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This is a Freindly Forum


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Despite the impression often given by reading some threads on here, of which we are sure we have all had enough of, recent pms we have recieved have convinced us that this is indeed a Freindly forum. So thanks to all who have thanked us for the advice we have been able to give on Aires and will continue to do so when we can. Would also like to thank contributors on here like Brian Kirkby and Mel B, and many others, who always manage to provide useful information and insights without ever resorting to insulting other posters. So let's keep the forum friendly!
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I have received a good deal of useful information from this forum and shall continue to sign in. I disregard the idiotic and sometimes insulting remarks made by some people and thank those already mentioned and others who have provided useful and helpful information for me in the past. B-) ;-)
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hymer1942 - 2014-08-20 6:40 AM


Well spoken, we need more like yourselves, Brian, Mel and people like Dave Newell. It is not very often you ask a question and don't get the answer. Barrie


You might not get an answer from Dave Newell .... The over the top reactions to Pelmetmans ' Myth ' thread proved too much for him and he drove off .... Probably over to Fun

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I completely concur with the OP, I have learned more about motorhomes and motorhoming from this forum than any other source. Obviously there are some long term, ahem, friendships that occasionally divert a topic, but the overwhelming tenor is one of helpfulness.


You have my gratitude and long may the forum continue (and no, I'm not getting paid ;-) )

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robertandjean - 2014-08-19 8:11 PM


Despite the impression often given by reading some threads on here, of which we are sure we have all had enough of, recent pms we have recieved have convinced us that this is indeed a Freindly forum. So thanks to all who have thanked us for the advice we have been able to give on Aires and will continue to do so when we can. Would also like to thank contributors on here like Brian Kirkby and Mel B, and many others, who always manage to provide useful information and insights without ever resorting to insulting other posters. So let's keep the forum friendly!


Well said! :-)

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nsigns - 2014-08-20 1:44 PM


Have only ever been on here once before, some years ago, never again, got knock down by one idiot for, what I thought, was a useful comment! However, I still enjoy reading the threads, as I'm now looking for my first motorhome.



It happens and Im sorry you let one idiot (as you said) ;-) put you off, we need to stay put and fight our corner (lol) too many decent people are leaving because they are fe d up with the mud slinging !! let it wash over you I do. There are so many good people on here that are only too willing to share their knowledge and experience with you, and good luck with finding your first motorhome.

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Totally agree, the information exchanged on this forum is normally educational, helpful and interesting and many thanks to those previously named, and many others who go out of their way to help those not so knowledgeable- unfortunately I now expect the thread to be hijacked by one of the usual suspects


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Guest pelmetman
Bojitoes - 2014-08-20 5:07 PM


unfortunately I now expect the thread to be hijacked by one of the usual suspects






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Agreed R&J, nicely said, and thank you for those kind words. Most of what I have learnt (and so repeat :-)), I have learnt from others - some now sadly departed - on here. At its best it is a rich, and sometimes humbling, source of the most extraordinary, detailed, technical knowledge. No-one should buy a motorhome unless they've read the forum for at least a year! :-)
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Guest pelmetman
Brian Kirby - 2014-08-20 7:02 PM


Agreed R&J, nicely said, and thank you for those kind words. Most of what I have learnt (and so repeat :-)), I have learnt from others - some now sadly departed - on here. At its best it is a rich, and sometimes humbling, source of the most extraordinary, detailed, technical knowledge. No-one should buy a motorhome unless they've read the forum for at least a year! :-)


Concur with your sentiments Brian ;-) ..................When we inherited Horace 22.5 years ago the tinternet didn't exist in our household, but we fortunately inherited from the FIL who had done his time with VW's and went as far as the border with Iran B-).....................well you could in those days :-S.............


This forum is a useful and valuable resource................and I...... uncommon to some applaud the light touch moderation :->..................Is there not enough PC censorship in our everyday lives?.............and going off topic as is my want.................Trying to subjugate thought is clearly backfiring on us at the moment, if you take in the wider world :-|



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Cruisecontrol - 2014-08-20 7:09 PM


Yes - I too got bitten when I posted a comment about choosing a medium priced electric bike. The person who commented was unnecessarily rude. I've not bothered posting since - but like others I value the site as a veritable mine of information.




It took me a while to get used to it but I soon realised that the forum is much easier to cope with once you accept the fact that one or two people are right about everything.



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Guest pelmetman
malc d - 2014-08-20 7:52 PM


Cruisecontrol - 2014-08-20 7:09 PM


Yes - I too got bitten when I posted a comment about choosing a medium priced electric bike. The person who commented was unnecessarily rude. I've not bothered posting since - but like others I value the site as a veritable mine of information.




It took me a while to get used to it but I soon realised that the forum is much easier to cope with once you accept the fact that one or two people are right about everything.




Indeed..... with an avatar like "Cruisecontol's" I was expecting a lightning response :D............


But the old adage prevails ;-)..............If you stick your head above the parapet......expect to be shot at 8-)......


Fortunately my brain cell is a small target (lol) (lol) (lol).....



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Cruisecontrol - 2014-08-20 7:09 PM


Yes - I too got bitten when I posted a comment about choosing a medium priced electric bike. The person who commented was unnecessarily rude. I've not bothered posting since - but like others I value the site as a veritable mine of information.


I don't think your the only one to have received a bashing on this subject but overall the forum is quite friendly and the advice given by those in the know is priceless

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Guest pelmetman
antony1969 - 2014-08-20 8:17 PM


Cruisecontrol - 2014-08-20 7:09 PM


Yes - I too got bitten when I posted a comment about choosing a medium priced electric bike. The person who commented was unnecessarily rude. I've not bothered posting since - but like others I value the site as a veritable mine of information.


I don't think your the only one to have received a bashing on this subject but overall the forum is quite friendly and the advice given by those in the know is priceless


Don't be too Judgemental Antony ;-).............As we all have our annoying way's of passing on the info of our opinions :-S....................Although some of us do it unintentionally ;-)....................and some of us don't :D......





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I still think it is one of the best forums most on here are friendly & helpful, always appears to come trumps with technical queries way better than other forums.

There are a couple of obnoxious characters on here who jump down your throat if they don't agree with what you say I just don't respond to their posts anymore.

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It' sad when an individual pops up in a thread like this and sticks a finger up by indicating his intent to do it his way regardless.


But the way in which his posts on this thread were simply ignored by everyone shows how to cope with people like that. Just ignore them.


No matter how tempting it might be to respond to arrogance, offensiveness or stupidity with a rational correction, it will prove to be a waste of time. Just ignore aggressive or arrogant posts completely.

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Guest JudgeMental

What is real sad Stuart is you looking for injury and conflict where none exists..your a relative newcomer on here and know nothing regards previous histories. You dug me out in a totally over the top and unnessesirily manner on another thread, and I just ignored you, but now your at it again......


You seem to be appointing yourself as some sort of self inflicted moderatotor and seeing what's not there! lol. Get a life for pitys sake and man up, if your sensibilities so refined that you can't take the cut and thrust that makes this forum stand head and shoulders above the rest. You know what to do don't you....

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