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Two Royal benefactors ?

Will H

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pelmetman - 2015-10-27 7:54 AM



....................................... the Navy has plenty of similar sized vessels, minesweepers, fleet tenders, and FTB's and I can assure you they are just as affected by rough weather ;-) .......







Thanks for that Dave.


Very re-assuring to hear that the navy has still got some boats.


( but we really must keep saving up for an aircraft carrier ).




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Peter James - 2015-10-25 6:04 PM


malc d - 2015-10-25 4:53 PM


...and what proof do YOU have that there are 30 full time spin doctors at Buckingham palace ?





I didn't save the link where I read it, but here is one that shows Charlie alone has 10 Spin Doctors http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/prince-charles/10580812/Merger-of-Palace-staff-is-latest-step-on-Prince-of-Waless-journey-to-kingship.html


The point is though, they refuse to give interviews or answer questions - ask yourself why?


So if all you know is what has been put out by their professional spin doctors, (however many there are) how can you know what they are really like?



I am sure you are right when you say members of the Royal Family have Spin Doctors,but you must not forget that many of our "elected" reps also have extensively used them, not least the non conservative ones. By the way , I am not a conservative.



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Guest pelmetman
malc d - 2015-10-27 8:42 AM


pelmetman - 2015-10-27 7:54 AM



....................................... the Navy has plenty of similar sized vessels, minesweepers, fleet tenders, and FTB's and I can assure you they are just as affected by rough weather ;-) .......







Thanks for that Dave.


Very re-assuring to hear that the navy has still got some boats.


( but we really must keep saving up for an aircraft carrier ).





.......and when we get it, they're going to put a Crabfat in charge 8-) ........





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Guest pelmetman
derek pringle - 2015-10-27 9:33 AM


Peter James - 2015-10-25 6:04 PM


malc d - 2015-10-25 4:53 PM


...and what proof do YOU have that there are 30 full time spin doctors at Buckingham palace ?





I didn't save the link where I read it, but here is one that shows Charlie alone has 10 Spin Doctors http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/prince-charles/10580812/Merger-of-Palace-staff-is-latest-step-on-Prince-of-Waless-journey-to-kingship.html


The point is though, they refuse to give interviews or answer questions - ask yourself why?


So if all you know is what has been put out by their professional spin doctors, (however many there are) how can you know what they are really like?



I am sure you are right when you say members of the Royal Family have Spin Doctors,but you must not forget that many of our "elected" reps also have extensively used them, not least the non conservative ones. By the way , I am not a conservative.




I see Corbyn's new spin doctor appears to be a typical rabid Guardianista *-) ............





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pelmetman - 2015-10-27 9:50 AM


malc d - 2015-10-27 8:42 AM



Very re-assuring to hear that the navy has still got some boats.


( but we really must keep saving up for an aircraft carrier ).





.......and when we get it, they're going to put a Crabfat in charge 8-) ........






I think you'll find he is in charge of the project - NOT the aircraft carriers.


( " senior naval officer upset by that decision " - not very surprising )




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Is there really anyone who thinks we are rid of Blair and his hangers on?

We are still paying for his security, his missus is still living the life of of O'Reilly in the law courts, and I find it hard to imagine that his kids are not being introduced to the" right people" and given outstanding opportunities, that's all on top of the generous pensions etc., and the money he gets from the UN and other international organisations for whom he swans around the world, all expenses paid, and, of course, we contribute generously towards that.

If any of these people thought that democracy works the way you would like it to, they'd ban it. We're here to keep them in the manner to which they aspire, but they have our support because just occasionally, one of us breaks through, and who knows who might be next.

It might be helpful if anyone could give us a list of Socialist Republics where the average man in the street enjoys a better way of life than us.


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No of course the two royals never TAKE any money, neither does princess ann when she goes on a Save the Children excursion. The Charity(s) make(s) a block booking for a number of soles that include the royals and everyone else, so they are taking through the back door.


Please keep paying your charity donations for as long as you like, it will help prevent my taxes increasing.

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That's an inflammatory remark young man.


The plain facts are that many persons actually give their hard earned dosh away without having even the smallest iota as to where it goes. Do you really believe that all the finances collected by charity donations go to the cause that's advertised?




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I do get fed up with this sort of thread The slagging of the Royals that is, not so much the charity stuff.

(BTW Will H, entitling a thread on t'internet "Ki*d*es (can't be too careful) Company" will quite likely have set alarms ringing somewhere.


Back to the Royals. I am not a Royalist. The whole system is just wrong, and needs to be done away with asap.

BUT, none of the individuals chose to be what/where they are. Given the choice, I would run 500 miles (and I would run 500 more) not to have all the benefits and priviledges they have.I know they're not in the public's view all the time, but even if it's only 10% of the time, I couldn't stand it.

