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Calor gas


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Why oh why is it so complicated to measure how much gas left. In this day and technical age it’s ridiculous. Rang dealer, said undo bottles and shake.! Well large bottle 28 kg not built like Tarzan so a bit difficult. Also OAP lady. Perhaps it’s a way of giving Calor back unused gas.


Ridiculous, I do know take measurements from collar, convert to kgs, weigh bottle etc, Just thought “ damn it, bought two new!



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Hi Shirley,


The answer is very simple, get a Dometic Gas Checker Level Pen.




(Other suppliers are available).


I can check the level of liquid gas remaining in my 13 kg Calor cylinders to probably within a quarter of an inch, certainly accurate enough to know when I am going to run out!


I mark the cylinder with a black marker pen so I can see the rate we are using gas and as a check against any long term leaks.




PS Edit to add, these do not work with refillable cylinders (Gaslow, GasIt, etc) in case anyone else reads my reply.

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Simplest way is to run van from one bottle, when this empties ,swop it for your spare full one and then exchange the empty for a refill as and when you can, that way you will be able to exchange a completely empty bottle each time,makes no difference if you are a pensioner or not, you still have to handle the bottles at some point?
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I do much as Vindiboy says, though one of my cylinders is a Gasit, so when that's empty swap to the Calor and refill the Gasit at next opportunity. Not needed to change the Calor cylinder yet.


Like the look of the Dometic gauge, but reading the reviews on taht Amazon site it's not proving very reliable. Accuracy is one thing but failing to work at all seems a basic problem.


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Gas bottle weight became an issue for me too and two Calor Lites and later one refillable plus one Calor Lite made that much easier to handle.


We had three Calor Lites so whenever we went abroad we always started with two full bottles and we used up the part bottles in the UK.


For long trips it was worth losing a part bottle for the convenience and peace of mind of starting with three full ones and it was still more cost effective than buying, fitting and refilling a refillable.


In the end it was mainly the weight that convinced me to opt for a refillable and if you keep a record of how many days and nights you use a bottle you soon learn roughly how long it will last and to run it to empty with the peace of mind of a back up of a full refillable

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ColinM50 - 2018-03-31 12:43 PM


I do much as Vindiboy says, though one of my cylinders is a Gasit, so when that's empty swap to the Calor and refill the Gasit at next opportunity. Not needed to change the Calor cylinder yet.


Like the look of the Dometic gauge, but reading the reviews on taht Amazon site it's not proving very reliable. Accuracy is one thing but failing to work at all seems a basic problem.

Both of the cylinders in my van are Gasit refillables ,both 11 kg, only one is connected to the regulator at a time and when it empties I just disconnect it and connect the full one that is sitting beside it, refillables are great as one can just top them up when one gets diesel if the garage one is at sells it, no need to wait till the bottles are empty, I have been running from the first bottle for over a year now, I only changed it from the other bottle because someone posted that one should alternate bottles to prevent a build up of residue in the unused bottle, true or false I know not, but I did it anyway.I fitted my bottles myself very easy to do and I bought additional adapters that allow the standard propane regulator to be used on the bottles as required as well as the bulkhead regulator, that runs the van, I use the standard Propane regulator for my barbi connection, or the patio heater also.
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