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Alko Air Top suspension


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Hi all , i have Alko Air Top suspension fitted. which was on when i purchased the vehicle, CI Cipro 85 (2007).is there any servicing/cleaning etc that needs to be done to keep in good condition, as soon needing a service on the Motorhome itself, so could instruct Technician at the Garage. Many thanks.
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An AL-KO “Air-Top” system




needs no servicing/maintenance.


However, you might want to mention to the garage-technician that your motorhome has the system and ask that the air-bellows and air-lines be checked for possible damage, and that the condition of the retention bolts/brackets is OK and nothing is loose.

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And I will assume as it is similar to the Dunlop system I have fitted to our AT that you must not let the axle 'hang' from the springs as it can cause the air bellows to rupture.


There was also a link to the HSE website regarding repair of buses and coaches with air suspension in the Dunlop instructions which may be of interest...





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In the simplist form you do not have a compressor and pressure gauges. And you have to pump up yourselve.In case of a compressor you have both choices. it is a air assist system on the rear axle meaning that your original rear suspension is not changed.Except for one thing at least on the ducato, your original bump stopper is removed. You have now one inside the bellow. See cross section of the air double cushion. It looks very simple but it is not. Still airlines running from front seat to rear. Very popular because of price. No idea what it does in practise. Keep it airtight and bellows clean and the fuse connection of the compressor. Follow alko instructions.
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Hi my 2003 m/h was fitted with Alko air top as standard and the only thing you need to check is that there is at least 10psi in the system at all times. If the airbags are not kept inflated they will split and need replacing. If you need to keep topping up the pressure then you have a problem which needs solving as soon as possible to avoid the expense of replacement.

Regards David P.S.

Alko do not supply spares to the public and their stockists seem to only want to fit full systems

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Hi, sending this to you again as i do not know if this message uploaded. Thanks for taking time to reply to my questions.As you had a Motorhome with the Air top, can you tell me hat psi you put in, unloaded/loaded. I have tried to do some homework on web but get confused as to what people say one contradicts the other, can you give me any advice. I have no paper work instruction from Alko, as the vehicle is second hand. Thanks
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The appropriate inflation-pressure for an Air Top system will vary according to personal preference and the application.


Your Cipro 85 is a substantial-size motorhome with a fair amount of rear overhang and a large rear garage (side-view photo attached and following link to a Practical Motorhome review)




This GOOGLE-translated article covers the installation procedure




and the pressure gauges shown have a scale from 0 to 5 bar, with 1 to 3 bar (14.5 psi to 43.5 psi) in the ‘green’ section.


You haven’t said whether your Cipro’s Air Top system includes a compressor and dial-gauges, or just dial-gauges, or (as Monique has mentioned) simply has tyre-valve-type connectors for manually inflating the air-bellows.


However, given the specification of your motorhome, I suggest you use an inflation pressure of 2 bar (29 psi) to begin with and see what effect that has. If there’s any sign of the motorhome’s rear end sagging when fully loaded, or you would like the rear ride-quality to be a bit firmer, increase the pressure from 2 bar to 3 bar. If that elevates the tail of the motorhome too much, or the ride becomes too hard for your liking, try 2.5 bar (36 psi).


There’ll be no single inflation-pressure that will be optimum for all circumstances, so if you are travelling with the motorhome heavily loaded you could choose to use a pressure that’s higher than when the motorhome is lightly loaded.


(I note that Marcle Leisure advertises replacement Air Top air-bellows for Fiat Ducato X250 models.)





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Thank you so much for all your time and detailed information, this really helps and gives me confidence in what to do. Sorry forgot to say that underneath the drivers seat there is a large square box, on the outside is 2 pressure dials and 2 air intake valves, cannot see a compressor unless it is well hidden. Cheers.
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The following link includes various images of AL-KO Air Top gauges.




There are evidently two designs (first two photos attached) one with the gauge-scale reading to 5 bar and the other reading to 8 bar. Both of those photos show 'tyre-valve’-type connectors through which air can be pumped in via a manual or electric tyre pump.


The 3rd attached photo shows a control-panel for the compressor version. Between the gauges is a red button to turn the compressor on and the black button below each gauge is pressed to inflate either the left or right air-bellows as appropriate. As you have the ’tyre-valve’ connectors, you won’t have the on-board compressor.


Whichever gauge-scale you have (5 bar or 8 bar) I suggest you follow the advice provided above - don’t use a pressure below (say) 1 bar and experiment within the 2 to 3 bar range.




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Hi, thanks so much for the pictures etc of the different air bushes. The bushes that i have are like the 2 be picture but only go up to 5 bar. There is definetly no compressor , shame would have made it easier for me but never mind. I had noticed on the dials, that they were showing low, i have inflated both to 3 bar and the difference in the ride is great, ride i alot smoother and the thudding going over the road so much better, the bushes remain at 3 bar constant also. Thanks once again.
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