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Fiat Ducato instrument cover


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We have noticed that the Perspex cover over the speedometer etc on our Fiat Ducato has become cracked and want to replace it. Can anyone recommend the best place to source this item. I’m not entirely sure what the correct description of this item is which is maybe why I’m struggling! Advice appreciated. Thanks.
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This will probably be a fiat dealership part and probably expensive. However, if you go into your nearest fiat dealership get a price and more important a part number, you are then armed with enough info to search the internet for cheaper deal, I wouldn't rule out breakers yards either


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It will be called something along the lines of "Instrument Binnacle Glass" if you want to try and search for one.

It is probably supplied as a loose part as well as part of a replacement binnacle so if you can find a dealer who has changed a binnacle for a failed unit then you may get lucky on a used one.


PS Maybe send a PM to Nick (Euroserv) to see if he has one?

PPS What year is your Ducato?

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From this earlier forum thread


InaPickle’s motorhome is a Knaus 600 Boxlife that (based on GOOGLE images) will have been constructed on a recent Fiat Ducato X290 panel-van.

A lot of Ducato X290 instrument-clusters have been replaced under warranty to address the well-reported problem of spurious/dim warning lights illuminating. My Rapido’s instrument cluster was replaced a while back and, during a conversation with the workshop manager at the Fiat Professional agency that changed the cluster, I asked whether the faulty clusters were returned to Fiat.

I was told that Fiat normally did not want faulty clusters to be returned to them and the implication of that statement is that a lot of faulty clusters will have been removed from Ducato X290s and have either been dumped or may be languishing on shelves in Fiat Professional agencies.

A Ducato X290’s instrument-cluster disassembles fairly easily (Guidance here)


The transparent cover that’s in front of the instruments comes in two designs - with or without chrome ‘cowls’. I doubt if the cover is available separately and that, in order to obtain a new cover, I suspect one would need to purchase a complete instrument-cluster (about £800).

However (as Keith has advised) there’s a reasonable chance that a Fiat Professional agent (or motorhome dealership) that has replaced a faulty cluster will still have a duff cluster that can be cannibalised for its transparent cover.

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  • 4 years later...

I have a 21 plate motorhome that over the last few weeks has started this problem, it’s getting worse week on week 

spoke to Fiat about it and the dealership says they aren’t aware of this issue. 
they also say that the motorhome is out of warranty being 4 weeks over two years old. 
kerp you posted on progress 

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Some may be available from dealers from scrapped instrument cluster repairs  (all may not fit of course)

I think they may be available in Italy , (not from Fiat) some guy making them for friends I gather from the Clubs 

How good they fit, I have no idea, but if they are that problematic with stress cracking and not been replaced by Fiat, maybe more will be made !


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A quick GOOGLE search on instrument cluster perspex crack indicates that this problem has been  reasonably common on vehicles over the years, and that - in many instances - the transparent plastic front cover of the cluster is not a separate item and cannot be replaced. This has not been the case with Ducato X250/X290 instrument clusters and removing the front cover is described here


The Ducato cluster's plastic front is retained in place by 6 'clips' and removing/replacing it is straightforward (I did it several times on my 2015 Rapido motorhome). If the front cover has never been removed or physically damaged and cracks appear, it would be worth exploring where the cracks are, as - if they start from where a 'clip' is - it's likely that stress is the culprit.

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This video shows the cluster being disassembled and (about 1 minute in) the front cover is removed.


It should be apparent from this that the front cover is not just a simple piece of transparent plastic, but comprises two sections - the front transparent part and a black plastic surround that carries the six extensions that allow the cover to be clipped in place.


Unless the two parts can be successfully separated, I would have thought that 3rd-party manufacturing a complete copy would be far from straightforward and it would be interesting to know what is being offered in Italy (and its cost). Given the design of the cover, it's also not easy to see how the transparent part could spontaneously crack due to 'stress'.

This 2018 thread's originator (InaPickle) lived in south-east Spain and the motohome was 2 years old when the thread began. Although InaPickle made several later postings, there was no follow-up to the perspex cover enquiry and the user-name is no longer active.

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On 5/31/2023 at 5:52 PM, onecal said:


Some may be available from dealers from scrapped instrument cluster repairs  (all may not fit of course)

I think they may be available in Italy , (not from Fiat) some guy making them for friends I gather from the Clubs 

How good they fit, I have no idea, but if they are that problematic with stress cracking and not been replaced by Fiat, maybe more will be made !


Well someone is making them there , be  the complete binnacle cover or just the perspex lens. Again I have no idea how good the perspex fits and if they  fit all . Is this happening in just very hot countries ?


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I’ve discussed at length with Fiat France who have asked me to take the MHO to the local Fiat professional dealership, they suggest they will cover the repairs as courtesy warranty. 
I will confirm if and when the fault has been rectified 

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22 hours ago, onecal said:

Well someone is making them there...

Given the large number of Boxer/Ducato/Relay vehicles sold in the UK since 2006 (when 'X250' models began to be produced) if the cracking issue were widespread one would expect it to be well recognised. However, where motorhomes are concerned, the number of forum complaints about it is in single figures. With so few instances, drawing credible conclusions as to the cause is impossible - and if Fiat is aware of this problem very occasionally happening and why, they certainly won't admit to it.

I'd be interested to know why someone in Italy has found it worthwhile to produce instrument-cluster front covers. Was it to address 'spontaneous' cracking of the transparent cover, or to provide a replacement when the cover had been accidentally damaged? Are the covers being offered suitable for 'X250' vehicles (2006-2014) or for 'X290' vehicles (2014 to present-day) or for both?

Can you provide a link to the Italian reference, please?

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Well Derek It crossed my mind if someone is prepared to make them for friends in his club as i have stated there must be a few giving trouble

Again I think as I also stated if this issue is a problem,be it very hot climate or not , of course the should address the fault

Good to read Graham 12 repairs is been covered as a courtesy warranty.

Again I have no connection with the person/persons and have no idea how good they are ,But i will enquire a little more 


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