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Windscreen Blind Swift Sundance 2006


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Our blind has just broken . Looks like the strings that lift it it have broke. Not sure what make it is

Has anyone repaired one? How easy it is to do? Oh is very good at repairing things, so he will have a look. It happened yesterday, when we took it back to the storage site. Lucky we had the silver screen on board!

Any suggestions as how to tackle the problem, please? Any one had this problem? I guess the strings have rotted in the sun, the blind is perfectly Ok, so don't want to pay £££'s to get a new one


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Sorry PJay but when your post appeared this morning it was totally blank every time I looked. I nearly posted a silly comment along the lines of that is about as blind as you're going to get but thought the better of it!


Anyway now you have replied to your own OP I can finally see your original post so,,, Sorry but no :-(


If you could identify the make we may be able to help but otherwise I think it will be a shot in the dark.




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Well if it were mine (^) I would take it down and see how it works and if I could fit new strings (lol) sometimes that works and other times I need to replace the flipping thing whatever it is !! but what have you to lose??


Or you could have s look at McCreedy motorhome spares ?? dont think that is how you spell it but someone know?


That is







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maggyd - 2015-11-15 5:23 PM


Well if it were mine (^) I would take it down and see how it works and if I could fit new strings (lol) sometimes that works and other times I need to replace the flipping thing whatever it is !! but what have you to lose??


Or you could have s look at McCreedy motorhome spares ?? dont think that is how you spell it but someone know?


That is








Thanks Maggy for your reply. In my other post you will see, that is what we are going to do. Bit of a pain really, as we had bought the van home to do a few little jobs, and just taken it back to site, when it happened. So we will now have to get van back home, most likely, unless we can get the screen off at site, (Sods law, we will not have the right tools with us) so that's why best to get van back home. Will not be using van for a while, so can wait for a while, and do it probably after Xmas now


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Took blind off van, held by 4 screws. Took it home, and found no strings broken, just came of the top guide, and some of the other guides had come off, so all we needed to do, was to glue the guides back on. Now back on van, and working . Surprising how easy it was. Really happy about that


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