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Tips for France since Brexit and Covid 19


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We have not been to continental Europe for the last four years, prior to that it was a trip every year for at least a month; so we are experienced motorhomers. We are planning to travel to France in September; but since Brexit and Covid 19, we think that some things must have changed.

Can anyone give some useful practical tips about changes that they have noticed on their recent trips. I'm sure there must be other people on here that are asking the same question. All tips would be appreciated both by me and others.


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Hi, We have been in France for the past 10 weeks and haven't noticed anything drastically changed. You see the ODD person wearing a mask but that's it. Just carry on as normal as in previous years as we have done.
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Albertslad - 2022-06-27 8:39 AM


I’m assuming that proof of vaccination is still require Drug?

Phone 119 for a paper copy, and take a digital copy.



No paperwork or evidence had been requested anywhere we have been in France over the last month.

Travelled down the western side of France, the Pyrenees, then Cevennes, now Cotes D'Azur.

There are hand sanitizer machines everywhere, but as in Britain, mostly empty.




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I have a eurotunnel account. With my details also covid qr codes loaded onto it.

However we came put 3 weeks ago booked through the caravan club. We should have had an email link to Eurotunnel to attach Our API details which included our covid details, but we did not

On arrival at the booking gate a delay took place and a gentleman appeared, our booking had been rejected due to no covid details.

We where sent to the customer service desk and they explained CAMC had not sent us the API link for covid to our booking ref.

So we pointed out our account and up to date details. They then printed out our boarding pass.

Here in France noticed a queue outside a clinic. The cafe owners said Covid testing queue.

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Talking to a German lady the other day she said the brits are back this year. It's pretty much business as usual, no food cupboard checks ,occasional person wearing masks , just make sure you register the required covid details.
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Now for various reasons my other half has not been vaccinated (don't ask) but she has the Irish passport so I guess she'll have to come along :-D :-D


I presume at the moment she will need a PCR test before entering France..........perhaps that might change before October.


But we intend to travel through to Spain after a couple of weeks so theoretically she needs another PCR before crossing the border. Anyone had any experience of border checks.


Presumably if we get turned back we can go back into France and get a new PCR test..............actually maybe we'll just get one anyway.Our last day will be in Elne at the campsite with the "interesting" toilets......do you know the ones I mean.So presumably available there

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Living in France we are noticing prices for food and diesel increasing. Also an increasing number of aires are becomming paid.


Covid is on the increase and also since the recent elections there is a level of uncertaintity in the air. I suspect all will be well till the 'le rentree' (schools return ) in September but who knows what may erupt in the autumn.


Persoanlly I feel much of the UK media paints a very negative view of the UK and views Europe with rose tinted glasses. These are uncertain times.

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I traversed the Spain/France border throughout the covid era. On all occasions complying with the current rules at the time. Early on in the covid saga there was a compulsory requirement to have a PCR Neg test crossing Spain to France.


Managed to get a test done in Huesca prior to entering France via the Somport Tunnel. TBH was a bit of a faff test results were emailed but to access the website result required a Spanish Health Service Number, fortunately I speak Spanish so arranged to pick up a hard copy (2 day wait), I wonder how many Brits or even French only realised this after a days drive away!

As it happened there were no officials at the border no Police, Customs, Immigration. Could have saved €98 !


With covid cases on the rise there's the chance that all this could be revisited even while away. Moral of the story make sure you comply with the latest requirements, and go via the Somport just in case you've overlooked something. Instead of a major crossing eg at Irun where there's more chance of a tug in my experience ;-)

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We have always got Class 2 on the Peage without even having to ask.

We are exactly like a 3500 van although we have been upplated to 3850.


Now I am considering getting the Angles Morts stickers just to stay right side of the law.

But it occured to me that is clearly stating (and they are very large stickers) that I am over 3500,which is a big increase to Class 3.


I thought it was the height of the vehicle that determined the class but I think that is only a guide to the weight.

I can hardly press the button saying Classe 2 with those big stickers on the side.


Any thoughts welcome

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Is it height or weight?


One of those perennial questions on the M/H forums. They particularly enjoy....."are A Frames Legal in France" query to be asked on the Fun Fun Forum, Tesco suddenly goes short on popcorn!


All I can regurgitate are my own experiences, as applies to French Tolled Autoroutes. Mainly confined to western France full north to south routes.


I often use the tolled Autoroutes to get round major cities/conurbations, so short distances, but many encounters with the toll booths, 4 trips or so every year for c.30 years.


My van is a 7 tonner, dual rear axle so definitely in the > 3.5tonne HGV Classification, its registered as a Motor Caravan.


I deliberately keep the height of the van to below 3.0 Metres. its actually 2.984 Metres.


I've only been charged Classe 2, apart from a single time @ Classe 3, pressed the button & put them right.


I've deliberately stopped the van well short of the booth and been Classe 2 charged, I can only conclude that its height that's the determining factor. I don't know of weighing pads covering large areas, but I could be behind the times on that.



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webby1 - 2022-07-06 3:08 PM


We have always got Class 2 on the Peage without even having to ask.

We are exactly like a 3500 van although we have been upplated to 3850.


Now I am considering getting the Angles Morts stickers just to stay right side of the law.

But it occured to me that is clearly stating (and they are very large stickers) that I am over 3500,which is a big increase to Class 3.


I thought it was the height of the vehicle that determined the class but I think that is only a guide to the weight.

I can hardly press the button saying Classe 2 with those big stickers on the side.


Any thoughts welcome

I am the same ... looks like a 3500, but am upgraded to 3850.

I have compromised ... sort of!

I made up 2 magnetic Angles Mort for the front doors, and a suckered attached one for the rear.

