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Strange rod puzzle


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I have found three rods under carpet and I haven't a clue what they are or where the belong, hoping someone can shed some light on what they are, hope to post a photo.

Can't upload picture file so now will try to delete this thread.

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Willy Wonka - 2015-12-20 3:51 PM


To post a photo go to either MHFun or MHFacts - easy and reliable to post pictures on both of them


That's not very helpful.


When you create a post look at the bottom of the where it says submit and on the lefthand side it says "Attach a file after posting", that is what you need to click on

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Willy Wonka - 2015-12-20 3:51 PM


To post a photo go to either MHFun or MHFacts - easy and reliable to post pictures on both of them


That's not very helpful.


When you create a post look at the bottom of the where it says submit and on the lefthand side it says "Attach a file after posting", that is what you need to click on, it will then ask you to browse for your photo file.

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Randonneur - 2015-12-20 5:12 PM


Willy Wonka - 2015-12-20 3:51 PM


To post a photo go to either MHFun or MHFacts - easy and reliable to post pictures on both of them


That's not very helpful.


When you create a post look at the bottom of the where it says submit and on the lefthand side it says "Attach a file after posting", that is what you need to click on, it will then ask you to browse for your photo file.



Has the posting of pics on here been fixed yet ?


It wasn't working a few days ago - there is a separate thread about it.




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Thanks for all your replies, I have found out they are for threading wires so thanks for suggesting that. As regards posting pictures, after resizing pictures to ensure they were less than 100kb. I still couldn't post them so gave up on that idea.
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itz - 2015-12-23 4:13 PM


after resizing pictures to ensure they were less than 100kb. I still couldn't post them so gave up on that idea.


There is a separate thread about this bug, see: http://forums.outandaboutlive.co.uk/forums/Motorhomes/Motorhome-Matters/Problems-posting-pictures/40318/


The problem is quoted as being fixed by sometime in January 2016

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itz - 2015-12-23 4:13 PM


Thanks for all your replies, I have found out they are for threading wires so thanks for suggesting that. As regards posting pictures, after resizing pictures to ensure they were less than 100kb. I still couldn't post them so gave up on that idea.


A fix is in the pipe line, but there are other means of posting images as on this this thread......





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