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Power loss after battery explosion.

Rob B

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My domestic battery exploded last week. I think I know the cause. The problem now is that I still have no power after the following:

Carefully cleaning up the mess, new charged battery installed, wiring checked, fuses checked, relays checked and all are OK. The display panel is working however.

I have, carefully, checked the wiring diagram and can see no hidden fuse that might have blown.

Unless a relay that 'clicks' when tested can still be at fault I am completely stumped!

Any suggestions will be welcome before I call in the professionals.



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We are going to need a LOT more info than you have given us to try and help!


What make/model/year is your MH?


What electrical system equipment, ie manufacturer and model, is fitted?


And anything else you can think of to help us, eg how or why did the battery explode in the first place?



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Hi Rob,

You say that you don`t have any power. However it seems to me you must have power, at least to the display panel anyhow.

I would suggest you start by using a multimeter at the fuse box, check there is power coming in and going out. If there`s power coming in but not going out it must be a fuse. If you trace the wiring through to its utility and there`s power, then i guess the sudden battery explosion could have damaged the utility e.g lights, pump etc although i doubt it would cause a total failure of all systems.


Good luck


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