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Insurance renewal shocker!


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henrypartridge - 2017-04-24 8:54 PM


Don't forget the latest stealth tax, the government putting up insurance premium tax massively. That's probably most if the increase.

Oh but Mrs May insists her party is "the lower tax party" !! :-S


I think she means lower for the wealthy subsidised by the common people. :-(



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I only wished that my MH insurance had a 2 at the front of the premium. In all honesty I don't think that kind of price for any vehicle is bad these days.


We talk about the insurance stealth tax having some sort of affect on prices but what about the accident chasers and the whiplash claims. It all has to come from somewhere.


I'm under no illusion that motorhoming is an expensive sport.

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Well I have just renewed the insurance on our MH and have come out of it very pleased.


Renewal quote was in excess of £300 and included breakdown and legal expense cover (with values attached) and insurer would not exclude said items.


I asked C&MC for a quote and they removed the add on's then bettered the quote by their promised £25. Result, same excess, etc and nearly £100 cheaper than last year!


So my insurance for this year starts with a 2. And is in the low 2's as well!!!



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renewed our 15 plate motorhome in March for£255.50 in 2013 we paid £259.60 for the same cover.

I tend to shop around then accept the increase the following year then shop around again.

This year the house insurance has actually gone down £5.00 over last year and the car insurance came through at £100.00 more but after shopping around they price matched the cheapest which was £10.00 less than the previous year. it's crazy.


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Keithl - 2017-04-25 10:19 AM


Well I have just renewed the insurance on our MH and have come out of it very pleased.


Renewal quote was in excess of £300 and included breakdown and legal expense cover (with values attached) and insurer would not exclude said items.


I asked C&MC for a quote and they removed the add on's then bettered the quote by their promised £25. Result, same excess, etc and nearly £100 cheaper than last year!


So my insurance for this year starts with a 2. And is in the low 2's as well!!!




Considering your van is quite different from mine, a later model, and possibly a bigger engine too (?) that's very good Keith. More the type of figure i'd expect and the figure i was paying!


I live in a small village with an extremely low crime rate so whilst i'm aware insurance is a post code lottery, it's certainly not that in my case! I know prices of almost everything have increased recently but consider a £50+ hike extortionate. I have less than two weeks to "shop around" but it looks like i will be moving companies.

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breakaleg - 2017-04-25 11:20 AM


renewed our 15 plate motorhome in March for£255.50 in 2013 we paid £259.60 for the same cover.

I tend to shop around then accept the increase the following year then shop around again.

This year the house insurance has actually gone down £5.00 over last year and the car insurance came through at £100.00 more but after shopping around they price matched the cheapest which was £10.00 less than the previous year. it's crazy.


I know it's not comparing like for like but when i had a car (Ford Focus 1.8) insurance on that was £120. The only reason i got rid of it was after seeing the mileage on one years MOT and i'd only done just over a 1000 miles so decided it was crazy keeping it as well as my van.

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Keithl - 2017-04-25 10:19 AM


Well I have just renewed the insurance on our MH and have come out of it very pleased.


Renewal quote was in excess of £300 and included breakdown and legal expense cover (with values attached) and insurer would not exclude said items.


I asked C&MC for a quote and they removed the add on's then bettered the quote by their promised £25. Result, same excess, etc and nearly £100 cheaper than last year!


So my insurance for this year starts with a 2. And is in the low 2's as well!!!




Keith.......i forgot to ask. Who are you with?


So far i've had two quotes both of which are over £300 and one just shy of £400 8-)8-)

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Bulletguy - 2017-04-25 6:30 PM


Keithl - 2017-04-25 10:19 AM


Well I have just renewed the insurance on our MH and have come out of it very pleased.


Renewal quote was in excess of £300 and included breakdown and legal expense cover (with values attached) and insurer would not exclude said items.


I asked C&MC for a quote and they removed the add on's then bettered the quote by their promised £25. Result, same excess, etc and nearly £100 cheaper than last year!


So my insurance for this year starts with a 2. And is in the low 2's as well!!!




Keith.......i forgot to ask. Who are you with?


So far i've had two quotes both of which are over £300 and one just shy of £400 8-)8-)


C&MC (Caravan & Motorhome Club). They use Devitt Insurance brokers and they in turn have placed my policy with AXA.



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Keithl - 2017-04-25 7:04 PM


Bulletguy - 2017-04-25 6:30 PM


Keithl - 2017-04-25 10:19 AM


Well I have just renewed the insurance on our MH and have come out of it very pleased.


Renewal quote was in excess of £300 and included breakdown and legal expense cover (with values attached) and insurer would not exclude said items.


I asked C&MC for a quote and they removed the add on's then bettered the quote by their promised £25. Result, same excess, etc and nearly £100 cheaper than last year!


So my insurance for this year starts with a 2. And is in the low 2's as well!!!




Keith.......i forgot to ask. Who are you with?


So far i've had two quotes both of which are over £300 and one just shy of £400 8-)8-)


C&MC (Caravan & Motorhome Club). They use Devitt Insurance brokers and they in turn have placed my policy with AXA.



Cheers Keith.......Scenic also use AXA for policies too. I'm not in any club but made a few more calls today. Adrian Flux looked promising....but she hadn't given me the figure with breakdown and when that was added on it took it over the £300 mark!


Caravan Guard.......blimey me, it felt more like a courtroom trial than insurance quote! No cameras, computers or phones covered if over 8 years old and only covered if the owner bought from new and has receipts to prove it! 8-) Also, a towbar counts as a "modification". Maybe i should have mentioned i fitted privacy glass to all windows in the habitation area! *-)


Anyway Scenic have told me they can drop it to £238 if i take legal protection off so i may well do that and stick with 'em. At least i can get green card cover without any issues from them as well as decent EU cover.

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hi be very careful of adrian flux i had been with them for years i went elseware this year cmc because of the amount of restrictions they put on the policy including a arrangement fee and a change fee of £40.00. the other reason i moved is because they put you on a policy with trinity insurance which is based in malta and if the rumours are correct is owned by his brother, the only other insurer i was offered was kinetic which although they have a presence in london are based in gibralter i went with cmc through devitts and paid £166 with protected ncb but no breakdown cover this is with axa i use adac for that
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Just had the renewal for my present MH with Safeguard, and it had increased by about £10, most probably due to the Insurance tax increase.

However, the policy runs until May 6th, and runs out in the period in between taking that van back for part ex on a new one which I don't get until 24th May.

I tackled Safeguard as I had been with them for many years, and they either wanted to continue on a renewal basis, which retained my 'customer loyalty bonus' (well that's what they said), or cease the policy when it expired, and sell me a new one......either way the cost was excessive, not least as I didn't need the included breakdown cover.

I spent ages trying other companies, as a new customer, and ended up taking a policy from Comfort, who I found the best price and an excellent cover, and very helpful staff.

The differential between the insurance companies was incredible - it varied from around £350 to over £500 for the same terms, or at least the terms I wanted, and the highest price did not give the best cover anyway!

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I did the same 2 years ago. My renewal last year from CC as it was then, went from starting with a 2 to starting with a 6!!!!!!!!

I went back to my previous insurers and got it back down to lower than the original.

So I will be interested to hear what your renewal is next year.


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After the theft of my motorhome and subsequent payout my existing insurers wanted £1500 premium for my replacement vehicle! My broker did manage to get me a policy with LV for £549. I expect it will be vey slow in moving down now!
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