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Travelling in France


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When the first lockdown occurred we were in France and as soon as we found this out we headed straight back to Calais and then home

In a couple of weeks we are again going to France and my question is if, or rather when, France becomes a Red country if I stayed there what would be the likely outcome?


I realise that returning to the UK problems would ensue but how about staying in France?

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We went to France after the French government dropped quarantine measures on 15th December 2020. Did not interact with anyone outside supermarkets. Wonderful trip and a motorhome is the ultimate way to isolate. Never used any campground public facilities. If it goes Red this time, you pay for quarantine hotel back in the UK plus tests. Pre-travel UK test in France is free. Beyond 90 days in UK you either apply to extend your visa or you plan to vacate purgatory UK. Nothing difficult to understand here?
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curdle - 2021-07-08 9:27 PM


We went to France after the French government dropped quarantine measures on 15th December 2020. Did not interact with anyone outside supermarkets. Wonderful trip and a motorhome is the ultimate way to isolate. Never used any campground public facilities. If it goes Red this time, you pay for quarantine hotel back in the UK plus tests. Pre-travel UK test in France is free. Beyond 90 days in UK you either apply to extend your visa or you plan to vacate purgatory UK. Nothing difficult to understand here?

Test to return to the UK are no longer free, depending where you go expect to pay €60 or €70

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Derek Uzzell - 2021-07-09 9:11 AM


mildi - 2021-07-09 9:00 AM


...Test to return to the UK are no longer free, depending where you go expect to pay €60 or €70

This 26 May 2021 “The Connexion” article referred



I think you will find this is out of date, the rules changed on the 7th July. The test should be about €50 but we have guest say depending where you go it is more between €60 to €70



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mildi - 2021-07-09 9:53 AM

Derek Uzzell - 2021-07-09 9:11 AM

mildi - 2021-07-09 9:00 AM

...Test to return to the UK are no longer free, depending where you go expect to pay €60 or €70

This 26 May 2021 “The Connexion” article referred


I think you will find this is out of date, the rules changed on the 7th July. The test should be about €50 but we have guest say depending where you go it is more between €60 to €70


The above well illustrates the present dilemma. It is a continually changing landscape, and those changes are taking place both sides of the Channel, frequently at short notice.


No-one can say what regulations/restrictions may be in force at the (future) date of your departure (or any other future date), or whether you will even be able even to enter France at that date, and no-one can say what regulations may be introduced while you are in France, on either side of the Channel, or how these might affect your ability to stay in France, or to return to UK.


Any travel/health insurance you may have is liable to be affected by changes in Foreign Office recommendations on travel to/in France, and may be invalidated, or partially invalidated, as a consequence.


Effectively, you are seeking certainty in a world of uncertainty, and are therefore contemplating an unquantifiable risk.


The further possibility that must also be accepted is that you or anyone you travel with may develop Covid while in France, and as a consequence may become seriously ill, possibly being hospitalised, and possibly dying as a consequence. If, at that time, the FO has recommended against travel to France you may then find your health insurance invalidated, so you become wholly liable for all consequent costs, which, in the event of necessary re-patriation, can be very high. You would therefore be well advised to check very carefully exactly what your travel/health insurance would cover under such circumstances.


Outside the financial/health risks, you also risk becoming unable to return to UK (through changed French or UK travel restrictions) and therefore compelled to exceed your 90 days limit - some of which you may already have exhausted through your earlier trip. You should be able plead that the over-stay was not of your making or choosing, but it would be hard to maintain the argument that you could not have foreseen the possibility, so the actual outcome of so doing is again unpredictable, being entirely dependent on circumstances at that future date.


Sorry if I sound a Jeremiah, but I do not think optimism is a sound guide under present circumstances. Do your own risk assessment, and proceed accordingly. Good luck whatever you decide.

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