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Screen cam


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Hi folks we went to Newbury Show, and among other things, decided to purchase cheapo screen cam , on the presumption that would be scammers might be put off when they realise that we are recording.

Not that we have ever experienced any problem,


Although the quality is not up to top class tv, it certainly provide a reasonable image.


The price was 19 pounds plus 10 for the data carc.


Have any one else indulged..what do you think.




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Sorry guys but I am firmly of the belief that if you have something then it must be capable of performing the function you got it for.


As the footage from some of these cheap dash cams is so poor I do not see any point in even bothering with them. For example can you clearly read the number plate of the car in front? And then what about in poor conditions? If you can't then what is the point?


I have Snooper DVR 1HD's in our MH and both our cars and a NextBase 312GW for when out in company cars as the NB has a sucker mount and a screen to align it and the Snooper's do not but are much smaller in size.


As yet (touch wood) I have not needed the footage but know of a couple of people who have used it successfully to defend claims and one who wishes he had one after being hit head on by a van whose driver denied responsibility.



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I agree with the lower priced dashcams. I have never paid more than £40 for one and the picture quality is certainly not poor. Everone is different though and I would not criticise anyone for spending a lot of money on one.
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I use one, but beware of the legalities when using abroad. According to the Snooper website, they are illegal to use in Austria (€10,000 fine), Portugal and Luxembourg. In Germany, you are not supposed to record people's faces or number plates. I don't know of many dashcams with this feature :-)
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