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Rich, it's practically impossible because as soon as you delete one then there are others waiting. We have deleted about a dozen today. We are on here most days and evenings and pick up what we can. One of the ways they could be stopped is by being able to delete the user name, but this is not foolproof. If you look at the bottom of the Forum page you can see who seems to be waiting in the wings, if we could delete them at source it would be easier but they will always find a way.
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Will86 - 2016-09-04 4:25 PM


Does the same problem arise on the forums that charge ?


I'm on one other forum that charges but they don't seem to have problems with spam.


On the pay forum, you register and then have 5 free posts before you subscribe and become a full member. I would have thought the 5 free posts would have attracted spammers but it doesn't seem to.

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Hi Rich,


I have recently been given the power to delete Spam postings and regularly delete 15 to 20 or more in a day. As has already been said it seems like a never ending battle but with several of us going at it no Spam seems to last more than an hour or so now, unlike when it was only Duncan who only logged on during 'office hours'. Imagine how many there would be if Duncan was still trying to the job single handed?


PS I am also a member of an American based forum and have seen the same Spam posters cropping up on there! So it is not an issue confined to the UK.




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I occasionally look into a gardening forum so asked about their nuisance callers


"Hi Bill,


We don’t charge for membership, although there is a voluntary donation scheme for members to contribute and of course we also will accept site sponsorship in return for advertising. We are quite lucky in that we have a strong membership who are the eyes and ears of the Admin Team, and they will report anything untoward to us for us to deal with promptly. We do get some nuisances – the usual stuff, occasional trolling, unauthorised advertising, spam links etc, but they are generally dealt with quickly enough that they don’t disrupt the boards."


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