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Auto Trail 634 2011 Electric step


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Just been away when i switched the ign on the step made a clicking noise

It then when in but alarm kept going so drove for20miles fedup with noise so stopped switched of ign restarted engine and every thing OK BUT IT KEEPS DOING IT!!!


When i switch on ign the step clicks when it goes in and alarm keeps going Switch of ign try again and it usually works OK Any ideas please


EDIT (I have combined your two posts - Keithl)

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It sounds as though there is likely to be a switch that is operated when it is closed that switches off the alarm.


Have you looked underneath to see if you can see a switch. It might just be out of adjustment.


Hope this helps.



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Step normally has a limit switch that determines the end of travel of the step, this could be out of adjustment or dirty but another possibility is that the convertors didn't bother putting in the capacitor across the relay coil to ensure that the step is fully home after the power is cut off by the limit switch. This is a common omission by convertors as they don't consider it necessary and it nearly always doesn't show up until the step is a bit older and used with the consequential dirt and wear stopping easy movement.



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You can download a schematic from the Sargent Electrical website here...




Step wiring is on page 3 and it looks as though your limit switch (most likely located in the back of the step) has stuck in the 'Out' position. Try cleaning it with WD40 or similar and seeing if you can free it.


WARNING - Be very careful as the step may move of its own accord and can cause serious injury if you get in its way!!!



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I had a similar problem a few years ago, and mentioned it in a previous thread.


On my slideout Omnistep of 2006 vintage, the limit switch is internal to the step and is actuated by one of the scissor action operating arms. After much investigation, I eventually found that the screw securing the above scissor arm to the gearbox had worked loose. This allowed the arm to move and take pressure off the limit switch. The switch then signalled that the step was out when it was visibly retracted.


The clicking heard would either be the step auto retract relay or the step motor operating for short intervals.


In my case the repair was perhaps more difficult that the diagnosis. I cannot remember the fine details, but with the step unbolted from the vehicle, I was unable to remove the step proper from the operating arms. (The experts say remove large Phillips headed screws and lift out the bushes. Never managed to get the bushes out.) This meant that I had to dismantle the mechanism from its mounting plate to reach the offending screw. The screw was removed and "Threadlock" applied before reassembly. No subsequent problem.


WARNING These step mechanism have a snappy scissor action and could easily take your fingers off. Do remove the step fuse before removing the step mechanism from its case.


May I add that if the step is trying to auto retract due to the failure of the limit switch to operate, the step motor will be stalled and will draw excessive current. This could damage the motor. A sensible precaution would be to pull the step fuse once the step has been retracted, unfortunately this will not stop the warning sounder.





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I have recently replaced the step on my 2015 Autotrail Tracker FB. The gearbox had stripped a tooth and this caused it to not function correctly. The symptoms were ;
*The step would make a clicking sound when trying to open or close.
*The step would not go completely down but would retract initially then as it became worse it would not retract.
* Then it would go into alarm.
I replaced the complete step as the cost of the gearbox replacement was almost the same as a replacement step once labour and new step warranty was considered.
I have attached two images of the step that shows the limit switch (note it is the white switch on the end of the side bracket) described by other posters. If that is not out of adjustment then it could be a gearbox issue. I have already had a replacement gearbox under warranty that failed in year one. It seems the gearbox may be a weak point in the design. Cheers



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I think (based on on-line photos) that a 2011 Auto-Trail Apache will have a slide-out electric step.


After several years of use the Omnistep slide-out step I had fitted to my Hobby motorhome began to exhibit similar symptoms, where the step would retract seemingly fully but the ‘step out’ warning-buzzer would continue to sound. The step needed to be extended and retracted via a manual switch (I had chosen not to fit auto-retraction) so I used to retract the step, then extend it slightly, then retract it again. This invariably prevented the warning-buzzer from sounding.


It was plain that the problem lay with the step’s limit-switch, but as addressing the fault required the step being removed and disassembled and I could work around the fault using the retract/extend/retract ploy, I never got round to fixing the problem before I sold the motorhome.

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What Barry hasn't said is whether the step retracts correctly when retracted manually (i.e. when using the extend/retract switch) as opposed to when left to retract automatically when the engine is started. It would be far easier to hear/see what the step is doing when standing next to it, than when sitting in the driver's seat. If it is one of the cassette type steps, they are prone to dirt and grit entering the cassette, especially mounted just behind a wheel - as is often the case. Removing, stripping, cleaning, and lubricating (silicon spray only!) may be all that is required. If the cassette is full of crud, consider improving the cassette seals (in my experience the factory seals are seals in name only!), as keeping the mechanism dry and grit free is a great aid to satisfactory operation.


However, whatever you do, don't get fingers in the vicinity of the extending step with 12V power connected. It is a powerful motor, geared down, and runs until the limit switch is hit, and elements of the mechanism have the potential to act as a guillotine! A slow and painful amputation lise in wait for the unwary!!

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Derek Uzzell - 2018-07-23 8:23 AM


I think (based on on-line photos) that a 2011 Auto-Trail Apache will have a slide-out electric step.




To the best of my knowledge AT have never fitted a slide out step to any coachbuilt so the step in question is far more likely to be a scissor action with the switch on the back as per Gary's photos.



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