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damage to mh in storage


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Hi i have been worried for some time about the storage facility i have been using attitude and even condescending remarks made. But mainly because i am right on the end where works cars are frequently moved. I am always boxed in and sometimes have to request that 4/5 vehicles be moved to get mine out. Its quite a large facility with many hundreds of motorhomes. Yesterday when i went to get my van i noticed fresh scuff marks and a split on the corner of the moulding / bumper where something has obviously hit it. There was already a slight crack at the top which was there when i bought it. This is a completely different and new set of damage. I showed the boss and he said it was the heat and and all manner of excuses then said in the small print they are not liable for any damage. What shall i do ? I think i may have fairly recent photos of before the damage was done because i suspected something like this might happen.
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Nearest other one would be in cardiff maybe a couple of buses and a train away. Its a balance between acceptable risk and convenience. I thought that seeing as their business depends on looking after peoples motorhomes they might actually deliver the service they are being paid for. 60 quid a month is not cheap. Yes i will find another storage facility. But what i want to know is what do i do about lodging a complaint and hopefully getting some kind of compensation? I will find out if they are a member of any larger body. But i dont know what to ask for. Full repair bill. Half ? The money back for the couple of months ive been there?Also dont know whether to say i will post bad review. Dont want to start a vendetta. These places are like taxi businesses and worked for them. They didnt care what they did. Im in the valleys of wales.
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I should certainly think about changing where you store your MH; the owner of this place is pretty unsympathetic and therefore potentially untrustworthy.

Whether there is any mileage in trying to recoup your losses is another matter and it looks like the storage site owner expects to be able to escape liability.  Maybe there is an exclusion of some sort in the storage contract.  Even if there isn't, the costs and hassle of making a claim are unlikely to be worth it for you so I suggest you shrug your shoulders and move on.
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You might possibly be right. Been reading the reviews and there does seem to be a few unhappy people. One woman is still trying to get hold of cctv footage to find out how her caravan got smashed to pieces. Guess that is an option but getting that footage out of them seems hard work for her. Besides mine was only a glancing blow so might to show up.
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gp1 - 2018-07-03 12:46 PMNearest other one would be in cardiff maybe a couple of buses and a train away. Its a balance between acceptable risk and convenience. I thought that seeing as their business depends on looking after peoples motorhomes they might actually deliver the service they are being paid for. 60 quid a month is not cheap. Yes i will find another storage facility. But what i want to know is what do i do about lodging a complaint and hopefully getting some kind of compensation? I will find out if they are a member of any larger body. But i dont know what to ask for. Full repair bill. Half ? The money back for the couple of months ive been there? Also dont know whether to say i will post bad review. Dont want to start a vendetta. These places are like taxi businesses and worked for them. They didnt care what they did. Im in the valleys of wales.

Best not to mention that at all in case it makes you (and could be used to make you) look manipulative. Find somewhere else to store your van (and check the risk of damage there before committing) then decide whether to sue, then afterwards decide whether to write a bad review. If you do write a critical review do it varefully, so you don't sound like a disgruntled vengeful claimant.
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gp1 - 2018-07-03 12:46 PM


Nearest other one would be in cardiff maybe a couple of buses and a train away. Its a balance between acceptable risk and convenience. I thought that seeing as their business depends on looking after peoples motorhomes they might actually deliver the service they are being paid for. 60 quid a month is not cheap. Yes i will find another storage facility. But what i want to know is what do i do about lodging a complaint and hopefully getting some kind of compensation? I will find out if they are a member of any larger body. But i dont know what to ask for. Full repair bill. Half ? The money back for the couple of months ive been there?Also dont know whether to say i will post bad review. Dont want to start a vendetta. These places are like taxi businesses and worked for them. They didnt care what they did. Im in the valleys of wales.

take your copy of the storage agreement to Citizens Advice and see what they say. You may have a case for legal redress but, if the agreement actually evades that responsibility, you probably have little chance of success.


I suspect that if you try to claim from your insurance they will deny liability, because from what you say, the storage facility you used will not be one that they would accept, and you have possibly failed to notify them that your van was in storage.


If you post a defamatory review and subsequently seek to sue, you will be liable to weaken you case is the owner of the site uses your review against you, claiming that you are trying to damage his business before all the facts have been presented.

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Yes good advice about the review. Although increasingly these gain alot of wieght i always read them (well mostly!). Yes the insurance company base my insurance costs on the fact i keep the vehicle at this particular storage place. So i will see what they say. Perhaps the insurance for everybody else who uses it will go up! Citizens advice is possibly a good idea and i will have a look at the storage agreement when i get back. Ofcourse when i do leave they will want there 2 weeks notice money! Anyway will try not let it spoil my holiday i think cardiff have cleaning facilities and will probably be a much better experience.
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Agree with Brian. Plus if you are a member of an organisation, such as the Caravan & Motorhome Club, you can get free legal advice. My gut feel is that you will need to prove negligence by the site owner or claim on whoever was responsible for the damage. Neither will be easy but seeking advice or searching the net may give you something to go on. If your storage agreement includes CCTV, you may be able to press the site owner for that and if it is not available, claim on the site owner.


Make sure you have photo of any damage. I'd also get a quote for a repair to give you a figure to work from; it may not be worth the hassle. Chips Away charge something like £160 for repairing scuff marks.


Not sure what are the terms of your insurance policy but all policies are based on 'utmost good faith'. Suggest you read the policy to see if your insurer has a vested interest in what has happened.


Posting delayed so missed gp's subsequent comments.

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Yes excellent advice. Its a scuff and a crack. Basically they were trying to tell me that the crack was heat but the scuff mark certainly seems to point to another vehicle. So doing nothing that i would like to do seems the best policy; dont post a review or threaten to. And dont mention it to insurance. I said i would write them a letter along with photographic info so i guess i will do that and see what happens. Thanks for all your help. Certainly steered me away from recklessness. Thanks.
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