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Fridge in autotrail Comanche not working on start up

Annie T

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Hi ,

Just wondered if anyone out there can help us. We have just bought our motorhome, it's a 2011 model, and having turned fridge on found its not working. We've followed the instruction book to the letter and all lights etc are working on it, no faults showing but temperature not going down after over 12 hours on electric hookup . Have checked all settings, gas etc not working on any of them !

Any ideas would be appreciated.


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Hi Ann,


First question, did you buy from a dealer or private?


If a dealer then contact them and say you cannot get it work and ask them to look at it. It is their responsibility as they sold it to you.


If private then maybe ask the previous owner if they had ever had any trouble with it or if possibly you are doing something wrong, there might be a simple answer or they may be evasive and for example say they never used it. This would then imply they knew it did not work but where hoping you wouldn't notice so quickly. Not exactly the most ethical sale if this is the case.


Let us know the answer and we'll help from there.



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If you do not want to flag it up with the seller until you are sure there is a problem you could do the following


Try it on gas (Ensure you have gas in the bottle and it is turned on) you should be able to here the the clicking of the spark lighter and then the flame light. On our auto trail it is easy to hear them both when it is quiet but if you can't hear them both you can easily take the lower outside vent grill off and be able to see both events happen. If the gas burner flame is lighting and the temperature is not coming down there could be a fault in the heat sensing circuit, possibly the thermocouple. The other problem could be it has lost it's gas both would probably need the help of an suitably experienced person.


This would rule out gas/electric supply problems. No doubt others may disagree with this or be able further DIY fault finding you can do.







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