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mini Heki replacement

Excel duo

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Hello, We are trying to replace a Mini Heki on our 2011 Auto Trail Excel. The top was blown off by a freak gust of wind. We sourced a replacement from Leisure shop direct, but the problem is what depth is our roof 25-42mm or 43-60mm, think it is the smaller one but difficult to measure without taking the whole thing out. Has anyone fitted one in an Auto Trail around this year. We contacted Auto Trail to find out a week ago and they told us they would have to ask Dometic, they say they have not heard back from Dometic yet. We have taped the battered dome back on but want to get it done properly before we get any bad weather. Maybe if we had been ordering it from Auto Trail, £25 plus carriage more they would have been a bit quicker. The inside measurement at the hinge end from top to where the channel for the blind starts is 7cm there is about 2-3cm above the roof.
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It can't be that hard to measure and calculate the thickness of the roof!


Measure the total height of the existing vent from the highest point above the roof to the lowest point below the ceiling.

Measure the height of the highest point above the top face of the roof and of the lowest point below the ceiling.


Subtract the latter two measurements from the first and voila...!!!



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...depending on what, if anything, was broken when the top was blown off, would it be possible to avoid the issue and simply replace just the dome (which is supplied with replacement hinge pins)?




(I can variously find the roof thickness described as 40mm or 44mm. The former is the most prevalent, but given the two measurements require the different sizes, then it's not really a lot of use to you).

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We are beginning to think that a new dome would be easier. They are about £78. whole unit is £99.99. The reason we were looking at a complete replacement was because the strings on the blinds were broken, have been for about three years, we just keep the two parts together with a peg, works fine. A new blind part is about £90. So you can see that we thought we could get a new blind and dome for about £10 more! Unfortunately it has turned into a bit of a headache. Looks like a new dome only, we can live with the blind. :-D
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Excel duo - 2019-10-27 5:15 PM


Thanks for your comment. Looked at Dometic website and thought that it would just direct us toAuto Trail.

I don't think so as Dometic products are fitted to a range of motorhomes, campers and caravans.


If you prefer you could always phone them instead; 0344 626 0133

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Excel duo - 2019-10-27 5:13 PM


We are beginning to think that a new dome would be easier. They are about £78. whole unit is £99.99. The reason we were looking at a complete replacement was because the strings on the blinds were broken, have been for about three years, we just keep the two parts together with a peg, works fine. A new blind part is about £90. So you can see that we thought we could get a new blind and dome for about £10 more! Unfortunately it has turned into a bit of a headache. Looks like a new dome only, we can live with the blind. :-D


It may be worth mentioning that the Dometic Mini-Heki “Style” rooflight fitted to my 2015 Rapido motorhome does not have ‘strings’. On each side of the interior frame is a sturdy ‘wire’ (that I think is made of metal) and the privacy and flyscreen blinds just slide on those two wires.


So, as the strings on yours are broken, although just replaceming the dome should be significantly simpler than replacing the complete unit, if you can resolve the roof thickness issue, installing a complete unit could be worthwhile.


It’s perhaps worth adding that (besides roof thickness and ventilation-seal options) there are at least three Mini Heki variants (Style, S, Quad). They are all intended for a 400mm x 400mm roof aperture, but the manner in which they open differs and, consequently, so does the design of the dome.



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Thank you Derek. Took all the tape off this morning and had a good look, just a small bit of plastic off frame where it doesn't affect anything, so new Dome only problem Leisure shop Direct quoting 60day delivery! Trying Dometic tomorrow. After that it's Auto Trail as we can't find it anywhere else.

Our blinds also run on wires but now not very evenly, no problem, you get used to anything in time.

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Success at last. Ordered the Dome from Dometic, nowhere else had one in stock. They did not have any of the operating bars, but managed to find one via Ebay from Windy West Caravan Spares in Preston, arriving tomorrow. A job for the weekend, should be easy to do, if a bit fiddly. The cost has worked out at least £60 less than getting someone to replace the whole thing. Thanks everyone for your suggestions, much appreciated. So, lesson learned, don't leave it shut but not locked if it is windy or if it gets windy during the night get up and lock it , 1 minute getting out of bed would have saved an awful lot of bother.
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