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The Caravan and Motorhome Club (!)


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Not trying to be churlish but I really do not see the point. I really doubt that motorhome owners felt any discrimination by being in the'Caravan Club', after all it is just a name. I ahve owned both over the lat 40 years and never seen any probllems. I have curently a foot in both camps as I have both caravan and campervan, one which I hope to leave in Spain full time.


My cynical mind tell me this is just a wheeze to get more marketing material out to the punters. I do wonder when this was all decided, was anyone actually contacted for their views. I received my next year's membership card this week and guess what, it shows the old name and logo. So I will be using it until February next year.


I accept fully that motorhomes are a growth industry but sooner or later it will hit full capacity, and then what? Many purchasers will tire of it and sell up and do other things, as indeed do many caravanners. There is still a market for many people who just like to park a large'ish van with a big lounge area and have their friends round. They do not go too far and enjoy themselves. Why not?


I am not trying to be a 'Luddite' but still do not see the point, especially when the CC goes out of its way to tell you nothing will change.


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Dave225 - 2017-02-22 5:37 PM


Not trying to be churlish but I really do not see the point. I really doubt that motorhome owners felt any discrimination by being in the'Caravan Club', after all it is just a name. I ahve owned both over the lat 40 years and never seen any probllems. I have curently a foot in both camps as I have both caravan and campervan, one which I hope to leave in Spain full time.



In the mid 80's? I worked as a walk leader for the caravan club Touchstone walking holidays. On my first time as a leader I arrived at the CC site near Scotch Corner with my CRV Dreamliner. The warden was a retired major and he refused to let me park on the designated leaders pitch which was next to the site office. He wanted me to park out of sight on a very secluded pitch as motorhomes looked unsightly and would never catch on.


On the other hand I also worked for the CC travel service running walking holidays in the French Alps. I met some very nice people at East Grinstead, they were very polite but I was still a motorhomer and not quite one of them.


If John Hunt had been alive today he would have been delighted that at last the motorhome had finally made it.



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We have never experinced discrimination either but the Club has never shown much desire to provide for Motorhomes until recently and there was always the lingering doubt anything done was with reluctance. Perhaps this is an attempt to show otherwise as well as plan for the future. It is quite likely the new generation will, because of the requirement to take an expensive towing test, prefer a motorhome of 3.5 tons or less.



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Don Madge - 2017-02-22 6:48 PM


Dave225 - 2017-02-22 5:37 PM


Not trying to be churlish but I really do not see the point. I really doubt that motorhome owners felt any discrimination by being in the'Caravan Club', after all it is just a name. I ahve owned both over the lat 40 years and never seen any probllems. I have curently a foot in both camps as I have both caravan and campervan, one which I hope to leave in Spain full time.



In the mid 80's? I worked as a walk leader for the caravan club Touchstone walking holidays. On my first time as a leader I arrived at the CC site near Scotch Corner with my CRV Dreamliner. The warden was a retired major and he refused to let me park on the designated leaders pitch which was next to the site office. He wanted me to park out of sight on a very secluded pitch as motorhomes looked unsightly and would never catch on.


On the other hand I also worked for the CC travel service running walking holidays in the French Alps. I met some very nice people at East Grinstead, they were very polite but I was still a motorhomer and not quite one of them.


If John Hunt had been alive today he would have been delighted that at last the motorhome had finally made it.




Dare I suggest you raise the issue of wardens, which is a topic in itself. We have seen sites where the wardens have been the best you could imagine and others who obviously felt the world, and the campers, were totally beneath them. Some in the rival C%CC will walk you to you pitch and demand you ptich a cretain way, even if this is the opposte of the natural view, so The CC or the CMC is not alone in this. However, I feel with the increase in hard standing pitches now becoming the norm there is little difference what you arrive on site in, unless you are Clarkson and Co.


Many people who have joined the CC with motorhomes are fully aware of what they are joining and probably did not give a toss as long as it provided what they were looking for, if not they would resign.


Does this mean the C&CC will change to the C& C&MC???


By the way as the CC is supposed to be a Club should not the members have benn able to vote on this, or was it done in a back room somewhere? Is there a clause in the rules that allows them to change the name without acknowledgement?

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My wife and I have not forgotten our experience over 20 years ago when as new members, we made our first, and only visit to a CC site. We were very disappointed to be directed to a pitch which in our opinion was so inferior to that which we had booked, that we requested a return of our fees and went elsewhere. We did visit a CL which was OK, but did not renew our membership for a second year. By way of comparison we have now enjoyed our membership of the Camping and Caravaning Club, for over 25 years! In our opinion the CC was not ready for motorhomes at that time.
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No consultation amongst the 'members of the club'.....club that's a joke.

Another example of some managerial 'blue sky thinking' (yuk) and a complete waste of thousands of pounds re-branding and a logo that no one will recognise.  

I wonder how much was paid to the 'advertising/promotions agency' that designed?....well designed is the usual word but it looks like some child'scrayon scribble to me.....that logo?

Simply put....IMO a complete and utter waste of 'club' money.
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I see people still refer to 'the club', it hasn't been a club for years, it's a business. Just like the AA isn't an association any more, it's a business and so is the RAC, it's a business.

I'm just appalled by some of the vicious comments on the CC (sorry it's a habit) own forum against motorhomes. Perhaps the 'club' could produce some stickers for the anti brigade to warn us not to pitch next to them and waste a cheery hello.

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The initiative to rebrand was apparently based on "feedback from Members"- but of course  no evidence for this has been made available.


There are lots of words about new approach to encoraging adventure and exploration, but nothing specific.  Apart from the logo and the fancy words (which many would call bulls**t) the rebranding has so far introduced nothing new at all.