The current crop do seem quite nice, genuine people. I think I'm a little bit in love with Kate.

No, I've never met them, I've never met any of you lot either but I still have a list of who I like and who I don't.

So, yes, they're hugely priviledged, but have what to me is a crap life.

Criticise the system by all means, leave the people alone.


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Guest Peter James
candapack - 2015-10-30 8:52 PM


none of the individuals chose to be what/where they are. Given the choice, I would run 500 miles (and I would run 500 more) not to have all the benefits and priviledges they have.I know they're not in the public's view all the time, but even if it's only 10% of the time, I couldn't stand it.

Isn't that all the more reason to have an election - so not only can the people chose who represensthem, but the Royals can chose whether or not to stand?



candapack - 2015-10-30 8:52 PM

No, I've never met them. The current crop do seem quite nice, genuine people. I think I'm a little bit in love with Kate.

Well thats not surprising then is it? You only know whats been put out by their Spin Doctors because they refuse to give interviews, or answer questions.

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Peter James - 2015-10-31 1:28 PM


................. You only know whats been put out by their Spin Doctors because they refuse to give interviews, or answer questions.



That is incorrect.


I've seen them interviewed.


I think you'll find that at least one of Harrys' interviews is on Youtube - (although I suspect you will think it's a body double ).




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Guest Peter James
malc d - 2015-10-31 2:32 PM


Peter James - 2015-10-31 1:28 PM


................. You only know whats been put out by their Spin Doctors because they refuse to give interviews, or answer questions.



That is incorrect.


I've seen them interviewed.


I think you'll find that at least one of Harrys' interviews is on Youtube - (although I suspect you will think it's a body double ).





I don't count interviews of junior hangers on where the question are scripted in advance

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Guest Peter James
antony1969 - 2015-10-31 8:32 PM


Why carry on feeding the fellas Royal obsession ? Who gives a stuff what a bloke who chucks his toilet waste in public bins think


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  • 3 weeks later...

I said i'd be back but didn't think it would have taken this long. To cut a long story short, cousin Steve is back and I met up with him for a meal, this is what he told me.


Although he had no idea how P.A. would have been treated, he was 99.99% certain that he would have 'NOT' been treated any other way than the rest of the pilot's, if he had been then there could have been disharmony amongst them. It was rumored that P.A. used his helicopter as a decoy but no one he (Steve) spoke to could confirm if it was true. Steve said, "you would have to ask someone in his crew or whoever he was being the decoy for, and up to now I've never heard anything". He does have a claim to fame though. P.A. must have been getting a bit bored and was given a full tour of the Invincible which included the hospital, so all the medic staff met him.......they must have all been thrilled to bits.


Steve was transferred to the hospital ship SS Uganda for a short while to help relieve the pressure that they were under. When he came back home he started having to face his own demons which lasted for about 5 year, he's fully recovered and is now as sane as me :-S. When he was well enough to resume work he was in and out of a few job's until an offer came up working with ex service men, and this now seems to be his vocation.




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derek pringle - 2015-11-16 3:18 PM



Star in Marvin, is a coronation human similar to an imperial penguin by any chance?




Only that they're both mammals, and are Imperial Penguins an endangered species? and probably also have an higher IQ. Hang on a minute aren't penguins at the other end of the world?

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I have found this thread very interesting and to review the arguments for and against the concept of the "head of state" that have been raised as well as the fishing stories and the scab lifter tales. ( I mentioned on another thread that I always learn from this forum)

The head of state in Australia is Queen Elizabeth 2nd a non Australian!! The new head of state in Norway has as his queen an ex Australian. So I guess what goes around comes around.
I think it makes sense for you Brits to keep the Royals as a great tourist attractions and earner leaving  us to choose an Australian as our head of state.
Having said that Prince Charles & Camilla have just completed a very successful tour down under and next door in NZ. The reality is I have not seen any of them at the caravan parks I frequent so not impact on my day to day activities. Vive la republic.com.AU

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starvin marvin - 2015-11-16 7:57 PM


derek pringle - 2015-11-16 3:18 PM



Star in Marvin, is a coronation human similar to an imperial penguin by any chance?




Only that they're both mammals, and are Imperial Penguins an endangered species? and probably also have an higher IQ. Hang on a minute aren't penguins at the other end of the world?


Not all of them, i've seen some in Chester Zoo ;-)



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Geeco - 2015-11-17 4:54 AM Prince Charles & Camilla have just completed a very successful tour down under and next door in NZ. The reality is I have not seen any of them at the caravan parks I frequent so not impact on my day to day activities. Vive la republic.com.AU

I think they were trying to keep it quiet, the last I heard they were wild camping outside the Sydney Opera House. Look for a 1980's Ford Tranny with a coat of arms on the doors....cross pelmets. :D Dave
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