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horrid tasting water


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Our motorhome is 1 year old. It was drained over winter. It tasted OK last year ....or at least I don't remember a problem. When we filled it to use this year it is ghastly, smells bad and tastes awful. Filtering doesn't help. The smell is more plasticy than anything else. Its very persistent if put into a drinking bottle or the water filter jug. We have tried puriclean and it may be a bit better but not a lot. Certainly couldn't drink it and probably wouldn't be keen to shower because of smell. Its not the hose have tasted water as it comes out of that and its fine. Any ideas? Thanks
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Just tasted water in tank, better but still ugh. It has been flushed a zillion times now and had 2 doses of puriclean. Water from pipes tastes worse.


We use tank water filtered with Brita for boiling and cooking usually and bottled for drinking. Had to throw away filter jug because the smell and taste "stuck" to it.

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Pretty sure we haven't put diesel in ......there is a built in hose just for water rather than a filler hole which could be confused, the built in hose isn't long enough to reach the outside tap so we connect tp the garden hose. water in garden hose tastes fine.


Hard to describe smell and taste, plastic, lingering, doesn't taste like anything rotting, not really a biological smell.

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Is there an access hole from the top, there is in ours, where you can look in and if needed put your arm in the investigate ?

Soon after we had our newish MH I looked into the plastic tank and the internal feed pipes had a slimy covering.

I removed them, not an easy job, and cleaned them up and with a yearly look and hand feel they haven't, touch wood, had any slime on them since.



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For over fifty years we drank van tank water with very few problems. However we did used to flush the tank out with bleach at the start of every year.

Nothing expensive, just El Cheapo bleach, Lidl's cheapest, about a quart (or litre) or so in the tank, third fill with water, drive around for a few miles to slosh it about then let it flow out of the taps and hot water system, drain down a drain (NOT on grass) andrefill with tap water, drive and taps a couple of times to clear it out of the system.

Made a point of never leaving it in the tank for long as bleach can attack stainless steel and some plastics if left in contact for too long.

Can't speak for newer vans as ours were always used and at least 3 years old but it worked for us.

I have heard it said that Milton baby bottle sterilising liquid works well too but have never tried it.

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Hi, could it be that the water was filled via an older hose, not of food qualty rating, which had not been previously drained down properly.

I seem to remember a few years ago in caravan days, that I had a similar problem, but with food graded blue hoses it has never recurred.


Currently, I use one or 2 of those extending hoses , and dont have any problem.


Alternatively has something unpleasant got into the tank and deceased therein.

Can you get access into the tank and use a mirror and torch to have a good look inside it .


Alternatively, has an improper tank cleaner been used, which has attacked the plastic of the tank.,, household bleach for example.

Can you fill and empty severalt times to try washing the tan through thoroghly.




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I only ever used a garden hose for filling and the only very sensible precaution I ever took was to allow the water to flush through the hose for a few seconds before filling the tank. This also made sure any unwanted spiders etc did not enter the tank!
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It seems to me extremely unlikely that any fault in your MH's tank or piping would cause a bad tase and/or smell as your describe.  It is more likely that you had a fill of bad water.  This happened to us once at a French Aire in a village and it took ages and many, many rinses to clear it, I still have no idea what the contaminent was but it tasted awful.  (We now routinely taste the water before we fill from any tap.)

I suggest you drain the tank as completely as possible (eg by pulling the drain plug if you have one) and refill several times to try to clear the contamination.

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Anna, when you used Puriclean, did you draw the solution through the whole system, including the hot water system and toilet flush, and then leave it to stand, or only dose the tank?


From your description, it seems probable that the taint has come from a residue of water that has sat over winter in the base of the tank (some don't drain fully) or in the water pipes between tank and taps etc.


Be a bit cautions with the Puriclean as I believe it contains chlorine, which damages stainless steel (think possibly the sink, but also the hot water jacket of the water heater). If you can find a product locally (caravan/camping/motorhome accessory shops) called Elsan Fresh Water Tank Clean it is stated to be chlorine free, and I have so far (after five years) found it very effective. I usually leave it in over-night before draining and flushing.


It might help if you indicated the make and model of your van, in case someone knows of a particular problem. As it is only one year old, have you contacted the seller, as all materials used in the water supply should be food grade plastic, which should not impart any taint to the water?


However, I vaguely remember that there was a case of the wrong grade of pipes being used in the past, and having to be replaced under warranty. Perhaps someone else may be able to confirm?

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Just a thought..you say you drink bottled water so presumably use tank water for cooking,kettle etc. We do not drink tank water but did notice that there was a taste/smell from water boiled on hob or in the plastic kettle. Changing the kettle to a metal one did stop the taste issue.
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