I tried to move away that this was a 'NET' policy.


Double check NCB before parting with your money.



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Do remember that these policies with no NCB are there because many people who want to insure a second vehicle - such as a motorhome - already use their accrued NCB on their car.


Highway are part of Liverpool Victoria (LV) and do provide NCB policies as well as Specialist Vehicle policies - i.e. second vehicle policies.


I am not a General Insurance specialist at all - but Highway are not seen to be a "Problem" insurer - far from it in fact.



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Sure - no problem - Insurance companies are graded on their:-


a) Financial Strength


b) Claims paying history


c) Administration


LV= is not a problem provider (as far as I can see) with any of the above categorisations


The most important is probably Financial Strength - if a company is struggling financially then imagine the barriers they might put in the way of even the most genuine of claims if they are literally strapped for cash.


Also there are companies that to my mind are borderline fraudsters - in that when it comes to vehicle insurance for example - they will provide you with a nice Certificate of Insurance so that you can drive legally - BUT - who betide anyone who expects them to pay out in the event of a claim.


I can never understand how some people can spend thousands and thousands on their beloved vehicle and then go for the cheapest most useless insurance policy possible.


Like I say - getting a bit of paper to enable you to drive legally is one thing. Having the protection of a decent, financially strong company that charges sufficient to run its business properly and to honour honest claims and to deal with them promptly with good admin is what should really be considered top priority.




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CliveH - 2014-04-28 7:42 PM


Do remember that these policies with no NCB are there because many people who want to insure a second vehicle - such as a motorhome - already use their accrued NCB on their car.


Highway are part of Liverpool Victoria (LV) and do provide NCB policies as well as Specialist Vehicle policies - i.e. second vehicle policies.


I am not a General Insurance specialist at all - but Highway are not seen to be a "Problem" insurer - far from it in fact.



When we bought our first motorhome we insured with Safegaurd, we had two other vehicles at the time so Safegaurd mirrored the no claims from our car as we would have had no no-claims for the motorhome policy. It came out at about £360 and has since come down to about £330 in the last four years, this includes the European breakdown cover so for us is quite good value.


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