Unsurprisingly there have been lots of adverse comments on CC/CAMC's website discussion section, lots of them mentioning that the website continues to lack adequate search facilities for choosing CLs, a serious shortcoming which has been around for some time.


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We received our new Caravan Club stickers yesterday and today have received the 2017/2018 Sites Directory. I note in the new Directory that CMC and the new logo is mentioned / printed throughout, therefore it wasn't a recent thought of a name change and it must have been 'discussed' some time ago.

I would have thought they could have sought all the members views (easily done via technology these days) before they went for both the new name and logo.

I joined the CC because at the time we were caravanners, having been so since 1973 but when we changed to motorhoming couldn't care less that the name 'motorhome was not in the title and in fact I still refer to our hobby as "we are going camping..." a relic from our past that has never changed.

To me they could have kept the red pennant logo and inserted the letters CMC but I personally think they should have left well alone.


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We had our stickers and letter this morning. I find this letter very patronising. The paragraph about "diverse membership" and "making Motorhomers feel as valued as any other member," makes you feel like some sort of ethnic minority, doesn't it? After all we pay the membership fees the club demands.

Also Don noticed a piece in the Caravan Club's own magazine recently about tuggers using two electric hook-ups for one unit, because they must have somewhere to plug in their electric cars! Sheila B

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I am feeling very lonely.


I like the new name and logo, it is appropriate for the changing times


Whilst I spend most of my time travelling abroad I do use the club sites and find them excellent. E.g., Spent New Year at Coniston and the wardens were very welcoming and festive. The majority were in motorhomers by my estimate.


I cannot understand why they would need to consult. They are paid to do a job so I want them to do it and not ask me about details.


Looking back at 2016 used club sites in Wales, Scotland, and Lake District, no complaints.



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Robbo - 2017-02-21 7:51 PM


At least there won't be quite so much confusion on this Forum, by some, regarding CC and CCC (C&CC).


We'll now have CMC and CCC.


The new logo doesn't look very inspiring - designed by a committee I guess !!! It needs a wow factor which is sadly lacking.


I doubt it was designed by a committee, more likely a VERY expensive design / advertising agency. Then taking into account the volume of signage, stationary, etc.. to be changed = an enormous cost.

Expect we will have another higher than inflation increase for membership next year.


Should I submit a "freedom of information request" (?) >:-( >:-( or do you think the actual cost will be publicised voluntarily by CMC HQ ?


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I’m not a fan of the new logo. The tension between those who are for and against appears to be between those who view the Caravan Club as an organisation that is run for the benefit of their members or a commercial organisation run for profit. If it were the former then it would have pride in its long tradition and would retain a logo that reflected that IMHO. The pennant and the addition of “and motorhome club” would have sufficed to represent the present-day membership, if that were necessary. Why abandon an instantly recognisable symbol that spoke of how long they had been around? Isn't the rather quaint symbol something to celebrate? I won't be putting the new stickers that arrived yesterday in my van. I think the powers that be in the CC have seriously misjudged the feelings of the bulk of their current membership or how much potential new members care about a logo.


I'm not going to have sleepless nights over this mind as they are " first world problems" and a welcome relief from the really serious issues of the day. :-)



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DonB - 2017-02-23 3:40 PM


We had our stickers and letter this morning. I find this letter very patronising. The paragraph about "diverse membership" and "making Motorhomers feel as valued as any other member," makes you feel like some sort of ethnic minority, doesn't it? After all we pay the membership fees the club demands.

Also Don noticed a piece in the Caravan Club's own magazine recently about tuggers using two electric hook-ups for one unit, because they must have somewhere to plug in their electric cars! Sheila B


Can't imagine towing a caravan with an electric car. Sure it wasn't a motorhome towcar?

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To be honest I do not care what they call the club I will not be rejoining until the day dawns that they concentrate more on producing enough pitches to accommodate the massive influx of new members that their advertising has encouraged over the last 20 years or so which is why there has been such an issue about pre booking ,now necessary to secure a pitch in busy periods.


I am old enough to remember when the CC's motto was "freedom to roam", often no longer possible without booking 6 months ahead. To increase membership you have to increase the number of sites accordingly but that dues not appear to have happened.


The club name is unimportant.

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paulmold - 2017-02-23 7:14 AM


I see people still refer to 'the club', it hasn't been a club for years, it's a business. Just like the AA isn't an association any more, it's a business and so is the RAC, it's a business.

I'm just appalled by some of the vicious comments on the CC (sorry it's a habit) own forum against motorhomes. Perhaps the 'club' could produce some stickers for the anti brigade to warn us not to pitch next to them and waste a cheery hello.


In the early 90's The clubs Touchstone holidays had over a 90% take up. The walking holidays had 100% take up but the club still stopped running them.. Many members complained but it was a waste of time. At that time I was told unofficially by a club worker that the holidays did not generate enough income.


It was the same with my walking holidays in the French Alps. We would only take 20 walkers on each holiday for safety reasons. We gave up after two years when the club wanted to reduce our expenses, their excuses was they had to keep in line with their competitors.. When I asked who the competitors where there was no reply.


Anybody who has been involved with the club over the years knows full well the club has never ben run for the benefit of the members and never will be.



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crocs - 2017-02-23 6:50 PM


Can't imagine towing a caravan with an electric car.



OK So how about the following:


Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV


Range Rover Hybrid

Porsche Cayenne Hybrid

Porsche Panamera Hybrid

Tesla Model X EV


and the list goes on!


Now the problem for camp sites is when PHEV (Plug In Hybrid) and EV owners start plugging in on site to recharge their batteries!!!



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