They are on a shelf inside the motorhome!

If I were stopped, my plan would be to slap my forehead and shout "imbecile"! Then put the stickers on, apologising profusely for being such an idiot.

No idea if it would work but I've been in France for 6 weeks now with no stickers up ... and no problems!


Anecdotally, there are loads of lorries/trucks on the roads without these stickers, so zi guess there enforcing of the regulation has no teeth or is haphazard!

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laimeduck - 2022-07-06 5:44 PM


They are on a shelf inside the motorhome!

If I were stopped, my plan would be to slap my forehead and shout "imbecile"! Then put the stickers on, apologising profusely for being such an idiot.

No idea if it would work but I've been in France for 6 weeks now with no stickers up ... and no problems!


Anecdotally, there are loads of lorries/trucks on the roads without these stickers, so zi guess there enforcing of the regulation has no teeth or is haphazard!


What if you clip a cyclist escooterist etc, not your fault of course, not his he tells you. He points out that you haven't got the AM stickers on, if only you had says he, then he wouldn't have ended up in hospital quadraspazzed.


I didn't have any until recently (since thought better of it). Fugly they definitely are, but I really don't notice them sitting in the van. What's more I don't have to think of any plan even a cunning one for the flics !

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simian - 2022-07-06 6:17 PM


laimeduck - 2022-07-06 5:44 PM


They are on a shelf inside the motorhome!

If I were stopped, my plan would be to slap my forehead and shout "imbecile"! Then put the stickers on, apologising profusely for being such an idiot.

No idea if it would work but I've been in France for 6 weeks now with no stickers up ... and no problems!


Anecdotally, there are loads of lorries/trucks on the roads without these stickers, so zi guess there enforcing of the regulation has no teeth or is haphazard!


What if you clip a cyclist escooterist etc, not your fault of course, not his he tells you. He points out that you haven't got the AM stickers on, if only you had says he, then he wouldn't have ended up in hospital quadraspazzed.


I didn't have any until recently (since thought better of it). Fugly they definitely are, but I really don't notice them sitting in the van. What's more I don't have to think of any plan even a cunning one for the flics !


I'm not very good at what if's. They never seem to happen? Calculated risk. (and if it were my choice I wouldn't just clip a Lycra Warrior! Only joking ..... honest! Tee hee!

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We have a Cathago light weight

We fitted the signs.

Stuck the rear one on.

2 side ones I used Velcro after fitting the size guns to plastic sheet.

It’s better to be safe and they are not to ugly.

Should an accident occur, then I’m covered

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I have no problem wearing the stickers as I agree with the fear if I should clip a cyclist however unlikely. That's why I bought them.

Like drink driving..........the worst thing isn't that you might get caught(it's only a €135 fine)....it's that you might hurt/kill someone and then get caught.


I know the peage identifies you by height but it's also weight over 3.5 makes you Cat 3.

They don't have weight plates but if you drive through with "over 3.5" stickers plastered over the van then you're Cat 3


With clean air restrictions in UK...especially London and now this in France and the vignettes needed for Switzerland Poland and others I am seriously considering downplating back to 3500 and travelling alone (it's just a joke dear............you and your Irish passport are always welcome)

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webby1 - 2022-07-06 11:15 PM


I have no problem wearing the stickers as I agree with the fear if I should clip a cyclist however unlikely. That's why I bought them.

Like drink driving..........the worst thing isn't that you might get caught(it's only a €135 fine)....it's that you might hurt/kill someone and then get caught.


I know the peage identifies you by height but it's also weight over 3.5 makes you Cat 3.

They don't have weight plates but if you drive through with "over 3.5" stickers plastered over the van then you're Cat 3


With clean air restrictions in UK...especially London and now this in France and the vignettes needed for Switzerland Poland and others I am seriously considering downplating back to 3500 and travelling alone (it's just a joke dear............you and your Irish passport are always welcome)


Yep I concur and especially if you are already carrying the things. why would you go to the effort however small of buying or fabricating AM stickers if you weren't thinking of a 'what if' situation eg being stopped by a gendarme? Not carrying them at all would be a better representation of rebelliousness, if that's the intention.


I've driven through a fair few toll booths with stickers attached, and I'm obviously identifiably over 3.5 tonnes, so far not been classed as Classe 3. Most, if not all the booths are now unmanned-automatic, so they can only rely on CCTV to spot the stickers I suggest. The cameras seem to be forward facing only, taking numberplate/mug shots, but perhaps there's something housed in the pay machine?

However If I do start getting charged at Classe 3 and I suspect this is down CCTV surveillance, then I'll be stopping short of the toll booth and unpeeling my magnetic stickers, only takes 20 seconds. No right hand turning involved so no risk of hitting an undercutting cyclist/escooterist, (they shouldn't be on the autoroute anyway). Additionally AM stickers aren't required outside of urban areas, or so some believe.

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simian - 2022-07-07 9:52 AM


However If I do start getting charged at Classe 3 and I suspect this is down CCTV surveillance, then I'll be stopping short of the toll booth and unpeeling my magnetic stickers, only takes 20 seconds. No right hand turning involved so no risk of hitting an undercutting cyclist/escooterist, (they shouldn't be on the autoroute anyway). Additionally AM stickers aren't required outside of urban areas, or so some believe.


Tee hee Simian! "However if... "?

You could always put them in the cupboard at the start of your Autoroute journey, then replace them when you leave the Autoroute?


Oh and by the way...

I'm laughing with you, not at you!

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Non non Monsieur read ze post to ze end ....'some' believe you are only required to sport the art of Degas

in an urban area. I am not one. I even have them on my m/bike, just in case.....what do you think I am an imbecile? *-)

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