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Awning side walls


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capnjaj - 2015-08-13 6:08 PM


I have just bought a AutoTraiil, Cheyenne with a fixed pull out awning.

I have seen that side walls can be fixed to these awnings, does anyone have a recommendation?


Yes, don't bother!


We bought wind blocker sides and only used them once in 3 years (when they where still a novelty) and sold them earlier this year.


Try using it for a few trips first and then decide if you still need them.


My opinion for what it's worth.



PS And welcome to the world of Auto Trails :-) What year is yours?

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Excellent and provides you with a huge amount of room. It all depends on how long you are going to stay stationary as there is a bit of work to erect. You also need to keep an eye out for the weather and ensure its well tied down in event of the wind getting up.

Soon be off to Spain for a few months and it will be up whenever we can.


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When we had our first overnight in our AT I realised the first improvement had to be to the awning. Primarily due to the fabric flapping that gave me nightmares of the thing doing a backflip over the roof. Especially after reading some of the horror stories on this and other forums. First purchase was an end curtain and a side curtain. I then purchased an anti flap kit and an a adjustable rafter. The side curtain slides into the groove on the Omnistor awning and the end curtain slides into the anti flap rafter on either end. The end curtain I always put on the end that is closest to the wind direction. Finally I tie down the two ends of the awning with adjustable guy ropes held down with pegs. Sounds like a hassle but takes less than 10 minutes to erect. The end result is excellent and it seems to cope with both strong winds & wind gusts no problem. I have only on one occasion taken the precaution to pull down in strong coastal winds. The brand I purchased is a local Aussie brand but made in China (isn't everything now). It is a grey woven fabric that is very light & strong. I am sure same products with a different brand would be available in your part of the world. www.coastrv.com.au is the website of the brand I purchased- end curtain 200-09212  & side curtain 200-09242. For the anti flap kit & rafter take a look at this website for images of what I am using -www.aussietraveller.com.au. Watch the video it explains the system.  

In summary if you want sun shade only then use only the curtain walls, however if you want a good margin of wind protection you should consider the antiflap kit.
George Still struggling with the upload option for images so I have sent you a PM with images of my installation. Hope this is of some assistance.
Cheers Gary.

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