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How To get at the sink waste pipe


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We have an Elddis Autoquest 120, that we love, however we bought it last September from Glossop Caravans and have only been out in it twice. The first time we didn't use the onboard water at all as it was a one night stay, the second time out 6 weeks ago we found the sink waste emptied itself inside the van with waste water flooding the floor area. (The waste tap was opened outside the van)

Glossop Caravans say that pipework isn't covered under the guarantee!!


I assume the waste pipe has simply come off some where under the sink. How do I get to it, do I remove the side panel, the fridge or is there a more obvious way.

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Firstly George is right take it back and insist they repair it it's not difficult. If you really want to do it yourself remove the screw in the centre of the waste then remove the 4 capped screws from the corners lift carefully as there is an earth wire connected to the lug on the sink unit you should then be able to see the waste pipe reconnect to the waste fitting, position the unit so the fitting is central to the waste hole refit the sink unit and with a bit of wriggling and luck you will be able to refit the waste with the screw. John. :-S
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I agree they should honour the repair and I'm sure I could win that argument however it's a full day spent waiting around or train & taxis if it can't be done the same day so I was hoping I could do it.


From what john says I will have a look at it first, although I'm not sure there will be enough space to get my hands on the pipe and whatever clamps it.


Thanks for the advice it's very helpful

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If you remove the fridge vents on the outside of the MH can you reach the underside of the sink? (You can on our AT).

You may need one pair of hands inside and another outside to accomplish the task but worth looking at.



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So the dealer at first contact about a small issue decides to use the 'pipework not covered under warranty' excuse! When will these dealers learn that attitudes like this prevents customers from purchasing again. The warranty that they use as the excuse is probably a third party warranty they buy in, this type of warranty is nothing but insurance based cover and lots of small items are excluded. They are more than willing to take your money at sale time then when you have what is a minor problem don't want to know its a disgrace.
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Keithl - 2014-06-16 10:04 PM




If you remove the fridge vents on the outside of the MH can you reach the underside of the sink? (You can on our AT).

You may need one pair of hands inside and another outside to accomplish the task but worth looking at.




You have got my alarm bells rings, surely the fridge compartment should be fully sealed from the inside of the vehicle for safety.

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Guest Had Enough
Stevetheraff - 2014-06-16 6:15 PM


We have an Elddis Autoquest 120, that we love, however we bought it last September from Glossop Caravans and have only been out in it twice. The first time we didn't use the onboard water at all as it was a one night stay, the second time out 6 weeks ago we found the sink waste emptied itself inside the van with waste water flooding the floor area. (The waste tap was opened outside the van)

Glossop Caravans say that pipework isn't covered under the guarantee!!


I assume the waste pipe has simply come off some where under the sink. How do I get to it, do I remove the side panel, the fridge or is there a more obvious way.


So let's get this straight. You bought a motorhome last September. Presumably it was second hand as it's no longer made and it could be several years old?


You say that you only used it once last year and, as it was 'just an overnight', you didn't use the sink at all and presumably when you took delivery you never thought to try out the main facilities of the 'van such as heating, water, toilet etc?


And even though it was 'just an overnight' you presumably didn't make an evening meal, or breakfast or even make a cup of tea, all of which would have meant running water into the sink?


You then claim that you didn't use it until early May this year when you discovered this problem.


My first question would be: "Why did you buy it last September if you'd no intention of using it properly for another eight months?"


As it was secondhand the warranty may have been for a shorter period than when new. If it was a six month warranty for instance it would be sensible to ensure, during the first six months, that everything is working properly. Even if the warranty is longer it still makes sense to check out the main facilities.


I'm sorry to be cynical but little of this makes much sense. It comes across as if you're trying to get something done by claiming that the product hasn't been used, despite the warranty having expired.


It's all a bit like "Yes, Mr Dealer, I know this motorhome is guaranteed for two years but we never used it for two and a half years and now we've discovered a few problems."


So before everyone jumps straight on the "Stupid dealer, how dare they" bandwagon I think we should be asking how long the original warranty was for and why you never thought to do the most simple checks to ensure that everything is working.


It would also be helpful to know the terms of the warranty, which you must have accepted when you bought it. Are minor things such as this covered or is it just the base vehicle and main habitation area?


If you'd tested it out and reported this fault to Glossop within a reasonable time I'm sure that they would have sorted it out quickly. If I'd bought a used motorhome from a dealer who is a long way from home I'd have stayed one night near his premises, or even on them, and given everything a thorough check out.







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lennyhb - 2014-06-17 9:29 AM


Keithl - 2014-06-16 10:04 PM




If you remove the fridge vents on the outside of the MH can you reach the underside of the sink? (You can on our AT).

You may need one pair of hands inside and another outside to accomplish the task but worth looking at.




You have got my alarm bells rings, surely the fridge compartment should be fully sealed from the inside of the vehicle for safety.


OK Yes it is sealed off but only by a simple aluminium shield which is very easily removed.

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Had Enough - 2014-06-17 10:21 AM


Stevetheraff - 2014-06-16 6:15 PM


We have an Elddis Autoquest 120, that we love, however we bought it last September from Glossop Caravans and have only been out in it twice. The first time we didn't use the onboard water at all as it was a one night stay, the second time out 6 weeks ago we found the sink waste emptied itself inside the van with waste water flooding the floor area. (The waste tap was opened outside the van)

Glossop Caravans say that pipework isn't covered under the guarantee!!


