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2014 camperstop book

Excel duo

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Have just bought this and we are having difficulty in entering some of the gps numbers into sat nav. The middle block of numbers on both northings and eastings will not enter if they begin with a 6,7 or 8 which a lot of them do. Has anyone else had any problems with this new edition. Also comparing the french numbers with All the Aires numbers a lot of them are completely different. Am I doing something wrong or is there a problem here. excel duo
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I can't answer in exact detail but it will be because your sat nav is set up for the wrong format of input.


The figures in the book sound like they are in 'decimal' degrees and your sat nav is expecting 'degrees, minutes, seconds'. I say this because any figure greater than 6 is being rejected and there are only 60 minutes in a degree, ie 59 minutes 59 seconds is the largest fraction before the next degree.


Try changing your sat navs input style or alternatively convert the degree format before entering.




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Thank you for your advice Keith, I had not realised that there were different formats. I have a Garmin Nuvi without any instructions so it is just trial and error. I'll have another go and see if I have more success. It looks as though the co-ordinates in the book are in two different formats now that you say they can be in degrees as well as seconds and minutes. Thanks again from Colin.
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Thanks to everyone for their help. I have found how to change the format. It was set on the most frequrntly used one obviously. I did not know there were any others, I am not very technically minded! I can now input the co-ordinates which are like this N43. 31730 E6 62999 as opposed to the usual three block format, so I hope this will get me to where I want to go in Italy in two weeks time! I am going to have a look on Google for the instructions as I keep finding things I didn't know about and it is only a fairly basic model. Thanks a lot , Colin
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