I assume the waste pipe has simply come off some where under the sink. How do I get to it, do I remove the side panel, the fridge or is there a more obvious way.


So let's get this straight. You bought a motorhome last September. Presumably it was second hand as it's no longer made and it could be several years old?


You say that you only used it once last year and, as it was 'just an overnight', you didn't use the sink at all and presumably when you took delivery you never thought to try out the main facilities of the 'van such as heating, water, toilet etc?


And even though it was 'just an overnight' you presumably didn't make an evening meal, or breakfast or even make a cup of tea, all of which would have meant running water into the sink?


You then claim that you didn't use it until early May this year when you discovered this problem.


My first question would be: "Why did you buy it last September if you'd no intention of using it properly for another eight months?"


As it was secondhand the warranty may have been for a shorter period than when new. If it was a six month warranty for instance it would be sensible to ensure, during the first six months, that everything is working properly. Even if the warranty is longer it still makes sense to check out the main facilities.


I'm sorry to be cynical but little of this makes much sense. It comes across as if you're trying to get something done by claiming that the product hasn't been used, despite the warranty having expired.


It's all a bit like "Yes, Mr Dealer, I know this motorhome is guaranteed for two years but we never used it for two and a half years and now we've discovered a few problems."


So before everyone jumps straight on the "Stupid dealer, how dare they" bandwagon I think we should be asking how long the original warranty was for and why you never thought to do the most simple checks to ensure that everything is working.


It would also be helpful to know the terms of the warranty, which you must have accepted when you bought it. Are minor things such as this covered or is it just the base vehicle and main habitation area?


If you'd tested it out and reported this fault to Glossop within a reasonable time I'm sure that they would have sorted it out quickly. If I'd bought a used motorhome from a dealer who is a long way from home I'd have stayed one night near his premises, or even on them, and given everything a thorough check out.



Once again you jump in and accuse the posting of jumping on a phantom band wagon he made a reasonable request. Some of us answered that under the circumstances the unit is not fit for purpose the waste should work the fact that Steve did not use the motorhome fully until this year is his prerogative. He is a new member and you make him about as welcome as a social disease then in another thread bemoan the apparent demise of this forum. Perhaps a little reflection on your attitude might be advisable. John.



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Guest Had Enough
teflon2 - 2014-06-17 9:18 PM



Once again you jump in and accuse the posting of jumping on a phantom band wagon he made a reasonable request. Some of us answered that under the circumstances the unit is not fit for purpose the waste should work the fact that Steve did not use the motorhome fully until this year is his prerogative. He is a new member and you make him about as welcome as a social disease then in another thread bemoan the apparent demise of this forum. Perhaps a little reflection on your attitude might be advisable. John.




Perhaps a little reflection on your and his common sense may be welcome? Of course it's his prerogative to buy a motorhome and claim not to have run water in the sink for nine months.


It's my prerogative to suggest that it's either extremely unlikely and at the very kindest, extremely silly!


Just because you can't work out that this is most odd doesn't mean that others can't.


And as usual members did jump on the bandwagon - dodgy dealer, not fit for purpose blah blah and this without stopping to think that this is very fishy. Come on!


Of course there's a chance that it's all true and he didn't have the sense to check the motorhome's most basic functions for nine months after buying it, but I have never heard of anyone doing that - have you?


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I have to agree with the sentiments expressed by HE but I wouldn't have put it quite like that.  It does seem rather unusual that one owns a MH for approximately 9 months and in that time has never run water through the system until now.  Surely one checks these things either at the time of purchase or very shortly after just to ensure the system (pump, taps, pipework etc) functions as it should?  It's nothing more that one would expect to check along with the charging system, lights and all the other fittings to ensure they work as intended.


There could be any number of reasons why the pipe has failed.......split, come loose.....or whatever has caused the leak.  The MH has been owned and 'possibly' neglected over the intervening winter which means if there was water in the system it could have frozen and caused the failure resulting in a leak.


The OP 'asssumes' the pipe has come off but it is entirely possible it is a leak caused by freezing of water left in the system. 


Regarding the 'warranty' ........I wouldn't have considered a warranty claim for such a matter although I would have thought as a gesture of goodwill the dealership would have offered to take a look.


Regarding the OP...............you 'assume' the pipe has come off but until you check you won't know for certain.  It is quite possible (as I said previously) you have a split or some other damage caused by the system freezing over winter.  Good luck.........Oh and please take this as well intentioned advice............ leaving the waste open is not a nice or socially acceptable thing to do unless you have a bucket underneath or are actually over the waste dump pit.  Of course if you're doing it at home it's entirely your own business.


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IMHO, Glossop's reply to the OP should have been, 'Sorry to hear that, bring it over and we'll have a look at it' . Non commital as to costs or blame. That could be settled AFTER the customer has been made happy with their (not unsubstantial) purchase once again. Quoting 'Get out' clauses of the gurantee at this stage is a sure 'Customer..red rag to bull'. NOT a very good 'customer liason' person for Glossop. There are always two sides to every story. MY advice take it to Glossop's and let them 'Redeem themselves' or NOT. Ray.


you have owned it less than a year,they SHOULD fix it as a goodwill gesture if nothing else.

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